築地居留地 The Tsukiji Settlement
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外人居留地. a foreign settlement
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横浜居留地 The Yokohama Settlement
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長崎居留地 The Nagasaki Settlement
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川口居留地 The Kawaguchi Settlement
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神戸居留地 The Kobe Settlement
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芸術家の居留地 an artists' colony
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居留地建築など Buildings in foreign settlements etc.
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大阪居留地、大阪川口居留地とも呼ばれる。 It was also called Osaka settlement or Osaka Kawaguchi settlement.
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日本人居留地という地域 an area called a Japanese residential town
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居留地は空気が違う The foreign settlement has a different atmosphere.
- 斎藤和英大辞典
外国人の居留を認めた地域 an area where foreigners are allowed to live
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外国人居留地の住宅建築 a domestic architecture built in a settlement
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神戸外国人居留地計画(英) Planned the foreign settlement in Kobe
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旧居留地十五番館 The Former Foreign Settlement 15th Building
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単に居留地ともいう。 Such foreign settlements are also referred to simply as "settlements."
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これが居留地の始まりである。 This was the true beginning of foreign settlements in Japan.
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つまり、日本最初の鉄道は横浜居留地と築地居留地をつなぐものだったのである。 In other words, the first railway in Japan was built to connect the Yokohama and Tsukiji foreign settlements.
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しかし、1871年に「外国掛捕亡役」「居留地廻方」が廃止となり、「居留地取締掛」が単独で居留地の警察を専管することとなった。 But in 1871, the 'Gaikoku keihoboyaku' and the 'Kyoryuchi mawarigata' were disbanded, leaving the 'Kyoryuchi torishimari kakari' with exclusive police jurisdiction over the settlement.
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江戸時代の遠国奉行や明治の府県警察部の管轄下にある居留地警察(築地居留地・横浜居留地・長崎居留地)と、居留地の自治組織によって設置され、内務省(日本)が全く関知しない居留地警察(川口居留地・神戸居留地)の二通りの警察組織が存在する。 There were two types of foreign settlement police: the first kind (present at the foreign settlements in Tsukiji, Yokohama, and Nagasaki) was under the jurisdiction of the ongoku bugyo (magistrates of distant provinces) in the Edo period and the prefectural police departments during the Meiji period, while the second kind of foreign settlement police force (like that in place at the foreign settlements in Kawaguchi and Kobe) was established autonomously by the inhabitants and was entirely unsupervised by Japan's Ministry of Home Affairs.
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神奈川奉行は「居留地見廻役」を再設置し、居留地在住の外国人を長官に任命した。 The magistrate of Kanagawa reestablished the 'Settlement Patrol' and appointed a resident of the settlement the chief of police.
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築地居留地も1899年の治外法権撤廃で廃止されている。 Tsukiji settlement, like extraterritoriality, was abolished in 1899.
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国家が居留民の現地保護をすること a government act to protect residents
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江戸時代,中国人の居留地 a settlement of the Chinese in the Edo period of Japan
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同年9月には七千坪ほどの居留地が設けられた。 In September 1883, a settlement was established with an area of about 23,100m².
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詳細は、「旧川口居留地」の項目を参照のこと。 For the further information, see the section of 'The Former Kawaguchi Foreign Settlement'.
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旧居留地38番館、大丸神戸店、ジーニアスギャラリー The Former Foreign Settlement 38th Building, Daimaru Kobe, Genius Gallery
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詳細は、「旧川口居留地」の項目を参照のこと。 For more information, see the article on "the former Kawaguchi Settlement."
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居留地設置直後は、日本側の「外国掛捕亡役」「居留地廻方」と居留地の自治組織である「行事局」が設置する「居留地取締掛」が並立していた。 Immediately after the foreign settlement was established, three settlement police forces existed simultaneously, the 'Gaikoku keihoboyaku' (the 'troop handling the pursuit, apprehension and death of the foreign(ers)) and the 'Kyoryuchi mawarigata' (Settlement Patrolmen) representing Japan's police and the Kyoryuchi torishimari kakari' (Settlement Supervisors) which had been established by the 'Gyojikyoku,' the self-governing body of the settlement.
