守勢をとる to assume the defensive―stand on the defensive
- 斎藤和英大辞典
守勢に立っている be on the defensive
- 日本語WordNet
守勢作戦という作戦 a defensive strategy
- EDR日英対訳辞書
守勢より攻勢に転ずる to change from the defensive to the offensive
- 斎藤和英大辞典
今度は彼らが守勢に立たされる番だった. It was then their turn to go onto the defensive.
- 研究社 新和英中辞典
守勢を執る (戦争なら)to assume the defensive―stand on the defensive―fight a defensive battle―(剣術なら)―place oneself on one's guard―(拳闘なら)―put oneself in a posture of defence―throw oneself into a defensive attitude
- 斎藤和英大辞典
日本は攻勢をとりロシアは守勢をとった Japan acted on the offensive, while Russia stood on the defensive.
- 斎藤和英大辞典
保守勢力と革新勢力が共に存在すること a condition of conservatives and reformists collaborating in a government
- EDR日英対訳辞書
保守勢力と中道勢力の連合政権 a coalition government of conservative and centrists factions
- EDR日英対訳辞書
碁や将棋で守勢にまわること the act of taking the defensive position in the games of Go or shogi
- EDR日英対訳辞書
地方議会にいくほど保守勢力が増大するということ an act of the conservatives becoming stronger, as we see it, in a local assembly
- EDR日英対訳辞書
従来の百済のほかに、朝鮮半島で守勢にたった新羅も人質を送ってきた。 Hostages were sent not only from Baekje as in the past, but also from Silla which was on the defensive in the Korean peninsula.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
やがて、調略の手を伸ばすなど討伐軍への揺さぶりをかけた守勢の村宗によって、小寺則職率いる討伐軍は撃退されてしまう。 Muramune, who was defensive initially, rattled the punitive force by seeking betrayers among them and so on, and finally defeated the punitive force led by Norimoto KODERA.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
高杉らが藩政の主導権を握り藩の保守勢力を一掃すると、長州藩の方針は倒幕に定まる。 Choshu Domain set their policy as overthrowing the Shogunate after TAKASUGI wiped out conservative power by taking the initiative in the administration of the domain.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
これには剛毅など西欧化に対し強く反対していた保守勢力が、北京議定書によって一掃されたことも大きく影響している。 The Boxer Protocol swept away the strong resistance of conservative factions including Gangyi, against Western European influence, which had a great influence on this.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
ジーコ監督は,守勢で戦うよりも自分たちのスタイルで試合をやるという最初の考えをつらぬいた。 Zico carried through with his initial intention to play the match in the team's own style rather than play defensively.
- 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
この好戦的段階−野蛮の始まり−は、攻撃的な略奪行為を伴うか、あるいは集団は単に守勢にまわるかである。 This fighting stage - the beginning of barbarism - may involve aggressive predation, or the group may simply be placed on the defensive.
- Thorstein Veblen『ワークマンシップの本能と労働の煩わしさ』
しかしこれが災いして、幕府内の蘭学を嫌う保守勢力の中心であった鳥居耀蔵によって謀反の濡れ衣を着せられ、解散させられる。 However, this caused harm to them, got them broken up because they were falsely accused of a rebellion by Yozo TORII, who was a key figure of conservative factions deprecating Western learning within the bakufu.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
また、点欠陥を守勢するためのレーザ照射部の上層側に、導体破片の飛び散り防止用および導体の盛り上がり防止用を兼ねたPS部81を配置する。 In addition, a PS part 81 which serves both for the spilling prevention of the conductor fragments and rise prevention of the conductor is arranged on the upper layer side of the laser irradiation part for putting the point defect on the defensive. - 特許庁
プレイヤは、左キー45または右キー43を押下することにより、現在の攻守の度合いを攻守の度合い表示67ないし73上で攻勢表示64側または守勢表示側67へ移動させることができる。 A player can move a current degree of offense and defense to an offense display 64 side or a defense display 67 side on an offense and defense degree display 67 or 73 by pressing a left key 45 or a right key 43 down. - 特許庁
顔料と樹脂を主成分とする画像を、各種高分子重合体を守勢異聞とする基材上に定着させた画像形成体、および画像を形成する手段を提供することを目的とするものである。 To provide an imaging body where an image principally comprising pigment and resin is fixed onto a basic material principally comprising various polymers, and means for forming an image. - 特許庁
また家康も武田氏に従っていた三河国山間部の山家三方衆の内奥平貞能・奥平信昌親子を寝返らせるなど、信玄存命中は守勢一方であった織田・徳川連合軍の逆襲が始まった。 Sadayoshi OKUDAIRA and his son Nobumasa OKUDAIRA, the members of Yamaga sanpo shu (the Okudaira clan, the Suganuma clan (in Nagashino) and the Suganuma clan (in Tamine)) in sankanbu (mountain-ringed region) of Mikawa Province had followed the Takeda clan, but Ieyasu made them switch sides and the Oda and Tokugawa allied forces, which had been on the defensive, started to strike back
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
他方、日本企業においては、国内の薬価引下げや医療費抑制策による経営環境の悪化、バイオ医薬品等の研究開発費の巨大化等を背景に、今までの経営手法では成長が望めなくなり、かつ外資の力に圧倒され、守勢に回らざるを得ない状況になった。 Meanwhile, Japanese companies were faced with a situation in which they had little chance of achieving growth through current management methods,with a deteriorating business environment caused by drug price falls and medical fee restriction measures as well as escalating R&D fees for bio medicine. Overwhelmed by the power of foreign affiliates, Japanese companies had no choice but to take a defensive position. - 経済産業省
明治政府が進める富国強兵路線を継承する次世代の政治家を育てる手段として中等以上の財産家を集めて新党を結成して地方自治において主導権を握るとともに、彼らに政治的経験を積ませて中央に進出させ、穏健な保守勢力を形成させることで、過激な自由民権派や国粋主義者の台頭を食い止める構想を打ち明けている。 He also introduced the concept of collecting the wealthy men above the middle class to establish a new political party having the central power in local districts, make them have seasoned political experience before dispatching to central political district to develop moderate conservative power to prevent the increase of school of the Freedom and People's Rights Movement and nationalist as means of providing the politicians of the next generation who will continue the policy of enhancing the wealth and military strength of a country sought by the Meiji government
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス