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  • なお淀屋橋開業後の1964年当時の途中停車駅は四条、七条、伏見稲荷、丹波橋、中書島、八幡町(現八幡市)、枚方市、香里園、京橋、天満橋、北浜(このほか、日中は枚方公園に停車)であり、当時の急行は2008年10月に新たに登場する予定である快速急行とほぼ同じ水準の停車駅数であった(快速急行は先述の駅のほか、樟葉、寝屋市、守口市に停車し伏見稲荷、八幡市、枚方公園を通過する予定)。
    As of 1964, after Yodoyabashi Station was inaugurated, the train made stops at Shijo Station (current Gion-shijo Station), Shichijo Station, Fushimi-inari Station, Tanbabashi Station, Chushojima Station, Yawatacho Station (currently Yawatashi Station), Hirakatashi Station, Korien Station, Kyobashi Station, Tenmabashi Station and Kitahama Station (additionally, during the daytime at Hirakata-koen Station), which meant that train at that time made a stop at nearly the same number of stations as the Rapid Express projected to be introduced in October 2008 (it's scheduled that the Rapid Express train will stop at (in addition to the above-mentioned stations) Kuzuha Station, Neyagawashi Station, Moriguchishi Station, and pass nonstop at Fushimi-inari Station, Yawatashi Station and Hirakata-koen Station).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 国鉄C62形蒸気機関車は1954年に東海道本線木曽橋梁上で129km/hという「狭軌鉄道における蒸気機関車の速度記録」を樹立したが、この記録はピン結合トラスと呼ばれる古いタイプのトラス橋が来るべき電車時代に高速運転に耐え得るか否かを調査する目的で行われた、一連の速度試験の過程より得られたもので、さまざまな制約からC62形単機での試験が実施されるという、特殊な状況下で成立したものであった。
    In 1954 a JNR C62 steam locomotive ran on Kisogawa Bridge on the Tokaido trunk line at a speed of 129 km/h, which was 'a speed record of steam locomotives on the narrow gauge railroad,' however, this record was made in the process of a series of speed tests to see if an old-type truss bridge called a pin jointed truss could stand high-speed driving in the coming age of electric trains under an atypical situation that the tests were performed on the C62 steam locomotive alone from various limitations.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 亀岡盆地は太古は大きな湖であり、風が吹くと美しい朱色の波が立ったところから、このあたりを丹のうみ・丹波と呼ぶようになったとされており、出雲神話で有名な大国主命が亀岡と嵐山の間にある渓谷を切り開いて水を流し土地を干拓して、切り開いた渓谷を「三穂津姫」の名前にちなみ保津・保津峡と名付けたという伝説も残っており、出雲大神宮(千歳町)の祭神となっている。
    In ancient times, the present-day Kameoka Basin was a large lake, and the region around the basin is said to have been named Ni-no-umi (cinnabar wave), or Tanba, after cinnabar waves rippling across the basin in a windy day; legend also has it that Okuninushi-no-mikoto, a famous deity in the Izumo Shinwa (Myths of Izumo), carved out a valley, poured water in it, reclaimed the area, and then named the river 'Hozu-gawa River' and the valley 'Hozu-kyo Gorge' after wife Deity, 'Mihotsu-hime,' and is the enshrined deity of the Izumo-Daijingu Shrine in Chitose-cho.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 太古は大きな湖であり、風が吹くと美しい朱色の波が立ったところから、このあたりを丹のうみ・丹波と呼ぶようになったとされており、出雲神話で有名な大国主命が亀岡と嵐山の間にある渓谷を切り開いて水を流し土地を干拓して、切り開いた渓谷を妻神「三穂津姫」の名前にちなみ「保津・保津峡」と名付けたという伝説も残っており、事実、湖だったことを示す地層も明らかになっている。
