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  • 父は具。
    His father was Noritomo IWAKURA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 船は礁にり上げた.
    The ship drove on the rocks.  - 研究社 新英和中辞典
  • 船は礁にり上げた.
    The ship struck the rocks.  - 研究社 新英和中辞典
  • 船は礁にり上げた.
    The ship struck on a rock.  - 研究社 新英和中辞典
  • 私達の漁船はり上げた
    Our fishing boat was grounded on the rock. - Eゲイト英和辞典
  • 船はり上げてしまった
    The boat was stranded on the rocks. - Eゲイト英和辞典
  • モーターボートはり上げた
    The motorboat struck on the rock. - Eゲイト英和辞典
  • 倉家の家督は千種有維からの養子具が継いだ。
    The line of the Iwakura family was inherited by Noritomo IWAKURA, the adopted son who was a son of Arikore CHIGUSA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 疾風に吹きつけられて船は礁にり上げた.
    The gale drove the ship on to the rocks.  - 研究社 新英和中辞典
  • 父は権中納言具。
    His father was Noritomo IWAKURA, Gon Chunagon (provisional vice-councilor of state).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 具(正二位権大納言)の三男として京都の倉邸で生まれた。
    He was born as the third son of Noritomo IWAKURA (Shonii [Senior Second Rank], Gon Dainagon [provisional chief councilor of state]) at the Iwakura residence in Kyoto.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 子は松平友(美濃村藩嫡子)(長男)、松平美(次男)、松平時(三男)。
    His children were Noritomo MATSUDAIRA (legitimate child of the Iwamura Domain in Mino Province) (the eldest son), Noriyoshi MATSUDAIRA (the second son), and Noritoki MATSUDAIRA (the third son).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 千種家は倉家の分家であるため、子のない倉具詮に養子として唯一の実子具を出した。
    Since the Chigusa family was a branch family of the Iwakura family, he sent his only biological son, Noritomo IWAKURA, to Tomoaki IWAKURA, who didn't have any children, to become an adopted child.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 私の自転車にっていて、その少年は大きなと衝突した。
    Riding my bicycle, the boy ran into a big rock. - Tatoeba例文
  • 険しい山に、あるいはあたかもそのようなものにり上げたさま
    stranded on or as if on a crag  - 日本語WordNet
  • 私の自転車にっていて、その少年は大きなと衝突した。
    Riding my bicycle, the boy ran into a big rock.  - Tanaka Corpus
  • 従兄弟千種有維の子(具)を養子に迎えて家督を譲った。
    He adopted a child of his cousin Arikore CHIGUSA (Noritomo IWAKURA) and transferred the role of head of the family to him.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 元禄5年(1692年)祖父にあたる千種有維(具の実父)の養子に入る。
    In 1692, he was adopted by his grandfather, Arikore CHIGUSA, (the father of Noritomo IWAKURA).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 山の頂上に近づいたら大きながゴロゴロあって、そこをり越えるのに一苦労だったよ。時々グラグラしているもあったしね。
    I was getting close to the summit, but there were several boulders in my way, and trying to get over them almost did me in. Sometimes there were loose rocks all over the place, too. - Tatoeba例文
  • 塩独特のヒーリング効果及びマイナスイオン効果や遠赤外線効果などの相効果を最も引き出せる塩浴装置の提供。
    To provide an apparatus for rock salt bathing, most bringing out healing effect and negative ion effect peculiar to the rock salt and synergistic effect such as a far infrared ray effect. - 特許庁
  • 松平薀の長男・国、次男・遠がいずれも早世し、実父の玄綱が村藩大給松平家出身であったことから、美濃村藩の養子に迎えられる。
    The children of Norimori MATSUDAIRA, the eldest son Norikuni and the second son Norito MATSUDAIRA, died early, so he was adopted by the Iwamura Domain of Mino Province since his real father Totsuna was originally from the Ogyu-Matsudaira family of the Iwamura Domain.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 『本朝皇胤紹運録』によればこの後「倉宮」また「広御所宮」を名ったという。
