
  • 守旧主義者、守旧
    a conservative  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 守旧主義
    conservatism  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 彼の思想は守旧に傾いている
    His ideas lean toward conservatism.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • しかし、大胆な藩政の改革は守旧派の家老らとの対立をもたらした。
    But his bold reform policy in the Okayama Domain caused conflict with conservative samurai including the karo (the chief retainer of the feudal lord).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 木戸は抵抗する守旧派を説き伏せ、明治天皇には大いに本気になってもらっている。
    He thus persuaded the resistant conservatives and inspired Emperor Meiji.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかしその先進的な画風は当時の画壇の守旧派から猛烈な批判を浴びた。
    His forward-thinking style was, however, severely criticized by the old-guard crony of the art world.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • それとともに、開化派を支援する日本と守旧派を支援する清との対立も表面化してきた。
    With this, conformation between Japan supporting the Enlightenment Party and China supporting the Conservative Party became prominent.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 結局日本軍も撤退し、親清派の守旧派が臨時政権を樹立。
    The Japanese army also drew off at last, and the pro-Qing Conservative Party established a tentative government.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • が、守旧派の軍隊は開化派の軍隊との待遇が違うことに不満があった。
    However, the Conservative Party's troops were dissatisfied at being treated differently than the Progressive Party's military unit.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 続いて政体書に基づく「官吏公選」が行われて守旧派の公家や諸侯は事実上排除される形となった。
    Subsequently, the Election of Officials was carried out according to Seitaisho so the conservative court nobles and lords were removed.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 政治は、管領を務め宿老として影響力を持っていた斯波義将らに補佐され、幕政を守旧的なものに改める。
    As for his politics, he was supported by such persons as Yoshimasa SHIBA, who held the post of Kanrei and was influential as an political advisor called Shukuro, and others, and revised the shogunate administration to a conservative style.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 長州藩では、高杉の渡航中に守旧派の長井雅楽らが失脚、尊王攘夷(尊攘)派が台頭した。
    In the Choshu clan, during the absence of Takasugi, Uta NAGAI and others of the old guard faction were ousted and the Sonno Joi faction (those who advocated reverence for the Emperor and expulsion of foreigners) became dominant.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また隊員も両班の子弟が中心だったことから、守旧派と待遇が違うのは当然だった。
    Besides, as the members of the unit were mainly young people from the yangban (literally, "the two groups", an elite class at the peak of society during the Joseon Dynasty), the way they were treated could not be the same as the soldiers of the Conservative Party.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 政元にとってはこうした守旧派の守護達よりも新しく台頭した一揆勢力の方が信頼が置ける存在と考えていた。
    Masamoto thought that he could believe rather the newly emerging Ikko followers than the old-guard provincial military governors.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 生来開明的であった木戸は、その分、急進派から守旧派までが絶え間なく権力闘争を繰り広げる明治維新政府の中にあっては、心身を害するほど精神的苦悩が絶えなかった。
    As an inherently enlightened person, he constantly suffered from mental distress, so much that he became ill, working for the Meiji restoration government where the radicals and the conservatives unceasingly struggled for power.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 28歳でいったん会津に戻り日新館教授となり、蘭学所を開設して教授になるが、守旧派批判により1年間の禁足処分に。
    He returned to the Aizu Domain and became a professor of the Nisshinkan school when he was 28 years old, and then opened a place for Dutch studies and served as the professor, but he was placed in confinement for one year because he criticized the old-guard crony.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 天下を平定したとはいえ、信長・秀吉に比べて守旧的な組織しか作らなかったとして、家康を名君・奸君とするのは過大評価であるとする説もある。
    There is also the theory that it is an overestimation to consider Ieyasu an excellent ruler or cunning ruler, because, although he unified the nation, he established only conservative systems, compared with Nobunaga and Hideyoshi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1907年にはこの年より始まった文部省美術展覧会(文展)の審査員を務め、大正2年(1913年)には守旧派に押されて活動が途絶えていた日本美術院の再興に至った。
    In 1907, he was a judge in a new annual art exhibition sponsored by the Ministry of Education (Bunten), which started that year, and in 1913 restored the Nihon Bijitsuin, whose activities had been continually interrupted due to the pressures of old-guard cronyism.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 前者及び貴族や寺社などの守旧的な勢力が直義を、彼らからの圧迫を排除して在地における支配権の保障を求めた後者が師直を支持したとされている。
    It is believed that the former, along with conservative power such as nobles, temples and shrines, supported Tadayoshi while the latter, who claimed security of rights for the possession of the shoen without oppression from the former, supported Moronao.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 未解決事件であることをいいことに、木戸と広沢の仲が悪かったからだとか、開明派の巨頭である木戸を政府の前面に引っ張り出したい大久保など守旧派による謀略だ、などと願望する向きもある。
