
  • 台湾親善大使:賴雅(2007年度より)
    Taiwan Goodwill Ambassador (Since 2007): Megan Lai  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 玉のかざり-皇太后(藤原子)の崩御。
    Jeweled Decorations: The death of Empress FUJIWARA no Kenshi  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 生母は按察使典侍甘露寺子。
    Her birth mother was Azechi no naishi (lady-in-waiting), Kiyoko KANROJI.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 戒名諦観院誉諍邦華雪居士。
    His Kaimyo (posthumous Buddhist name) was Teikanin Kenhonjoho Kasetsu Koji.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 母は摂政藤原道長女・中宮藤原子。
    Her mother was the Regent, FUJIWARA no Michinaga's first daughter, Chugu (the second consort of the Emperor), FUJIWARA no Kensi (Kiyoko).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • もちろん三条天皇が即位すると、子も早々と中宮に冊立された。
    When Emperor Sanjo ascended the throne, Kenshi was promoted to Chugu without a question.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • さらに、三条天皇の中宮だった皇太后藤原子も崩御した。
    FUJIWARA no Kenshi [Kiyoko], who was empress dowager to Emperor Sanjo also passed away.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 同母の兄弟に藤原頼通・藤原教通、藤原彰子・藤原子・藤原威子。
    Her maternal half-siblings included FUJIWARA no Yorimichi, FUJIWARA no Norimichi, FUJIWARA no Shoshi, FUJIWARA no Kenshi and FUJIWARA no Ishi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 同母の兄弟に藤原頼通・藤原教通、藤原彰子・藤原子・藤原嬉子。
    Her maternal half-siblings included FUJIWARA no Yorimichi, FUJIWARA no Norimichi, FUJIWARA no Shoshi, FUJIWARA no Kenshi and FUJIWARA no Kishi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 次の三条天皇には次女の藤原子を入れて中宮となす。
    He sent his second daughter, FUJIWARA no Kensi/Kiyoko, to Court as a wife of the succeeding Emperor Sanjo, so that she could also became an empress.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 子が禎子内親王を生んだこともあり、天皇との関係は次第に悪化していった。
    Also, because Kenshi/Kiyoko gave birth to Princess Teishi/Yoshiko/Sadako, the relationship between him and the Emperor gradually worsened.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 即位とともに子は中宮とされたが子はなく、一方、娍子は敦明親王を生んでいた。
    When Emperor Sanjo succeeded to the throne, Kenshi was made his Chugu (empress), but had no child, while Seishi had borne Imperial Prince Atsuakira.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 同母兄弟に藤原頼通、藤原彰子、藤原子、藤原威子、藤原嬉子。
    His maternal siblings include, FUJIWARA no Yorimichi, FUJIWARA no Shoshi, FUJIWARA no Kenshi, FUJWIARA no Ishi, and FUJIWARA no Kishi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし長和2年(1013年)、子が出産したのは女御子(禎子内親王、のちの陽明門院)であった。
    However, whom Kenshi gave birth to was the imperial princess (Imperial Princess Teishi, who later became Yomeimonin) in 1013.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • (ただし女系は子腹の禎子内親王を経て後三条天皇へと受け継がれた)
    (However, the female line continued through the Imperial Princess Teishi of Kenshi to Emperor Gosanjo)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 同5年(994年)次女藤原子(後の三条天皇中宮)、長徳2年(996年)藤原教通が誕生。
    She gave birth to her second daughter, FUJIWARA no Kenshi (later Chugu of Emperor Sanjo) in 994 and FUJIWARA no Norimichi in 996.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 子は道長の娘達の中でも特に美しく、また子に仕える女房達の衣装が贅沢すぎることで兄頼通が叱責したとの逸話もあり、やや派手好きな性格であったらしい。
    Kenshi was the most beautiful among the daughters of Michinaga and had the personality of someone who liked gaudy things, since the older brother of Kenshi, Yorimichi lectured her for her servants of Kenshi wearing clothing that was too lavish.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 長和元年(1012年)2月、道長は東宮時代の三条天皇に入内させていた次女の藤原子を中宮とした。
    In February, 1012, Michinaga made his second daughter, FUJIWARA no Kenshi/Kiyoko an Empress, who was already in the Imperial Court when Emperor Sanjo was still the Crown Prince.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 三条天皇には東宮(皇太子)時代からの女御に道長の娘の藤原子と藤原済時の娘の藤原せい子がいた。
    Among the court ladies Emperor Sanjo had frequented since he was the Crown Prince, there were Michinaga's daughter, FUJIWARA no Kenshi, and FUJIWARA no Naritoki's daughter, FUJIWARA no Seishi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ほかに平惟仲女がいたが、離婚して皇藤原子に仕え、歌人として大和宣旨と号した(大鏡)。
    According to Okagami (the Great Mirror, a historical writing), he had also been married to a daughter of TAIRA no Korenaka and later divorced; then, his ex-wife served FUJIWARA no Kenshi, Emperor Sanjyo's second consort, and as a tanka poet, she called herself Yamato no senji.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 藤原子(ふじわらのけんし(きよこ)、正暦5年3月(994年4月)-万寿4年9月14日(旧暦)(1027年10月16日))は、摂政藤原道長の次女。
    FUJIWARA no Kenshi (Kiyoko) (April 994-October 22, 1027) was the second daughter to FUJIWARA no Michinaga, who had the title of Sessho (Regent).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 長和元年(1012年)丹波権守(1月27日)、中宮権大夫(2月14日・中宮は藤原子)、正三位(11月21日)
    On February 27, 1012, he was took the posts of Tamba no gon no kami (provisional governor of Tanba Province) and on March 15 of the same year, Chugu Gon no daibu (provisional master of the Consort's Household) when Chugu (the second consort of an emperor) was FUJIWARA no Kenshi), and on January 11, 1013, he was granted Shosanmi (Senior Third Rank).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 三条と子の間に生まれた陽明門院が皇太子敦良の妻となり、第2王子尊仁を産んでいる。
    Komyomonin born between Sanjo and Kenshi became Crown Prince Atsunaga's wife and she gave birth to the second prince Takahito.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 結局、定子と彰子の2人を同時に皇后としていた一条の先例にならい、娍子と子を揃って皇后とすることになったが、道長の強大な勢威と三条の権力基盤の弱さを反映して、まず子を立后させ、その後に娍子を立后させることになっただけでなく、子の立后の儀式には多くの貴族たちが積極的に協力したのに対し、娍子の立后の儀式には道長の妨害もあって貴族たちのサボタージュが続出し、三条やその側近たちを憤激させた。
    In the end, taking the past case where Ichijo had both Teishi and Shoshi as Empress, Seishi and Kenshi were both to become Empress, but reflecting the all mighty authority of Michinaga and the weak power base of Sanjo, not only was Kenshi was first to become Empress and then Seishi, but although many aristocrats cooperated actively for the ceremony for the making of Kenshi as Empress, Seishi's ceremony was met with sabotage by Michinaga and not attended by many aristocrats, angering Sanjo and his aides.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 仁平元年(1151年)3月内親王宣下を受け、子内親王(鳥羽天皇皇女)と交代する形で、甥近衛天皇の斎宮に卜定された。
    In March 1151, she was named an Imperial Princess by the Emperor, and took the place of Imperial Princess Kenshi (Princess of Emperor Toba), she was selected bokujo (to decide by fortunetelling) to be a Saigu for Emperor Konoe, her nephew.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし父済時の死後は後見も弱く、ことに左大臣藤原道長が娘藤原子を後宮に送り込み中宮に立てたため、その権勢に押されがちであった。
    However, after the death of her father Naritoki, she had weak support, and since Sadaijin (Minister of the Left) FUJIWARA no Michinaga sent his daughter FUJIWARA no Kenshi into the inner palace and made her chugu (the second consort of an emperor), she was easily pushed aside by that power.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 天皇には子とは別に東宮時代からの女御に藤原せい子(藤原済時の娘)がおり第一皇子・敦明親王を生んでおり、天皇は娍子を皇后に立てることとした。
    Aside from Kenshi/Kiyoko the Emperor had a concubine named FUJIWARA no Seishi (daughter of FUJIWARA no Narutoki) since his days as the Crown Prince, and she had given birth to the First Prince, Prince Atsuakira, and the Emperor decided to make Seishi an Empress.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ところが立后の儀式の日を道長は子の参内の日として欠席し、諸公卿もこれにおもねって誰も儀式に参列しようとしなかった。
    However, on the day of the ceremony to install the new Empress, Michinaga was absent because it was his day to visit the Imperial Palace to see Kenshi/Kiyoko, and the other court nobilities, in order to gain Michinaga's favor, also declined to attend the ceremony.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 同母の弟妹に、関白太政大臣藤原頼通(992-1074)・同藤原教通(996-1075)と、三条天皇中宮藤原子(994-1027)・後一条天皇中宮藤原威子(999-1036)・後朱雀天皇妃藤原嬉子(1007-1025)がいる。
    Maternal siblings included Kanpaku Dajo Daijin (Regent and Chancellor of the Realm) FUJIWARA no Yorimichi (992-1074), Kanpaku Dajo Daijin FUJIWARA no Norimichi (996-1075), Emperor Sanjo's Chugu FUJIWARA no Kenshi (994-1027), Emperor Goichijo's Chugu FUJIWARA no Ishi (999-1036), and Emperor Gosuzaku's Empress FUJIWARA no Kishi (1007-1025).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ところが立后の儀式の日になると道長は嫌がらせを行い、同日を中宮子の参内の日として出席せず、諸公卿もこれに同調して皆中宮の東三条第へ行ってしまった。