    It is said that, because long ago Kameoka Basin was a big lake with beautiful, vermillion waves caused by wind, this area was called 丹のうみ(Ni-no-umi; umi means a lake in English) or 丹波(Tanba; 波 means waves in English); others say that Okuninushi-no-mikoto who is a famous god appearing in the Izumo Shinwa (Myths of Izumo) carved a valley between Kameoka and Arashiyama, and made the water flow, forming land by reclamation, and named the carved valley 'Hozu-gawa River and Hozu-kyo Gorge' after 'Mihotsu-hime,' goddess in the position of wife of Okuninushi-no-mikoto; in fact, a fault has been found that shows that Kameoka Basin used to be a lake.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 稲荷町(3か所)、植松町、夷之町、鍵屋町(4か所)、鍛冶屋町、柏屋町、上之町(3か所)、上柳町(3か所)、亀屋町、雁金町、端町、菊屋町、吉文字町、材木町(3か所)、堺町(3か所)、山王町、塩屋町(3か所)、清水町、下之町、住吉町(3か所)、大工町、大黒町(3か所)、竹屋町、橘町(3か所)、俵屋町、富永町(3か所)、中之町、塗師屋町、八条坊門町、花屋町、仏具屋町、骨屋町、松本町、丸屋町(3か所)、八百屋町(3か所)、吉水町、若宮町(3か所)(注記のないものは2か所)
    Inari-cho (three locations), Uematsu-cho, Ebisuno-cho, Kagiya-cho (four locations), Kajiya-cho, Kashiwaya-cho, Kamino-cho (three locations), Kamiyanagi-cho (three locations), Kameya-cho, Karigane-cho, Kawabata-cho, Kikuya-cho, Kichimonji-cho, Zaimoku-cho (three locations), Sakai-machi (three locations), Sanno-cho, Shioya-cho (three locations), Shimizu-cho, Shimono-cho, Sumiyoshi-cho (three locations), Daiku-cho, Daikoku-cho (three locations), Takeya-machi, Tachibana-cho (three locations), Tawaraya-cho, Tominaga-cho (three locations), Nakano-cho, Nushiya-cho, Hachijo Bomon-cho, Hanaya-cho, Butsuguya-cho, Honeya-cho, Matsumoto-cho, Maruya-cho (three locations), Yaoya-cho (three locations), Yoshimizu-cho, and Wakamiya-cho (three locations) (There are two locations each for towns without notations.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 霜月神楽の方法はそれぞれの地域・神社によって差異はあるものの基本的には儀式に先立って特定のや滝から汲んだ水を釜で沸かした湯を神前に供えて、祈祷の湯立を行った後に参加者に振り掛けることで祓禊となし、招待神の名前が書かれた神名帳を読上げるところから始まり、前夜の素面による採物舞の神招き、神讃めの願上、夜半の招待神の神送り、直会(なおらい)、後夜の鬼や翁などの面形舞の神遊び、祝福の式の順序で行われる。
    Though the style of Shimotsuki kagura varies from one region or shrine to another, it is basically conducted in the following order: prior to the ceremony, water drawn from a specific river or waterfall is boiled in a large pot and offered before the gods; after the yudate prayer, participants are splashed with hot water purify them; the kagura then begins with the reading of a list of invited deities; before midnight, the unmasked Torimonomai (dance of symbolic offerings) is performed; prayers are offered in praise of the deities; the invited gods are seen off at midnight; a naorai (feast) is held; after midnight is the Kamiasobi (kagura), with the dancers wearing Oni (demon) or Okina (old man) masks; a blessing ceremony is held.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1339年(延元4年/暦応2年)に後醍醐天皇が死去すると親房が南朝の指導的人物となるが、親房が1354年(正平9年/文和3年)に死去すると南朝はまた衰微し、幕府内での抗争で失脚した細清氏が楠木正儀らと南朝に帰順して一時は京都を占拠するものの1367年(正平22年/貞治6年)に敗れ、以降は大規模な南朝の攻勢もなくなり、足利義詮時代には大内弘世や山名時氏なども帰服する。
    When Emperor Godaigo passed away in 1339, Chikafusa became the de facto leader of the Southern Court, but when Chikafusa himself died in 1354, the Southern Court again fell into decline; having lost the internal power struggle within the Ashikaga shogunate, Kiyouji HOSOKAWA switched allegiance to Masanori KUSUNOKI and the Southern Court and together managed to briefly occupy Kyoto, but in 1367 they were defeated, and thereafter the Southern Court lost its large-scale military might, and even suffered the loss of Hiroyo OUCHI and Tokiuji YAMANA, who submitted to the shogunate during the rule of Shogun Yoshiakira ASHIKAGA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • そして、2代将軍足利義詮の時代には幕府内部の権力抗争により細清氏などの有力守護大名が南朝に降ったり、九州では足利直冬が幕府に反抗したり、後醍醐の皇子である懐良親王が中国の明朝より「日本国王」として冊封を受けて南朝勢力を拡大するなど、南北朝の抗争は3代将軍足利義満が南北朝合体を行うまで続く。
