寝殿造 Shinden-zukuri style (architectural style of court nobles' houses in the Heian period)
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寝殿造りの,ひさしの間 a room with eaves in the palace style of the Fujiwara period architecture
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寝殿造りで,北にある建物 a building at the northern part of Japan's Imperial Palace
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寝殿造では四隅にあった。 In the Shinden style, tusmado were in the four corners.
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寝殿造りと建具 Shinden-zukuri style (Architecture representative of a nobles' residence in the Heian period) and Doors
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寝殿-1924年(大正13年)の建築。 Shinden was built in 1924.
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寝殿造りにおいて,表門と寝殿との間にある門 a gate located between front gate and a palace whose architectural design is typical of the Fujiwara period
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寝殿造りの建物における,大庇という部屋 a room with large eaves in a building of the 'Shinden' style
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寝殿造りの建物において,小さい庇の間 the space between small eaves
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壁の無い寝殿造りの渡り廊下 an open corridor in a building built in the 'shindenzukuri' style
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寝殿造りにおいて,池に向けて建てた建物 a building which faces a pond in the palace style of the Fujiwara period of architecture in Japan
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寝殿造りにおいて,居間兼客間の部屋 a room used during the Heian and Kamakura period as both a living room and a guest room, in the palace style of n
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寝殿の母屋に設ける寝床の台 in Japan, a low square platform built in the bedroom of a house
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寝殿造において,母屋の回りの細長い部屋 in Heian residential architecture in Japan, the long, thin hallway surrounding the main wing of a noble's home
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広庇という,寝殿造りの構成部分 a part of the construction of a palace of Fujiwara era architecture called canopy
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寝殿造りの母屋にかける御簾 in Japanese Heian period architecture, a bamboo blind used in the main building of a noble's residence, called 'uchimisu'
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寝殿造りにおいて,対の屋という建物 of Japanese palaces of nobles during the Heian period, the structure that that stood next to the main one, connected by a corridor
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寝殿造りの住宅に設けられた両開きの板戸 a double door set in a "shinden" style house
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対(たい):寝殿造の対の屋。 Tai: symmetrical structures in the shinden style (the architectural style used in aristocratic residences of the Heian period).
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(一時寝殿に住んだという説もあり)。 (There is also a theory that they lived in the main hall for a while).
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寝殿がなく対の屋二つが並ぶやや質素な作り。 It is a modest building consisting of two wings placed side by side but no main hall.
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正寝殿‐重要文化財指定名称は「客殿」。 Shoshin-den - Designated an Important Cultural Property under the name 'kyakuden' (guest hall).
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-寝殿造、唐破風の玄関あり。 Shinden-zukuri style (architecture representative of a nobleman's residence in the Heian period), with an entrance of karahafu (cusped gable)
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平安期に流行した寝殿づくりの庭とは違って、ここでは中心建築が寝殿から阿弥陀堂に変わっている。 When compared to gardens in shinden-zukuri architecture, the central building in the Jodo style garden is an Amitabha hall instead of a shinden.
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武家住宅も初期は寝殿造の系統であり、足利義教の将軍邸(花の御所)も寝殿を中心にした配置を取っていた。 Initially, samurai residences followed the Shinden-zukuri style, and the layout of the Shogun Yoshinori ASHIKAGA's residence (Hana no Gosho (literally, Flower Palace)) is centered on a shinden (main house).
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昔の寝殿造りの建物で,主人の居間となる表座敷 of the old buildings constructed in the main house style, the room laid with tatami mats at the front of the house which served as the master's living room
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同15年(1483年)山科に御影堂・阿弥陀堂・寝殿など諸堂舎が完成。 In 1483, halls such as 御影堂, Amida-do were completed, along with the main house.
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明石女御が里下がりの際には寝殿の東側を住まいとした。 Whenever Princess Akashi returned home, she would stay in the east part of the main hall.
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そして正妻として六条院の春の町の寝殿に入る。 She began living in the main hall of the spring quarter in the Rokujo-in estate as his lawful wife.
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平安時代の貴族の邸宅の典型は、寝殿造りである。 The typical residence of aristocracy in the Heian period was built in the Shinden-zukuri style.
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やがて、寝殿造りの貴族の邸宅にも、室礼が設けられるようになった。 Later, Shitsurai came to be set up in an aristocrats' residence of Shinden-zukuri as well.
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上記のとおり桃山期(1599年)の建築で寝殿造り。 As stated above, the main hall was constructed during the Momoyama period (1599) in the shinden-zukuri style.
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多くの殿舎を備えた寝殿造であったという。 Reizeiin is said to have been Shinden-zukuri style (architecture representative of a nobleman's residence during the Heian period) with quite a few buildings.
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貴族住宅が寝殿造の様式で建てられた。 The houses for nobles were constructed in the Shinden-zukuri style (architecture representative of a nobleman's residence in the Heian period).
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寝殿造(しんでんづくり)は、平安時代の貴族住宅の様式である。 Shinden-zukuri is a style of architecture used in aristocratic mansions in the Heian period.
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寝殿は檜皮葺(ひわだぶき)の屋根で木造の高床式家屋である。 A shinden is a house on stilts with its roofs thatched with Hiwada (bark of Japanese cypress).
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平安時代には貴族の住まいとして寝殿造が成立した。 In the Heian period, Shinden-zukuri style was established for nobles' residences.
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足利義満の邸宅はまだ寝殿造の面影を留めていた。 The residence of Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA was provided with slight signs of the Shindenzukuri-syle.
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生きていた... 数日前の夜も 寝殿まで余に会いに来ていたな He was alive... he even came looking for me in my dreams a few days ago. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
生きていた... 数日前の夜も 寝殿まで余に会いに来ていたな He was alive...he even came looking for me in my bedroom a few days ago. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
その名の通り、平安京の六条京極付近に四町を占める広大な寝殿造の邸宅。 As the name indicates, it stood near Rokujo-Kyogoku in Heian-kyo (Kyoto), and was built in the shinden-zukuri palatial style, covering almost four hectares.
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それぞれに寝殿や対の屋があり、敷地は町ごとに壁で仕切られている。 Each quarter had a shinden (main hall) and several wings, and was separated from the other quarters by a wall.
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寝殿の正面(南側)には遣水から中島のある池に水を流し込む庭園が設けられた。 At the Face (south) side of the shinden, a garden with a pond with an island in it, into which a stream from outside flows, was built.
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マルチパーパス空間としての寝殿造りは、便所や湯殿さえ固定されていなかった。 In the Shinden-zukuri style for a multipurpose space, even the places in a lavatory and bath were not fixed.
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六波羅泉殿の寝殿北廂の、外回りに明かり障子が三間にわたって使用されていた。 Akari-shoji were placed for 5.4 m wide as an external partition of Shinden Kita-hisashi in Izumi-dono of Rokuhara.
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寝殿造りとは構成がかなり異なった、成立期の書院造りの建築様式を伝えている。 It shows the style of architecture of Shoin-zukuri at the early stage, which is quite different from the structure of Shinden-zukuri.
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本項では寝殿造りなどに見られる座具である「茵」について記す。 This section describes a shitone written in another kanji '茵', which refers to a cushion used in the Shinden-zukuri style (architecture representative [characteristic] of a nobleman's residence in the Heian period), etc., to sit on.
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