
  • 幕府などによる武政権は王政復古(日本)まで足掛け約680年間に渡り、存続することとなる。
    The military government ruled by the bakufu lasted for approximately 680 years until the Restoration of Imperial Rule.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • このとき、新田氏本宗の所領が得宗渡り、得宗勢力被官が荘内に進出する
    At that time, the territory of the head family of the Nitta clan was transferred to the Tokuso family (the direct line of the regency Hojo family), and a hikan (low-level bureaucrat) under the power of the Tokuso family advanced into the estate.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この時代は、牢人となって幾つもの大名渡り歩く武士が多く、中には大名にまで出世する者もいた。
    In this period, there were many samurai who became 牢人 and changed daimyo families under which they were employed, and there were even 牢人 who eventually became a daimyo himself.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • は在任わずか数ヶ月にしてその地位を失って退隠し、以降半世紀近くに渡り官に復することもなかった。
    After being in office only a few months, Moroie lost his post, retired from the world and never returned to official posts for nearly half a century afterwards.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 後年、高経が失脚すると鬼丸は室町将軍の手に渡り、鬼切は斯波一族の最上氏に伝来した。
    In later years, after the downfall of Takatsune, Onimaru was obtained once more by the Muromachi shogunate family and Onikiri was given to and handed down in the Mogami family of the Shiba family.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 範頼の軍は山陽道を進軍して九州へ渡り、平を包囲し、退路を遮断する戦略であった。
    Noriyori's army was going to move through the Sanyodo Road to Kyushu and surround the Taira family so that they would have no road to escape.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • そのような幼児が信長や今川氏と渡り合えるはずがないと考えた臣団は、信康が成長するまでは、替え玉である世良田二郎三郎元信に松平氏の督を代行させたというのである。
    MURAOKA argues that Motoyasu's followers did not consider the infant to be an equal match for the ODA and IMAGAWA Clans, so they allowed Motonobu SERATA to lead the MATSUDAIRA Clan until Nobuyasu grew up.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 藤原定の古注釈『源氏物語奥入』では出典未詳の古歌「世の中は夢の渡りの浮橋かうちわたりつつものをこそ思へ」に関連するとしている。
    According to "Genji monogatari Okuiri," an ancient commentary written by FUJIWARA no Teika, this title related to an anonymous ancient waka poem 'Yononakaha yumenowatarino ukihashika uchiwataritsutsu monookosoomoe' (The world is something like a floating bridge of dreams and I am lost in thought while crossing it).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 政宗本人の器量に加え、自らを将軍として立ててくれた後見人であり、また敬神する祖父・康とも渡り合った戦国の雄でもあった。、
    For Iemitsu, Masamune was a person of ability, a tutelage to bring him up and support to be a shogun, and a leading figure in the period of warring states even competed against his grandfather, Ieyasu.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • コンクリート構造物の表面を補強すると共に、工期短縮、コスト削減、及び長期に渡り耐久性を維持することができるコンクリート構造物、例えば、屋のコンクリート製基礎の表面の強化コーティング方法を提供する
    To provide a surface strengthening coating method of a concrete structure, for example, a concrete foundation of a house for reinforcing the surface of the concrete structure, shortening a construction period, reducing cost, and maintaining durability over a long period. - 特許庁
  • ただし、中国に渡り玄奘から法相宗の教理を学び日本に伝えた道昭は、このような国体制の仏教活動に飽きたらず、各地へ赴き井戸を掘ったり橋を架けるなどをして、民衆に仏教を教下する活動を行ったとされる。
    However, it is said that Dosho, who went to China, learned the dogma of the Hosso sect from Genjo and introduced it to Japan, was not satisfied with such activities under the national control as a Buddhist, so he was engaged in an independent mission among the common people though digging wells and building bridges in various regions.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その他にも渡世人として各地方を渡り歩く的屋業の者が、顔役に世話になる時の「仁義を切る」ときの口上が、やくざと違い「軒先三寸借り受けまして、、、」と始まる事、舌先三寸(口車)で商売するや胸三寸(心意気)で商売するなど、または、屋台の骨組みが木材商で販売されている一番小さい構造材の三寸角であったことなどが挙げられる。
    Other theories are that some tekiya traveled around as toseinin (yakuza-like gamblers) who, unlike yakuza, when paying their respects for the local boss, used to open their speeches with the phrase 'if I may borrow three sun (around 9 cm) of your roof...' and who conducted business with flattery (known in Japanese as 'three sun of tongue') and determination ('three sun of heart') or that their stalls were made from the smallest pieces of wood available, which was three sun square.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