    And then, during the time of the second Shogun, Yoshiakira ASHIKAGA, a power struggle within the bakufu prompted several influential shugo daimyo, including Kiyouji HOSOKAWA, to defect to the Southern Court, while in Kyushu Tadafuyu ASHIKAGA raised arms against the bakufu and the Imperial Prince Kaneyoshi, Godaigo's son and heir, received an official missive, in which he was called the 'King of Japan,' from the Ming court of China; these and other events served to boost the Southern Court's power and prestige, which allowed the Southern Court to continue its resistance until the third Shogun, Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA, unified the Northern and Southern Courts (in 1392).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 眺望景観とは、具体的には賀茂別雷神社、賀茂御祖神社、東寺、清水寺などからの「境内の眺め」や、御池通、四条通などからの「通りの眺め」、琵琶湖疏水などからの「水辺の眺め」、円通寺(京都市)などからの「庭園の眺め」、東山・北山などに対する「山並みへの眺め」、大文字などに対する「しるしへの眺め」、鴨にかかる橋からの「見晴らしの眺め」、大文字からの「見下ろしの眺め」の8種である。
    Eight types of the surrounding scenery and vistaed views include: in particular, the 'temple views' such as Kamo Wakeikazuchi-jinja Shrine, Kamo Mioya-jinja Shrine, To-ji Temple and Kiyomizu-dera Temple; the 'street views' such as the Oike-dori Street and the Shijo-dori Street; the 'waterfront views' such as the view from Lake Biwa Canal; the 'background garden view' such as Entsu-ji Temple (Kyoto City); the 'mountain views' such as the Higashi-yama mountains and the Kita-yama mountains; the 'symbol views' such as the Daimonji (huge kanji character "dai" formed by bonfire in the Daimonji Festival); the 'lookout views' such as the view from the bridge over the Kamo-gawa River; and the 'bird's-eye views' such as the view from Mt. Daimonji-yama.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 近年ではかわぐちかいじの漫画作品『ジパング(かわぐちかいじ)』に「滝事件に連座して京大理学部を免職になり、日本軍の原子爆弾計画に関与する科学者」という設定の倉田万作(モデルは『世界文化』同人として検挙されたことがあり、戦時期には理化学研究所を中心とする日本の原子爆弾開発に関わっていた物理学者・武谷三男であると思われる)が登場する。
    In recent years, the manga work of Kaiji KAWAGUCHI "Jipang" set Mansaku KURATA (the model is thought to be the physicist Mitsuo TAKETANI, who was involved in developing a nuclear bomb in Japan during the war period at Rikagaku Kenkyujo who had also been arrested as a member of "Sekai Bunka") as a 'scientist who was working on the nuclear bomb plan of the Japanese army and was fired from the Faculty of Science at Kyoto University in relation with the Takigawa Incident.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この変更の理由としては江戸時代も安定期に向かい、将軍の国内的地位が幕初の覇者的性格から実質的に君主的性格に移行した現実を踏まえ、「国王」を称することにより徳将軍が実質的意味において君主的性格を帯びるようになったことを鮮明にせんとしたとも、あるいは、「大君」は朝鮮国内においては王子のことを指すので、これではむしろ対等ではないので国王に戻すのだとも説明されている。