    However, on the day of the investiture of the empress, Michinaga refused to attend the ceremony in order to offend the emperor, on the pretext that it was the day to visit the Chugu Kenshi, and went off to Hisashisanjo-tei (the palace of the Chugu), accompanied by other high court officials, who all agreed with him.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 子が入内した時、先帝一条天皇はまだ存命であったが、姉彰子所生の敦成親王(後一条天皇)が次の皇太子に確定していた。
    When Kenshi underwent Judai, the former Emperor Ichijo was still alive, but the Imperial Prince Atsuhira (Emperor Goichijo) of her older sister, Shoshi was already determined to be the next crown prince.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 天皇には東宮時代からの妃藤原せい子(藤原済時女)との間に既に四男があったから、子の使命も姉彰子同様に男御子を産むことであったのは言うまでもない。
    Since the emperor already had four sons with his queen FUJIWARA no Seishi (FUJIWARA no Naritoki's daughter) from the time when he was Togu (Crown Prince) it was without question that Kenshi's destiny was to sire a male heir just like her older sister Shoshi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 三条天皇の即位後、藤原娍子が后妃に立てられると思われていたが、内覧左大臣である藤原道長は、自分の娘藤原子を入内させて后妃に立てようと図り、これを阻もうとした。
    After the enthronement of Emperor Sanjo, FUJIWARA no Seishi was expected to made Empress, but Nairan-sadaijin FUJIWARA no Michinga attempted to thwart it by scheming to have his daughter FUJIWARA no Genji enter into court.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし、三条天皇との関係からくる活動はその後もあったようで、その中宮藤原子が皇太后となると、皇太后宮権大夫となって近侍している。
    However, it seems that he continued conducting his duties in relation with Emperor Sanjo, and when the Emperor's Chugu (the second consort of the Emperor) FUJIWARA no Kenshi became Empress Dowager, he closely served her as Kotaigogu gon no daibu (provisional master of the Empress Dowager's Household).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 子に甘露寺治長、甘露寺愛長、竹内惟和室、小倉輔季、養女(二条治孝の娘、鍋島直正養女、鍋島直與室)、甘露寺子(仁孝天皇典侍)がいた。
    His sons were Harunaga KANROJI, Narunaga KANJORI, and Sukesue OGURA; one of his daughters married Korekazu TAKENOUCHI and another daughter, Kiyoko KANROJI, was Naishi no suke (a court lady of the first rank) of Emperor Ninko; he also had an adopted daughter, a daughter of Harutaka NIJO who was later adopted by Naomasa NABESHIMA and married Naotomo NABESHIMA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 一方で、道長は娘藤原子を三条の皇后にしようとして、長年連れ添った娍子を尊重する三条とさらに軋轢を生じさせた。
    On the other hand, Michinaga tried to have his daughter FUJIWARA no Kenshi as Sanjo's Empress and this did not improve their relationship because Sanjo respected FUJIWARA no Seishi, who he had been together for a long time.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 外孫の早期即位を図る道長と親政を望む三条天皇との関係は円滑を欠き、かつ三条天皇が納れた道長の次女・中宮藤原子が両者の期待を裏切って女児を生んだこともあり、道長は天皇の眼病を理由にしきりに譲位を迫った。
    The relationship between Michinaga and Emperor Sanjo wasn't good, as Michinaga tried to set up an early enthronement for his maternal grandchildren while the Emperor preferred to rule the government directly; after Emperor Sanjo's chugu, FUJIWARA no Kenshi (Michinaga's second daughter) had a baby girl, although a boy was expected, and Michinaga approached the Emperor to abdicate the throne on the basis of the Emperor's eye disease.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 道長の正妻となった倫子は藤原頼通、藤原教通、一条天皇中宮藤原彰子、三条天皇中宮藤原子、後一条天皇中宮藤原威子、後朱雀天皇東宮妃藤原嬉子などの生母となった。
    Rinshi, who became the legal wife of Michinaga, gave birth to FUJIWARA no Yorimichi, FUJIWARA no Norimichi, FUJIWARA no Shoshi, who was the second consort of the Emperor Ichijo, FUJIWARA no Kenshi, who was the second consort of the Emperor Sanjo, FUJIWARA no Ishi, who was the second consort of the Emperor Goichijo and FUJIWARA no Kishi, who was the consort of the Emperor Gosuzaku.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 順調にいけば道長がいずれ天皇の外祖父・摂政となることは疑いないものの、その前にこれまで結びつきの弱かった三条天皇の即位を迎えるにあたって、道長は後宮制覇第二の布石として子を三条天皇の下に送り込んだのである。