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彼は 居留地全域にポートレートを貼りました He pasted up portraits all over his reservation. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
ノースダコタ州 スタンディングロック居留地 ― North dakota. standing rock nation - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
新設された居留地(特に北アメリカの植民地化における) a newly established colony (especially in the colonization of North America)
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居留地に対してこれら西側のエリアを雑居地といった。 These western sections were called Mixed Residential Area to The Former Foreign Settlement.
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山下居留地は主に外国商社が立ち並ぶ商業区域となり、山手居留地は外国人住宅地となった。 Yamashita settlement essentially became a business district lined with foreign firms, while Yamate settlement became the foreign residential area.
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外国人居留地(がいこくじんきょりゅうち)は、政府が外国人の居留及び交易区域として特に定めた一定地域をいう。 The term "foreign settlement" ("gaikokujin kyoryuchi" in Japanese) refers to one of the demarcated areas of land created by the government that were specifically set aside as places in which foreigners could reside and trade.
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居留地は、掘割で仕切られて入り口にある橋のたもとには関所が設置されていたので、関内居留地とも呼ばれる。 The settlement was surrounded by a trench, and a sekisho (barrier checkpoint station) was established near the bridge at the entrance, and hence it came to be called Kannai settlement ("Kannai" means "inside the checkpoint").
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神戸居留地では外国人の自治組織である居留地会議が良く機能し、独自の警察隊もあった。 The foreigners' self-governing organization in Kobe settlement, called the Kyoryuchi kaigi (Settlement Council), functioned very well, and it possessed its own dedicated police force.
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居留地警察(きょりゅうちけいさつ)とは、条約改正前の大日本帝国の外国人居留地に置かれた警察。 Kyoryuchi Keisatsu (the Foreign Settlement Police) refers to the police force placed in the foreign settlements throughout the Empire of Japan prior to treaty revision.
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居留地設置直後は、後に大阪府警察部の警察官となる「浪華隊」や「取締番卒」が居留地の警備を行っていた。 In the immediate aftermath of the foreign settlement's establishment, the troops known as the 'Naniwatai' (Osaka Group) and the 'Torishimari Bansotsu' (Supervisory Guardsmen), who later became sections of the Osaka Metropolitan Police Department, carried out security and police duties in the settlement.
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ところが、居留地の自治組織である「行事局」が、1873年に「居留地取締掛員」という行事局独自の警察を設けた。 However, in 1873 the 'Gyojikyoku' (the Events Department), a self-governing body of the settlement, created its own dedicated police force, which it called the 'Kyoryuchi torishimari kakari-in' (Settlement Supervisors).
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新しい居留地に住みつくか、または新しい国に移る人 a person who settles in a new colony or moves into new country
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これは1874年に神戸居留地に設置されていたものである。 It was originally installed in the foreign settlement in Kobe in 1874.
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兵庫県神戸市旧居留地の西北角、大丸神戸店周辺。 Around Daimaru Kobe Department Store in Seihokukado in the former foreign settlement, Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture
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内田汽船本社(神戸市・旧居留地、1917年、現存しない) The headquarters of Uchida Kisen (Kyu-kyoryuchi [former foreign settlement] of Kobe City, 1917, not in existence today) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
日本は十万坪強の居留地を設定し、領事館を置いた。 Japan established a settlement covering 330,000m², and constructed a consular office there.
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日本人商人との貿易は居留地内に限定された。 Trade between foreigners and Japanese merchants was only permitted within these settlements.
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当時、東洋における最も整備された美しい居留地とされた。 In its day, the Kobe settlement was known as the most beautiful and well-designed settlement in the Orient.
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長崎市では毎年9月中旬に居留地祭りを開催している。 A settlement festival is held in the city of Nagasaki every year in the middle of September.
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多くのスポーツ競技も居留地から日本に伝わった。 Many kinds of sports were first introduced into Japan from the foreign settlements.
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また、1868年から数年間、神戸居留地でも同様の競馬が行われた。 The same kind of horse race was also held in Kobe settlement for several years beginning in 1868.
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