
  • 密議する.
    sit [meet] in conclave  - 研究社 新英和中辞典
  • 密議する
    to hold a secret conference  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 密議をこらす
    to hold secret consultations  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 閣員は密議をこらした
    The Cabinet ministers held a chamber council.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 〔人と〕秘密に話し合う, 密談[密議]する 〔with〕.
    go into a huddle  - 研究社 新英和中辞典
  • この後には、鹿ケ谷事件で藤原成親、西光、俊寛らの平家打倒の密議に参加。
    Later, Yasuyori joined the plot, known as the Shishigatani Incident, by FUJIWARA no Narichika, Saiko, Shunkan and others to overthrow the Taira family.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 正中の変などで鎌倉幕府討幕のための密議を行う後醍醐天皇を諌め、1329年の元弘の乱では2度目の討幕の密議を六波羅探題に密告している。
    In the Shochu Disturbance and on other occasions, he remonstrated the Emperor Godaigo, who held secret conferences to overthrow the Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) and, on the occasion of Genko Incident (abortive coup of the Genko Era) in 1329, he informed Rokuhara Tandai (an administrative and judicial agent in Rokuhara, Kyoto) about the second secret conference for overthrowing the bakufu.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 「太平記」によれば倒幕の密議の場で書を講じ、後醍醐天皇や公卿に宋学や古典を講じたとある。
    According to the 'Taihei ki' (the record of Great Peace) he taught calligraphy at the secret meetings for overthrowing the government, and he gave lectures about the new Confucianism in the Song Dynasty China and classics to Emperor Godaigo and the noble officials.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 安元3年(1177年)、父の藤原成親が平家打倒をはかって、院近臣の西光・俊寛らと鹿ヶ谷の山荘で密議を行った。
    In 1177, his father, FUJIWARA no Narichika, conspired to overthrow the Taira family with Saiko and Shunkan, personal attendants to the Emperor, at a mountain villa in Shishigatani.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 5日に有間皇子と自宅で密議したところ、脇息が折れたため不吉だということになり、陰謀を止めることを互いに誓った。
    When Akae had a secret meeting with Prince Arima in December 8, an armrest was broken; therefore they regarded the event as ominous, and they swore to support each other.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 幕末には久坂玄瑞、西郷隆盛などの勤王の志士が密議を交わしたり、豪商からの資金調達のために接待に使用されていた。
    In Bakumatsu, Genzui KUSAKA, Takamori SAIGO and other royalist political reformers called "Kino no Shishi" used Sumiya to hold secret meetings or entertain wealthy merchants for the purpose of fundraising.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、念持仏として大石良雄が、勝軍地蔵菩薩を信仰していたとされ、京阪にいる元赤穂藩の同士と密議を行ったと伝えられる。
    Yoshio OISHI is believed to have worshipped Shogun Jizo Bosatsu (Ksitigarbha of winning the battle) as his nenjibutsu (a small statue of Buddha kept beside the person), and to have communicated with his ex-Ako warriors in Kyoto or Osaka.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1177年、藤原成親・西光らの平氏打倒の陰謀に加わって鹿ヶ谷の俊寛の山荘で密議が行われた(ただし、『愚管抄』によれば、信西の子・静賢の山荘で密談が行われたとされている)。
    In 1177, he participated in a plot planned by FUJIWARA no Narichika and Saiko to overthrow the Taira clan, for which a secret meeting was held at Shunkan's mountain villa in Shishigatani (however, according to "Gukansho" (Jottings of a Fool), the secret meeting was held at a mountain villa of Joken, son of Shinzei).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 西光は藤原成親・俊寛・多田行綱らの平氏打倒の陰謀に加わり、鹿ヶ谷の山荘での密議の首謀者となる(鹿ケ谷の陰謀)。
    Saiko joined a conspiracy by FUJIWARA no Narichika, Shunkan, and Yukitsuna TADA to beat the Taira clan, and became the mastermind of the closed discussion at the lodge in Shishigatani (the Shishigatani plot).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 木挽町の屋敷は田沼意次の旧邸を分与されたものであり、ここから典信と意次は互いに裏門から往来し、意次の密議はつねに典信の屋敷で計られたという伝承が生まれた。
    His residence in Kobikicho was a portion of the former residence of Okitsugu TANUMA, which spawned a folklore that Michinobu and Okitsugu met through each other's postern, and Okitsugu always held his private consultations in Michinobu's residence.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 9月19日には、六波羅探題が察知して計画は事前に発覚し、土岐頼兼、多治見国長、足助重範など密議に参加した武将は討伐される。
    On September 19, the Rokuhara Tandai uncovered the plan before it was executed and samurai who had participated in secret talks such as Yorikane TOKI, Kuninaga TAJIMI, and Shigenori ASUKE, were subdued.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この事件の舞台となった明保野亭は当時、他にも多く見られた様に料亭と旅宿を兼ねており、倒幕の志士による密議にも多く利用されていたことが事件の背景にあったと考えられる。
    Like other restaurants in those days, Akebonotei served as both restaurant and hotel and was also frequently used by royalists who aimed to overthrow the bakufu in their closed sessions, which was the context of the incident.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 曽我兄弟が工藤祐経を討つため密議をしていたが、滝の轟音で話が聞き取れないため神に念じたところ、たちどころに滝の音が止んだという伝説の残る音止めの滝が静岡県富士宮市にある。
    In Fujinomiya City, Shizuoka Prefecture, there is a waterfall called Otodome no Taki (sound stopping waterfall) which has a legend that when the Soga brothers were secretly plotting their revenge on Suketsune KUDO, they could not hear properly due to the roaring sound of the waterfall, so prayed to God, on which the sound of a waterfall immediately stopped.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 「病床の頼家と能員による北条氏討伐の密議を障子の影で立ち聞きしていた政子が時政に報告し、先手を打った時政は自邸に能員を呼び出して殺害、一幡の屋敷を攻め、比企一族を滅ぼし一幡も焼死した」(9月2日条)としている。
    Masako, who eavesdropped through a shoji on the secret conference of the Hojo clan to subjugate Yoriie on his sickbed and Yoshikazu, informed Tokimasa of the plot. Tokimasa called Yoshikazu to his residence and killed him in order to preempt the plan. Then he attacked the residence of Ichiman, destroying the relatives of the Hiki clan and Ichiman was also burned to death' (Azuma Kagami on the section under September 2nd (October 15 of the current calendar)).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