    It was already determined that Michinaga would eventually become the maternal grandfather and Sessho to the emperor if things went well, but he sent Kenshi to Emperor Sanjo, who he had little connection with, as the second safety net to gain the residence of imperial court.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 前年娍子の皇后冊立を巡ってぎくしゃくしていた道長と三条天皇の間は、子に皇子が誕生することで関係修復を期待されていたのだが、それも無に帰してしまい、道長はこの内親王誕生に大層不機嫌であったという。(『小右記』)
    There was a hope that the birth of an imperial prince by Kenshi would recover the awkward relationship between Michinaga and Emperor Sanjo over the promotion of Seishi to Empress the previous year, but it turned into nothing and Michinaga's mood turned foul over the birth of this imperial princess ("Shoyuki" (The Diary of FUJIWARA no Sanesuke)).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 子の皇子が帝位に就く可能性はこれでなくなり、また皇后娍子所生の敦明親王が三条天皇の没後皇太子を辞退してしまったこともあって、冷泉天皇系の男子の皇統は完全に将来を閉ざされることになった。
    The possibility that an imperial prince of Kenshi would ascend the imperial throne was lost, and because Imperial Prince Atsuakira from Seishi retired from being the crown prince after the death of Emperor Sanjo, the future male imperial line of Emperor Reizei came to a complete end.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その後子は一人娘禎子内親王と共に三条天皇から伝領した枇杷殿に住み、万寿4年(1027年)3月に禎子内親王が東宮敦良親王(のちの後朱雀天皇)に入内するのを見届けて、その半年後に病で崩じた。
    She later lived in Biwadono of the estate she inherited from Emperor Sanjo with her only daughter, in April 1027, Imperial Princess Teishi and observed Imperial Princess Teishi to go under Judai (imperial marriage) to Togu Imperial Prince Atsunaga (later became Emperor Gosuzaku) and died of illness within half a year.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 華美を好むあまりに身内の眉をひそめさせることもあった子だが、亡くなる間際に身を清め、正式な受戒を済ませての潔い臨終であり、道長は末娘嬉子に続く次女の死に「老いた父母を置いてどこへ行かれるのか、私達も供をさせてくれ」と泣いて取り縋ったと伝えられる。
    Even though Kenshi was frowned upon by her relatives for her lavishness, she underwent a purification of her body and a formal Buddhist service just before her death as Michinaga clung to her and mourned 'Where are you going, leaving behind old parents? Please let me accompany you" for the death of his second daughter following that of his youngest daughter Kishi.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • だが、長年正妃的な地位にあり、3人もの親王を儲けた娍子の存在を無視することは道長でも困難であり、漸く娍子を皇后・子を中宮とすることで折り合いをつけたが、その後も道長は娍子側に圧迫を加えた。
    However, even Michinaga could not ignore the fact that Seishi's position was similar to a lawful wife and that she had given birth to three imperial princes, so he compromised for the time being by having Seishi as Empress and Genji as Chugu (the second consort of the Emperor), but he kept exerting pressure on Seishi and her supporters.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 長徳4年(998年)近衛府に任ぜられ、その後、右近衛権中将・五位蔵人・敦成親王(後一条天皇)家別当・木工寮・冷泉天皇御厨別当・丹波国守・中宮職(藤原子)亮などを歴任した。
    He was assigned to Konoefu in 998, and consecutively assigned to positions of Ukone no Gon no chujo (Provisional Middle Captain of the Right Division of Inner Palace Guards), Goi no kurodo (Kurodo (Chamberlain) with the fifth rank), a chief officer serving the Imperial Prince Atsuhira (Goichijo Emperor))family, Mokuryo (Bureau of Carpentry), a chief officer managing the mikuriya (manors of Imperial family and powerful shrines) of Emperor Reizei, Tanba Kokushu (Governor of Tanba Province), and Chugu-shiki no suke (Assistant Master of the Consort's Household) of FUJIWARA no Kenshi since then.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • のちに三条天皇の皇后藤原せい子の立后に際して、対立する中宮藤原子の父であった道長派の一員として、立后の儀式に出席するよう求めた使者に瓦礫を投げつけたりしていることが藤原実資の日記に記されている。
    According to the diary of FUJIWARA no Sanesuke, on the occasion of the investiture of the Empress (Kogo) of Emperor Sanjo, FUJIWARA no Seiko, Masamitsu threw a piece of tile to a messenger who visited him to ask for his presence in the investiture ceremony, as Masamitsu was a sympathizer of Michinaga, the father of Chugu (the second consort of the Emperor) Fujiwara no Kenshi, who antagonized Empress Seiko.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
