
  • 家父長社会は
    In patriarchal societies - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
  • 家父長社会、部族社会では
    In patriarchal societies, in tribal societies - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
  • 家父長的カトリックの保守的な家に生まれました
    In a patriarchal catholic and conservative family. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
  • 多くの家父長社会と 部族社会では
    In many patriarchal societies and tribal societies - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
  • すなわち、家父長だけが財産を持つことができるが、
    The head of the household alone could hold property;  - Thorstein Veblen『所有権の起源』
  • 家父はほかの家族に対して最終的な権威を持っていた。
    A paterfamilias had the ultimate authority over other family members.  - Weblio英語基本例文集
  • 家父長制という,父が家族に対して統制権を持つ家族制度
    a family system, in which the father has the controlling rights, called patriarchy  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 西行・・・・俊成・定家父子が高く評価した歌人。
    Saigyo: a waka poet who was highly praised both by the father Toshinari and his son Sadaie.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 一方 根深い家父長制度の 存在する社会でもあります
    On the other hand, it is also a society with a deeply patriarchal system - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
  • 最後に、頼義・義家父子の除目で、それぞれ正四位下・従五位下に叙せれたこと、
    Finally the Yoriyoshi and Yoshiie father and son were conferred the ranks of Shoshiinoge (Senior Forth Rank, Lower Grade) and Jugoinoge (Junior Fifth Grade, Lower Grade) respectively in a jimoku (ceremony for appointing officials).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この結果、基房・師家父子は解任され、一旦は失脚の憂き目を見る。
    As a result, Motofusa and Moroie, father and son, were removed from their posts and fell from power.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 義良親王を将軍とし、北畠親房・北畠顕家父子に補佐させた。
    Imperial Prince Yoshinaga was the eponymous general; the father-son duo of Chikafusa and Akiie KITABATAKE were tasked with supporting the outpost.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 江戸時代に発達した武士階級の家父長制的な家族制度を基にしている。
    This was based on paternalistic family system which was developed in Edo Period among samurai society.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 藤原道長の子である藤原頼宗・藤原俊家父子はともに右大臣を務めた。
    FUJIWARA no Yorimune, who was the son of FUJIWARA no Michinaga, and his son, FUJIWARA no Toshiie, both served as Udaijin (Minister of the Right).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • トムは自分の声になんとか家父長的な響きをともなわせようとしたようだったが、うまくいかなかった。
    Tom's voice groped unsuccessfully for the paternal note.  - F. Scott Fitzgerald『グレイト・ギャツビー』
  • この所有権−婚姻は私的財産および家父長制家族の両方の起源であるように思われる。
    This ownership-marriage seems to be the original both of private property and of the patriarchal household.  - Thorstein Veblen『所有権の起源』
  • (藤原良房の権力掌握開始が家父長的権力を有した嵯峨上皇の崩御に始まり、宇多法皇が家父長として背後にあった醍醐天皇の時代に一時摂関政治が停滞し、久しく絶えていた家父長的な上皇の復活である白河上皇が摂関政治に代わる院政を開始した事は偶然では決して片付けられないものである)。
    (It was far from a coincidence that the death of the Retired Emperor Saga, who had patriarchal authority, was the start of FUJIWARA no Yoshifusa's taking over power, and that the regency stagnated for a while in the reign of Emperor Daigo, when the Cloistered Emperor Uda was supporting him as a patriarch, and also that the Retired Emperor Shirakawa, in a revival of the patriarchal retired emperor that had disappeared for a long time, started cloistered government in place of the regency.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 出産後母女三宮は突然出家、父源氏も過去の因果が忘れられず、表向きは可愛がるもうちとけられずにいた。
    After childbirth, Onna Sannomiya, his mother, suddenly became a nun and his father, Genji, also could not forget past karma and although he outwardly treated the baby kindly, he could not do so without reservation.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 定子の死後、中関白家(父と弟の間にあって関白になった道隆家の呼称)は没落の一途をたどった。
    After Teishi's death, the Naka no Kanpaku family (the family name of Michitaka's, who became Kanpaku after his father and before his younger brother) fell into decline.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、同じ頃、陸奥国へ赴いた吉良貞家・吉良満家父子の領地であった吉良東条を接収している。
    He requisitioned Kira-tojo which was a possession of Sadaie KIRA and his son Mitsuie leaving for Mutsu Province in those days.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これらの天皇は退位後も「天皇家の家父長」として若い天皇を後見するとして国政に関与する事があった。
    Such an Emperor would occasionally participate in governing the nation even after abdication, on the grounds that he, as 'the head of the Imperial Family,' was overseeing the young Emperor.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 嵯峨上皇による大家父長的支配のもと30年近く政治は安定し、皇位継承に関する紛争は起こらなかった。