    According to "Honcho koin jounroku" (the Emperor's family tree, made in the Muromachi period) he is said to have announced his name as 'Iwakuramiya' and 'Kogoshomiya.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 宝永6年(1709年)9月11日、美濃国村藩の第3代藩主・松平紀の五男として生まれる。
    He was born on October 13, 1709, as the fifth son of Noritada MATSUDAIRA, the third lord of the Iwamura Domain in Mino Province.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これは怪談『四谷怪談』において、四谷の女性・おが伊右衛門に殺され、そのおの霊が提灯にり移って怪異を現すという、歌舞伎の演出でも見られる「提灯お(ちょうちんおいわ)」を描いたものである。
    These illustrate "Lantern Oiwa"in the Kabuki production of "Yotsuya Kaidan Ghost Story"in which a woman named Oiwa from Yotsuya is killed by Iemon, and her spirit attaches itself to a lantern and causes mysterious phenomena.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 北畠顕成の子北畠顕忠が「北畠少弐」を名り、奥州手郡に下向して滴石御所と名った(御所ダムの由来)。
    The son of Akinari KITABATAKE, Akitada KITABATAKE, named himself 'Shoni KITABATAKE,' and then called himself Shizukuishi Gosho when he went down into Iwate-gun in Oshu Province (the origin of Gosho Dam).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これらの情勢から倉までもが弱気となり、同日松平春嶽が辞官納地の具体的内容を倉に迫った際も、倉は慶喜が「前内大臣」と名ればよいとし、領地については確答を避けるなど弱腰になってしまう。
    Even Iwakura developed a hesitant attitude under such situation and took soft stand toward Shungaku MATSUDAIRA when he urged Iwakura to give specific details of Jikan nochi on that day, by answering that it would be enough for Yoshinobu to call himself 'former Minister of the Center' and avoiding to give clear answer for the land issue.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 丹後海陸交通「滝口駅」(駅横・当駅下車すぐ2006年10月1日から、丹海バスの滝口駅り入れにより北近畿タンゴ鉄道との接続を改善)
    Iwatakiguchi-eki' (Iwatakiguchi Station) bus stop of the TANGO KAIRIKU KOTSU Co., Ltd., is adjacent to the station; since October 1, 2006, Tankai Bus has entered Iwatakiguchi Station, thereby improving the connection between the bus and the Kitakinki Tango Railway, because passengers can take a bus right after leaving the station.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 倉実相院、倉村松、国際会館駅、北大路駅、出町柳駅、四条河原町、京都駅方面 (同一行先でも系統により場が異なるので注意)
    Bound for Jissoin Temple, Iwakura Muramatsu, Kokusai-kaikan Station, Kitaoji Station, Demachiyanagi Station, Shijo-Kawaramachi and Kyoto Station (even if the destination is the same, boarding stations differ according to routes, therefore attention should be paid)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 上記に対して田経由の75C号経路は途中区間に上津屋工業団地及び田工業団地と後者に隣接する京田辺市大住地区の工場地帯を走行するので朝夕ラッシュ時の客数が多い。
    Constrasting the above, Route No. 75C operating via Iwata passes through industrial zones, such as the Kozuya industrial housing complex, Iwata industrial housing complex, and the adjacent Kyotanabe City Osumi area; therefore there are many passengers during the morning and evening rush hours.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 例:大院庭園跡(奈良)、平等院(京都府宇治市)、浄瑠璃寺庭園、毛越寺(手県平泉町)など。
    Examples: the remains of the garden of the Daijo-in Temple (Nara City), the Byodo-in Temple (Uji City, Kyoto Prefecture), the garden of the Joruri-ji Temple, the Motsu-ji Temple (Hiraizumi Town, Iwate Prefecture), etc.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 手県では具と生地を混ぜて極薄に焼き、大きな海苔を一枚せてしょうゆを塗るどんどん焼きが食される。
    In Iwate Prefecture, they mix the ingredients with the dough, grill it very thinly, put a large sheet of dried laver seaweed on it, coat it with soy sauce and eat it, which is called dondonyaki.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • このほか、長野県駒ヶ根市、群馬県桐生市、手県一関市などにも「発祥」「元祖」と名る店が存在する。