    The reason why the term for the title of shogun was changed was explained as follows: The change was made because the state of the nation in the Edo period had become stabilized, then the domestic positioning of shogun became like sovereign rather than a winner of wars, and therefore, it was intended to use the term of 'King of Japan' to clearly show that the Tokuwaga shogun became effectively a sovereign, or because the term of 'Tycoon' was used in Korea for indicating a prince, and therefore, use of 'King of Japan' was restored to remedy the unequal state of using the term.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 3代将軍足利義満の時代には幕府組織の再編が進み一時御前沙汰は行われなくなるが、出家していた元管領細頼之を幕府に呼び戻す際に、幕府役職になかった頼之を幕府の政策決定に関与させるために正式な評定ではなく、出席者の人選に決まりが無く主宰者である将軍の意向が反映しやすい非公式な評定である御前沙汰の形式で評定を行って幕府の政策に関する重要決定を行った。
    In the tenure of the third shogun Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA, the bakufu was substantially reorganized and gozen-sata ceased once, but the shogun began holding consultations in the informal style of gozen-sata for making bakufu's important policy decisions for the purpose of having the former shogunal deputy Yoriyuki HOSOKAWA, who had entered the priesthood and had been out of bakufu office, participate in the bakufu's policy-making when the shogun sought to bring him back to bakufu -- because gozen-sata was not a formal consultation, the members of which were selected mostly at the discretion of shogun, the head of the consultation.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 容易に李氏朝鮮の首都である漢城が陥落すると、日本の諸将は5月に漢城にて軍議を開き、各方面軍による八道国割と呼ばれる制圧目標を決めた(平安道から一番隊小西行長他、咸鏡道から二番隊加藤清正他、黄海道から三番隊黒田長政他、江原道から四番隊毛利吉成他、忠清道から五番隊福島正則他、全羅道から六番隊小早隆景他、慶尚道から七番隊毛利輝元他、京畿道から八番隊宇喜多秀家他)。
    After Hancheong, which had been the capital of Yi Dynasty Korea, fell easily, Japanese commanders held a war council in June in Hancheong and determined targets of subjugation called Hachidokuniwari (literally, dividing the country into eight routes) by each corps (the First Division of Yukinaga KONISHI and others from Pyeongan Province, the Second Division of Kiyomasa KATO and others from Hangyong Province, the Third Division of Nagamasa KURODA and others from Hwanghae Province, the Forth Division of Yoshinari MORI and others from Gangwon Province; the Fifth Division of Masanori FUKUSHIMA and others from Chungcheong Province; the Sixth Division by Takakage KOBAYAKAWA and others from Jeolla Province, the Seventh Division by Terumoto MORI and others from Gyeongsang Province, and the Eighth Division of Hideie UKITA and others from Gyeonggi Province).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 第一作家同盟(DSD、メンバー34名で五団体が結集、太田聴雨、小林三季、佐藤日梵、松島肇、吉青草、真野満(以上、青樹社)、村雲毅一、荒木留吉、田中一良、玉村善之助(以上、高原会)、高木長葉、山内神斧、池田耕一、森谷南人子、西村陀宙、鳥居道枝(以上、蒼空邦画会)、小林源太郎、水島爾保布(以上、行樹社)、船崎光次郎、松田操、榎本三朗(以上、赤人社))1922年6月末結成