    Under the great patriarchal authority-styled command executed by the Retired Emperor Saga, politics enjoyed steadiness for nearly 30 years without dispute concerning the Imperial succession.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし、やがて阿蘇氏は惟歳・阿蘇惟家父子と惟忠・阿蘇惟憲父子の間で当主の座を巡る争いが起こる。
    Later on, however, a fight over the position of the head of the clan started with Koretoshi ASO and his son Koreie opposing Koretada ASO and his son Korenori.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 2月7日払暁、先駆けせんと欲して義経の部隊から抜け出したのは熊谷直実・熊谷直家父子と平山季重らの5騎である。
    On March 27, at dawn, five cavalrymen sneaked out from among the Yoshitsune troops and attempted to be the first to engage, among whch were Naozane KUMAGAI and Naoie KUMAGAI, father and son, and Sueshige HIRAYAMA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし日本における家父長的家族制度に批判的な視線を投げかけたことにより、徐々に西欧的結婚観への支持を広げた。
    However, because it showed a critical stance against a family system of patriarchal authority in Japan, a view of marriage in Western style had been gradually spread.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 口のきき方にどこか家父長的なところがあって、自分が好意をもっている相手にさえもそんな口のきき方をする——
    There was a touch of paternal contempt in it, even toward people he liked——  - F. Scott Fitzgerald『グレイト・ギャツビー』
  • しかし明治維新後儒教的な家父長制が旧武士階層のみならず一般の農商家にも拡大されると文字通り「女人は成仏できない」という儒教的家父長制による女性蔑視の正当性を証明する根拠として法華系諸宗派を初めとする日本仏教全体で扱われるようになった。
    After the Meiji Restoration, however, patriarchy based on Confucianism was expanded not only to the former samurai (warrior) class, but also to farm and merchant families at large, and the idea of Henjo Nanshi came to be dealt with, throughout the world of Japanese Buddhism including various schools of the Hokke Sect, as a basis to justify misogyny based on Confucian patriarchy, and a slogan that says "women cannot become any Buddha" in literal terms.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 雑誌『新青年(中国)』を主宰する陳独秀・呉虞・魯迅らは「孔家店打倒」をスローガンに家父長制的な宗法制度や男尊女卑の思想をもつ儒教を排斥しようとした。
    Chin Dokushu (Chen Duxiu), Go Gu, and Ro Jin (Lu Xun) who supervised the magazine "La Jeunesse" (New Youth) (China), attempted to cast aside Ju-kyo, which supported a patriarchal head family dominant system and the thought of predominance of men over women, under the slogan 'overthrow the Confucians.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 都市部の家庭ではちゃぶ台が使われ、それまでの家父長制的な銘々膳の作法から、食事が家族だんらんの場として認識されるようになってくる。
    Chabudai (low dining tables) began being used in households in urban areas, and it came to be recognized that the eating place in households was for enjoying each other's company among family members, instead of observing patriarchal etiquette using meimeizen (small individual low eating tables).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 娘に家の継承を認めないという中国を発祥として朝鮮経由で渡来した家父長的氏族制度の影響もあるだろうが、それだけですべてを説明することはできない。
    The paternalistic clanship under which a daughter is not allowed to succeed the household, originating in China, introduced from Korea, may have helped to establish such an unwritten rule, but that is not all about this.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 大原重徳(おおはらしげとみ、享和元年10月16日(旧暦)(1801年11月21日)-明治12年(1879年)4月1日)は、江戸時代後期から明治の公家、父は宇多源氏の流れを汲む大原重尹(養父は大原重成)、母は唐橋在家の娘。
    Shigetomi OHARA (November 21, 1801 - April 1, 1879) was a court noble who lived from the final days of the Edo period to the early days of the Meiji period; his father was Shigetada OHARA of the Uda-Genji (Minamoto clan) (whose foster father was Shigenari OHARA), while his mother was a daughter of Ariie KARAHASHI.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 平安時代末期から鎌倉時代前期にかけて著名な歌人である藤原俊成・藤原定家父子が現れてから、歌道の家として確立された。
    The Mikohidari family came to be known for its tradition of waka poetry after FUJIWARA no Toshinari (or Shunzei) and his son, FUJIWARA no Sadaie (or Teika), were widely recognized as outstanding waka poets during the late Heian to early Kamakura period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 前期東条吉良氏(奥州・武蔵吉良氏)の吉良貞家・吉良満家父子が奥州に去った後、東条の地は惣領家である西条吉良氏のものとなり、吉良満義が東条城を接収した。
    After Sadaie KIRA and Mitsuie KIRA; father and son in the early period of the Tojokira clan left for Oshu (Northern Honshu), Tojo's territory became the territory of the Saijokira clan which was a Soryo (government) family and Mitsuyoshi KIRA seized the Tojo-jo Castle.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 院政の形態は存在しなくても律令政治初期の頃から、上皇が「天皇家の家父長」として天皇の保護者・後見者を担ってきた。
    Since the early days of government based on the ritsuryo legal codes, when cloistered government had not yet been formed, the retired emperor had taken the role of the emperor's protector and guardian upon himself as 'the patriarch of the emperor's family.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 源頼光・源頼親兄弟、源頼義・源義家父子が正四位という軍事貴族最高位に相次いで叙せられ、武家の棟梁というべき立場を得るに至った。