    Furthermore, there are restaurants that claim to be the 'origin' or 'inventor' of katsudon in Komagane City, Nagano Prefecture, Kiryu City, Gunma Prefecture, Ichinoseki City, Iwate Prefecture and so on.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 江戸末期ごろには加兵衛家が宗家を名るようになったが、1892年に八世平加兵衛が没して廃絶した。
    The Kahei family began to claim to be the head family of the school at around the end of the Edo period, but this family eventually became extinct when Kahei HIRAIWA the eighth passed away in 1892.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • たとえば、鎌倉時代中期に順徳天皇の皇子忠成王が倉宮、善統親王が四辻宮を名り、子孫に宮号が伝わっている。
    For example, Emperor Juntoku's Prince, Prince Tadanari named Iwakuranomiya, and Imperial Prince Yoshimune named Yotsutsujinomiya during middle of the Kamakura period, these Miya go titles were passed down to their descendants.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これは日本神話の戸隠れの場面においてアメノウズメが槽にって踊ったという伝承に基づくとされている。
    This originated from one scene of Japanese Mythology; where Amenouzume (goddess of entertainment) climbed up onto the container and danced when the Sun-goddess Amaterasu hid in the cave.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 具(いわくらのりとも、寛文6年8月29日(旧暦)(1666年9月27日)-享保15年8月23日(旧暦)(1730年10月4日))は、江戸時代前期から中期の公卿。
    Noritomo IWAKURA (September 27, 1666 - October 4, 1730) was a Kugyo (top court official) during the early through the middle of the Edo period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 倉家の家督を継ぎ、叙爵もしていたが、すぐに弟具を養子として家督を譲って隠居した。
    He inherited the line of the Iwakura family and was conferred to a peerage as well, but he adopted his younger brother, Noritomo IWAKURA, as his son, and had Noritomo inherited the family line and then started his retired and quiet life.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1885年、三菱の社長崎彌太郎が死去したことを契機に、政府が両者の仲介にりだし、共同運輸の社長である伊藤を更迭。
    When the president of Mitusbishi, Yataro IWASAKI died in 1885, the government decided to mediate between two companies and replaced the president of Kyodo Unyu, Ito.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし、折からの強い西風に煽られ、そのたびにボートはり上げて転覆し、ロシア兵は海に投げ出された。
    However, buffeted by strong winds blowing from the west at the time, the boats went onto the rocks over and over and was capsized throwing out the Russian sailors in the sea.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 場にわたしたちがり上げることを恐れて,人々は船尾から四つの錨《いかり》を降ろし,夜明けを待ち望んだ。
    Fearing that we would run aground on rocky ground, they let go four anchors from the stern, and wished for daylight.  - 電網聖書『使徒行伝 27:29』
  • 忠成王、尊忠と親子で同じ宮号を名ったことから、倉宮を最初の世襲宮家と見る意見がある一方、宮内庁の資料『皇室制度資料』では倉宮を宮家の一つとしてみることに対して慎重な見解を取っている。
    From the fact that both Prince Tadanari and Takatada, parent and son, announced the same reigning name, there is a view that Iwakuramiya was the first hereditary court noble, but on the other hand, the material in the Imperial Household Regency "Koshitsueidoshiryo" takes a cautious view on looking at Iwakuramiya as one of the Miyake.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし、大山倍達が存命中は一枚と言われていた極真会館もまた、大山の死後、極真を名る複数の団体に分裂したり独自会派を立ち上げる者が多数出現することになる。
    However, the Kyokushin Kaikan, which was known for its bond of solidarity when Masutatsu OYAMA was alive, split into several factions, which called themselves 'Kyokushin,' and after the death of OYAMA many members left the organization and set up their own circles.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 忠成王は弘安2年に没したが、一子尊忠は後に梶井門跡の権僧正となり、「入江宮」「広御所宮」「倉宮」を名ったという(『梶井円融房在位親王伝』)。