    Daiichi-Sakka-Domei (First Writers Alliance, or DSD), which had five groups and 34 members, including Shou OTA, Sanki KOBAYASHI, Nichibon SATO, Hajime MATSUSHIMA, Aokusa YOSHIKAWA, and Mitsuru MANO [all from Seiju-sha], Kiichi MURAKUMO, Tomeyoshi ARAKI, Kazuyoshi TANAKA, and Zennosuke TAMAMURA [all from Kogen-kai], Choyo TAKAGI, Shinpu YAMAUCHI, Koichi IKEDA, Nanjinshi MORITANI, Dachu NISHIMURA, and Michie TORII [all from Soku-Hogakai], Gentaro KOBAYASHI and Nio MIZUSHIMA [all from Koju-sha], Kojiro FUNASAKI, Misao MATSUDA, and Saburo ENOMOTO [all from Akahito-sha]) was formed in late June of 1922.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 特に安政の大獄を断行した大老井伊直弼が桜田門外の変で横死して後、公武合体を望む幕府が征夷大将軍徳家茂の正室として孝明天皇の妹和宮の降嫁を求めた1861年(文久元年)頃から、薩摩藩・長州藩・土佐藩などの雄藩が中央政界への進出をうかがうようになり、尊王攘夷派がぞくぞくと京都に集まるようになった。
    In the Sakuradamongai Incident (1860), extremists murdered Tairo (a councilor of the Council of Five Elders) Naosuke II who had conducted Ansei no Taigoku (the suppression of extremists by the Shogunate), soon after that, in 1861 the Shogunate offered the lawful marriage of Seii Taishogun (literally, 'great general who subdues the barbarians') the 14th shogun Iemochi TOKUGAWA with Kazunomiya (a younger sister of Emperor Komei) to the Imperial Family for the purpose of gaining the Imperial Court's cooperation; especially since then, statesmen of strong clans including the Satsuma clan, the Choshu clan and the Tosa clan aimed for advance to the political center, and the following of Sonno Joi came to Kyoto one after and another.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 吉宗は享保八年(1723年)九月から享保九年(1724年)四月の間の9263人の急激な人口減少、享保十年(1725年)四月から六月の間の1万0394人の急激な人口増加に気付き、季節的な人口変動の理由を調べさせた結果、冬の火災の多さから特に子女は近隣実家等へ疎開する、春以降火災からの復興再建や土蔵の建築が増えて労働転入者も増える、などといった実態が判明している。
    In gathering demographic information, Yoshimune TOKUGAWA noticed a sharp population decline of 9,263 persons between September 1723 to April 1724 and a population surge of 10,394 persons between April and June 1725; After ordering an investigation into the seasonal fluctuations in population, it was discovered that frequent fires in winter prompted women and children to take shelter in neighboring towns and parental residences, and reconstruction work and the construction of dozo (earthen storehouse) from spring brought in an influx of workers.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 内城の堀の外は東の大手門下から和田倉門外に譜代大名の屋敷、南の桜田門の外に外様大名の屋敷と定められ、西の半蔵門外から一ツ橋門、神田橋門外に至る台地に旗本・御家人が住まわされ、さらに武家屋敷地や大名屋敷地の東、常盤橋・呉服橋・鍛冶橋・数寄屋橋から隅田、江戸湾に至るまでの日比谷埋立地方面に町人地が広げられた。
    Residences of fudai daimyo (hereditary vassals to the Tokugawa clan) were built on the western outskirts of the interior castle moat between the Oote-mon and Wadakura-mon gates, an area south of the Sakurada-mon gate was designated the residence of the tozama daimyo (nonhereditary feudal lord), and Hatamoto and Gokenin (shogunal retainers) were housed on a hillside stretching between the outskirts of the western Hanzo-mon gate to Hitotsubashi-mon and Kandabashi-mon gates; choninchi (residential and commercial areas for townspeople) the reclaimed lands in Hibiya stretched between Tokiwa-bashi Bridge, Gofuku-bashi Bridge, Kaji-bashi Bridge, Sukiya-bashi Bridge, Sumida-gawa River and the Edo Bay.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 幕末の期間に関する厳密な定義はないが、嘉永6年(1853年)の黒船つまりアメリカ合衆国のマシュー・ペリー率いるアメリカ海軍のサスケハナ、サラトガ号、ポーハタン号、ミシシッピ号による艦隊の来航から、慶応3年(1867年)に徳慶喜が大政奉還をおこなって幕府が日本の全国政権としての地位を失い、翌1868年に明治天皇が即位して元号が「明治」と改元されたときまでとするのが、一般的である。