    MINAMOTO no Yorimitsu, his brother MINAMOTO no Yorichika, MINAMOTO no Yoriyoshi, and his son MINAMOTO no Yoshiie were one by one appointed to the highest rank for military aristocrats, which was shoshii, and Seiwa-Genji ascended to be the leader of the samurai families.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • それ故「妻妾論」では夫婦は必ず平等であるべきであって、家父長専制は文明に悖る、女性には家庭内の要である妻としての役割、教育を担う母としての役割があって、それを尊重すべきとした。
    Therefore, in 'A theory of wives and concubines' he insisted that husband and wife should be always equal, patriarchal authority was against civilization and that women had a role as a wife, a key person in a family, and a mother who was in charge of education, which should be respected.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 文化的なことをいえば、ごく最近でさえ、家父長制家族においては、婦人が労働すれば、彼女はその生産物を所有する資格があって当然なのに、そうではないことがあたりまえのことになっている。
    Even very recently - culturally speaking - there was no suspicion that a woman's work, in the patriarchal household, should entitle her to own the products of her work.  - Thorstein Veblen『所有権の起源』
  • さらに野蛮な文化まで遡れば、家父長制家族制度は今よりよく保存されているのだが、次のような主張が無条件の信念を持って受け入れられている。
    Farther back in the barbarian culture, while the patriarchal household was in better preservation than it is now, this position was accepted with more unquestioning faith.  - Thorstein Veblen『所有権の起源』
  • 尼は日本仏教のほぼ全ての宗派に置かれたが明治維新以降は儒教的な家父長制の価値観が旧武士階層以外にも広まり、これに加えて国粋主義も台頭した昭和期には日蓮正宗のように尼を廃止した例もある。
    Ama was seen in nearly every Buddhist sect in Japan, but after the Meiji Restoration the values of patriarchal authority based on Confucianism became widespread among people other than those of the former warrior class, so there was an example that ama was abolished, such as occurred in the Nichiren Shoshu sect in the Showa period, when nationalism also became influential.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この年の8月、重時は後嵯峨上皇院司葉室定嗣を六波羅に呼び、5代執権となった北条時頼からの書状として、事件に関与した九条道家父子の更迭を後嵯峨上皇に奏上するよう要請し、幕府と上皇の仲介を行っている。
    In September of the same year, Shigetoki mediated between the bakufu and the Retired Emperor by calling Sadatsugu HAMURO, an Inshi (official of the Retired Emperor's Office) of the Retired Emperor Gosaga, to Rokuhara and telling him that the letter from Tokiyori HOJO, who became the fifth regent, requested the Retired Emperor Gosaga to replace Michiie KUJO and his son, who were involved in the incident.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 前九年の役の際に河内源氏の源頼義、源義家父子に与力し、凶徒調伏などで功績を認められ、康平6年(1063年)に下野國守護職および下野國一之宮別当職、宇都宮座主となる。
    During the Zen Kunen no Eki (Former Nine Years' Campaign), Soen cooperated with MINAMOTO no Yoriyoshi and his son MINAMOTO no Yoriie of the Kawachi-Genji (the Minamoto clan of Kawachi Province), and received credit for subjugating the rebellion, thereby being appointed Shugoshiki (Military Governor) of Shimotsuke Province, Bettoshiki (the office of head administrator) of Ichinomiya (a shrine occupying the highest rank among the shrines of a province) of the Shimotsuke Province and Utsunomiya Zasu (titular head of the Utsunomiya Futaarayama-jinja Shrine).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 大化前代からの家父長制家族の発達は、このような法を受用する基礎をつくったことは事実であるが、律令法は儒教の精神によって、親または家長の権力を強大にし、同時に女性の法的・社会的地位をいちじるしく低める作用をした。
    Development of the patriarchal authority family since the pre-Taika era did build a basis for accepting and applying such law, but in the Confucian spirit, ritsuryo law gave tremendous power to parents or the head of the family, while drastically lowering the legal and social status of women.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 権力ト法トハ家ニ生マレタリ」「家長権ノ神聖ニシテ犯スベカラザルハ祖先ノ霊ノ神聖ニシテ犯スベカラザルヲ以ッテナリ」と説き、法による権利義務関係を否定し、日本伝統の家父長制度を否定する婚姻を基調とした家族法を批判した。
    The authority and law were born in a family.', and 'the authority of a head of a family is holy and inviolable just as the spirits of our ancestors are holy and inviolable', neglected a right-duty relation by law and criticized the family law based on marriage which denied Japanese traditional patriarchal authority.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 専制的、あるいはいわゆる家父長的統治という体制に属するような事物が、私たちの習慣に入り込んでおり、その一方で、私たちの諸制度の一般的自由が、抑制を道徳教育として本当に効力があるものにするために必要なだけの統制を行使することを妨げているのは、この国の諸制度が矛盾の塊だというだけのことなのです。
    It is only because the institutions of this country are a mass of inconsistencies, that things find admittance into our practice which belong to the system of despotic, or what is called paternal, government, while the general freedom of our institutions precludes the exercise of the amount of control necessary to render the restraint of any real efficacy as a moral education.10  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』


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