    Some people also take advantage of the situation, in which the case went unsolved, and make opportunistic inferences as follows; because Kido and Hirosawa were opposing each other, or it was a conspiracy of old-guard party, including Okubo, who wanted to drag Kido, the giant of the Kaimei (enlightenment) group, to the public, etc.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 江華島事件後の朝鮮では、急進的欧米化を進めようとする親日的な開化派(独立党)と、漸進的改革を進めようとする親清的な守旧派(事大党)との対立が激しくなっていった。
    In Korea after the Ganghwa Island incident, confrontation escalated between the Enlightenment Party (Independence Party), the pro-Japanese group seeking radial westernization, and the Conservative Party (Serving the Great' Party), the pro-Qing group seeking gradual reforms.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし独立協会の主張は次第に守旧派官僚との対立を招き、最終的に高宗の勅令により独立協会は解散させられた。
    However, the Independence Club's insistence caused a confrontation with the bureaucracy of old-guard crony, and finally they were compelled to dismiss following the decree of Gao Zong.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これは、反乱に乗じて閔妃などの政敵を一掃、政権を再び奪取しようとする前政権担当者で守旧派筆頭である大院君の陰謀であった。
    This was the plot of Daewongun, the former political leader and the head of the Conservative Party who intended to take advantage of the revolt to wipe out political opponents such as Queen Min and take over the administration again.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 朝廷と長州派公卿を介した長州との交渉を打ち切らせ長州軍を挑発して一気に蹴散らしたい幕府側(一橋慶喜・会津・薩摩守旧派)の意向をそのまま受けて、長州軍の退去を期限付きで最後通告して来た。
    The pro-shogunists laid an ultimatum that demanded the withdrawal of the Choshu troops by a specified date, keeping in line with the shogunate's (the Aizu and Satsuma conservatives', including Yoshinobu HITOTSUBASHI) intention to break off the negotiation through the imperial court and pro-Choshu nobles with Choshu, to provoke and defeat the Choshu army once and for all.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 足利義満が急死すると、4代将軍の足利義持は斯波義将に補佐され、義満に対する太上天皇の追号を辞退し、勘合貿易での明との通商を一時停止するなど義満の政策を否定し幕政を守旧的なものに改める。
    When Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA suddenly died, the fourth Shogun, Yoshimochi ASHIKAGA, was supported by Yoshimasa SHIBA, and refused to bestow the posthumous name of Emperor Daijo on Yoshimitsu; he also repudiated Yoshimitsu's policies, for example by temporarily halting the tally trade with Ming China, and sought to return the bakufu government to a more conservative stance.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 古参ともいうべき譜代の家臣と新参の家臣や出頭人との対立、藩政改革にともなう守旧派と改革派の対立、幕末期における信条の対立など、家臣間には主導権や藩政の方向性をめぐってあらゆる派閥抗争の動機があった。
    There were all conceivable motives for factional strife, such as rivalry between a veteran elder of established lineage and a newcomer retainer or group leader, clash between conservative and progressive groups over domain government reform, conflict over credo in the last years of the Edo Period, and disagreements over domain policy and race for power between vassals.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • まず、同年12月に開催が予定されていた「郵政局(郵政関連の中央官庁で、一部で言われるような「中央郵便局」等ではない)」の開庁祝賀パーティーの際、会場から少し離れたところに放火を行い、その後、混乱の中で高官を倒し守旧派を一掃。
    First, at the celebration party for opening the 'Post Bureau (not a 'Central Post Office' as some say but a central government office involved in postal services)' scheduled in December of that year, fire was to be set at some distance from the venue so that they could overthrow the high officials in the confusion to eliminate the Conservative Party.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 江華島事件以来、当時の朝鮮は、朝鮮は清朝の冊封国(または冊封国)としての朝鮮のままであるべきであるという「守旧派」(事大党ともいう)と、現状を憂い朝鮮の近代化を目指す「開化派」(独立党ともいう)とに分かれていた。
    In Korea at the time, the government had been divided between two factions even since the Ganghwa Island incident: the 'Conservative Party' (also known as the Sadaedang, or 'Serve the Great' Party) which advocated that Korea should remain a vassal state of Qing China and 'the Gaehwadang' (Progressive Party, also called the Independence Party) that was anxious about the current situation and hoped to modernize Korea.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • もともと公武合体派とはいっても、天皇のもとに賢侯を集めての中央集権をめざす薩摩の思惑と将軍中心の中央集権をめざす幕府の思惑は違っていたが、薩英戦争で活躍した旧精忠組の発言力の増大と守旧派の失脚を背景に、薩摩流の公武周旋をやり直そうとした久光にとっては、京大坂での薩摩藩の世評の悪化と公武周旋に動く人材の不足が最大の問題であった。
    It was even called the supporter of the coalition of court nobles and Samurai originally, but it was different from the thought of Satsuma which centralized power by gathering sages to the Emperor, and Hidemitsu, who tried to reorganize the procurement of court nobles and Samurai in the style of Satsuma used as background the increasingly influential voice of the former Seichu-gumi organization, which worked well at the Satsuei War and during the downfall of the old-guard cronies, but the biggest problems were the bad reputation of Satsuma domain, and being short of people who could work to procure court nobles and Samurai.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