    Prince Tadanari died in 1279, but his child, Takatada, is said to have later become a gon no sojo (highest ranking priest, next to a sojo) of Kajii-monzeki Temple, and announced his name as 'Iriemiya', 'Kogoshomiya', and 'Iwakuramiya' ("Kajii Enyu-bo Temple Reign Imperial Prince Den").  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 開拓長官時代、商船に船したとき、酒に酔って船に設置されていた大砲(当時は海賊避けのため商船も武装していた)で面白半分に礁を射撃しようとして誤射し、住民を殺めてしまったことがある。
    While serving as Chief Hokkaido Development Commissioner, Kuroda was on board a merchant ship and, when he became drunk, tried to shoot the shore reef with a cannon on ship for fun (merchant ships of the time were also armed to avoid pirates) and killed a resident.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 落城に際して荒木一族はそのほとんどが斬殺されるが、数え年2歳の又兵衛は乳母に救い出され、石山本願寺に保護されて、母方の「佐」姓を名るようになる。
    When the castle fell, most members of the Araki family were killed, but Matabe, who was in his second year, was saved by his nanny and sheltered in Ishiyama Hongan-ji Temple, and then came to use his mother's family name, IWASA, as his family name.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • なお、俊哲が坂上田村麻呂の副将軍として日高見国へ遠征したことから、百済王氏の一部かその縁者が北上盆地に定住し、手県南部各地に現在でも百済姓を名る者が散見される。
    When Shuntetsu went on an expedition as a vice-shogun (SAKANOUE no Tamuramaro being shogun) to Hitakami Province, some members of the Kudaranokonikishi Clan or their relatives settled down in the Kitagami Basin, and therefore those who have Kudara as their last names are still seen in southern parts of Iwate Prefecture.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 普通運賃の場合、修学院駅・倉駅(京都府)・二軒茶屋駅(京都府)・二ノ瀬駅に区界があり、この駅を越えて車すると区数が1つ増え運賃が変わる。
    A standard fare is based on the number of sections, where an additional section is counted by passing each of the Shugakuin, Iwakura (Kyoto Prefecture), Nikenchaya (Kyoto Prefecture) and Ninose stations.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 客の少なくなった70系統京阪八幡~国立病院の系統を廃止し、同時に初代75系統は78系統に統合され2代目の75系統となり、京阪八幡~田~新田辺で運行される様になった。
    Route 70 running between Keihan Yawata and the National Hospital Organization Kyoto Medical Center was discontinued because of the decrease in passengers, while the original Route 75 was integrated into Route 78 to become the second generation Route 75 that was operated from Keihan Yawata to Shin-Tanabe via Iwata.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この他にも手県では菊池姓、菊地姓を名る人が多く、遠野菊池氏の他にも宮城県石巻市から北上川を北上してきた一族がいたなどの言い伝えが残る。
    Not only in Tono City but also all over the Iwate Prefecture, many people use the family name 'Kikuchi' written as 菊池 or 菊地, and according to an oral tradition that in addition to the Tono Kikuchi clan, there was a family that came from Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture, northing upward along the Kitakami-gawa River.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 本発明は、家庭用/一般用サウナ室において、遠赤外線、マイナスイオン及び放射線による盤浴効果と炭酸泉による足湯効果との相効果を促す低温遠赤外線足湯治療器を提供する。
    To provide a low-temperature far-infrared footbath treatment device for facilitating a synergetic effect of a bedrock bath effect brought by far infrared rays, negative ions and radiation and a footbath effect brought by a carbonated spring, at home or in a general sauna room. - 特許庁
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