    Though the duration of the Bakumatsu is not strictly defined, it generally refers to the period from 1853, when the squadron, called the Black Ships, led by Commodore Matthew Perry, consisting of the four US Naval ships Susquehanna, Saratoga, Mississippi, and Plymouth, arrived off the shore of Uraga near Edo (current Tokyo), to 1867, when Yoshinobu TOKUGAWA returned power to the Emperor, ending the central governance under the Tokugawa shogunate, allowing the start of the Meiji period in 1868.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 既指定物件は近畿地方に集中しており、近畿以外の地区に所在するものは神奈・高徳院の銅造阿弥陀如来坐像(鎌倉大仏)、東京・大倉集古館の木造普賢菩薩騎象像(本来どこの寺院にあったものか不明)、岩手・中尊寺の金色堂堂内諸像及天蓋、福島・勝常寺の木造薬師三尊像、大分・臼杵市所有の臼杵磨崖仏がある。
    Most of the aforementioned sculptures designated national treasures are concentrated in the Kinki (Kansai) region, but there are some sculptures located outside the Kinki region, including the bronze seated statue of Amitabha Tathagata in Kotokuin Temple in Kanagawa (the Big Buddha of Kamakura), the wooden statue of Samantabhadra (Fugen Bosatsu in Japanese) riding an elephant in the Okura Shukokan Museum of Fine Arts in Tokyo (it is not known at which temple this statue originally resided), the statues and the canopy in the Golden Hall of Chuson-ji Temple in Iwate, the three wooden statues that comprise the Yakushi Triad housed in Shojo-ji Temple in Fukushima, and the Usuki Magaibutsu (the stone-cliff Buddha) owned by the city of Usuki in Oita.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 渡良瀬から農業用水を取水していた中流右岸の待矢場両堰普通水利組合(現在の待矢場両堰土地改良区。主に群馬県山田郡、邑楽郡の町村に用水を供給していた)と三栗谷用水普通水利組合(現在の三栗谷用水土地改良区、主に足利郡右岸に用水を供給)は、古河側と永久示談を行わず、期限つきの示談交渉を数度に渡り延長する方式をとっていた。
    The unions of the areas which had drawn water for fields from Watarase-gawa River on the right of the midstream, including the Common Water Supply Union of Machi-Yaba Ryozeki (present Machi-Yaba Twin Weir System Land Improvement District which had supplied water mainly to Yamada County and Oura County in Gunma Prefecture), and the Common Water Supply Union of Mikuriya Yosui (present Mikuriya Water Land Improvement District), did not make a final composition (with the condition that they should abandon every right to demand or negotiate after the composition in exchange for some money) with the Furukawa side, and instead of that, they made the composition with the term of validity and the renewal of the composition several times.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 泰盛与党として罹災したのは泰盛一族の他、小笠原氏、足利氏、伴野氏、伊東氏、武藤氏(少弐氏)、その他は藤原相範、吉良満氏、殖田又太郎(大江泰広)、小早三郎左衛門、三科蔵人、天野景村、伊賀景家、二階堂行景、(大井)美作三郎左衛門、綱島二郎入道、池上藤内左衛門の尉、行方少二郎、南部孫二郎(政連?)、有坂三郎、鎌田弥藤二左衛門尉、秋山人々など、幕府創設以来の有力御家人層の多くが見られる。
    Victims of this battle among the members of Yasumori's party other than the Yasumori family were the Ogasawara clan, the Ashikaga clan, the Tomono clan, the Ito clan, and the Muto clan (Shoni clan) and many powerful gokenin since the foundation of Kamakura bakufu also suffered, such as Ainori FUJIWARA (藤原相範), Mitsuruuji KIRA, Matataro UETA (Yasuhiro Oe), Saburozaemon KOBAYAKAWA, Kurodo SANKA, Kagemura AMANO, Kageie IGA, Yukiie NIKAIDO, Mimasakasaburozaemon (OI) (美作三郎左衛門), Jironyudo TSUNASHIMA (綱島二郎入道), a lord of Tonaizaemon IKEGAMI (池上藤内左衛門), Shojiro YUKIKATA (行方少二郎), Magojiro (Masatsura?) NANBU, Saburo ARISAKA, Yatonisaemoni KAMATA (鎌田弥藤二左衛門尉), and Hitobito AKIYAMA (秋山人々).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 大和駅(茨城県)と大和駅(神奈県)にそれぞれ存在する大和駅及び千葉県にある日向駅、大阪府にある淡路駅、奈良県にある磐城駅・但馬駅・石見駅、和歌山県にある岩代駅、前述の高知県安芸市にある安芸駅は、外の地域の旧国名と同じ名称の駅名となっているが、旧国名と駅名との間に関係はない(なお、宮崎県日向市の駅は前出の例に従い日向市駅である)。
    The examples of the names of stations in which the old provincial names of other places are used and the old provincial names have no relation with the station in question include two Yamato Stations which exist in Ibaraki Prefecture and Kanagawa Prefecture respectively, Hyuga Station in Chiba Prefecture, Awaji Prefecture in Osaka Prefecture, Iwaki Station, Tajima Station, Iwami Station in Nara Prefecture, Iwashiro Station in Wakayama Prefecture, and Aki Station in Aki City in Kochi Prefecture of which we have already mentioned; the station in Miyazaki City in Miyazaki Prefecture is Hyugashi Station following the examples already explained.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • なお、統帥権独立の考えが生まれた源流としては、当時の指導者が、政治家が統帥権をも握ることにより幕府政治が再興される可能性をおそれたこと、それといささか矛盾するが、元勲・藩閥が政治・軍事両面を掌握していたことから、後世に統帥権独立をめぐって起きたような問題が顕在化しなかったこと、南北朝時代(日本)に楠木正成が軍事に無知な公家によって作戦を退けられて湊で戦死し、南朝(日本)の衰退につながった逸話が広く知られていたことなどがあげられる。
    The idea of the independence of the supreme command came originally from the facts that the leaders at that time were afraid of the revival of the government by the shogunate if statesmen acquired the supreme command, despite the contradiction to that, as the statesmen who contributed in Meiji Restoration and domain cliques had control over the both politics and military, the problems that occurred later due to the independence of the supreme command did not come to the surface, the anecdote of Masashige KUSUNOKI who died at Minatogawa River because his strategy of the war was denied by the ignorant court nobles in the Northern and Southern Court Period (Japan), and it led to the decline of the Southern Court (Japan).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1882年に有栖宮熾仁親王のヨーロッパ訪問に同行した青木周蔵が、伊藤に対して親王が訪問先で他の欧州王室の一員と違った冷遇を受けた事への憤慨を記した手紙を送っているが、1886年に小松宮彰仁親王のヨーロッパ訪問に同行した三宮義胤が、伊藤に対して訪問先で他の欧州王室の一員と同様の礼遇を受けた事への感慨を記した手紙を送っている。
    In 1882, Shuzo AOKI, who had accompanied Imperial Prince Arisugawanomiya Taruhito visiting Europe, sent a letter to ITO to tell him that he felt resentful about the cold shoulder the Imperial Prince received at the place where they stayed in, different from the treatment of a member of other European royal family, and on the other hand, in 1886, Yoshitane SANNOMIYA, who had traveled with Imperial Prince Komatsunomiya Akihito spending time in Europe, also sent a letter to ITO to let him know that he was moved by the kind treatment same as a member of the other European royal family where they stopped by.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 「貞丈雑記」には、「輿にめしたる人に行あひ、又は人の犬追物、笠懸、やぶさめ、大的、小的など射らるる場所近き辺を通るとき、又は野山にて幕などうち遊興せらるるあたりを通るとき、または神社仏寺の前を通るとき、また三職などの門前を通るとき、または狩鷹狩など人のするところを通るとき、また鷹すゑたる人鵜つかひに行あひたるとき、いづれも我知らぬ人なりとも、必ず下馬して通る也」とあり、武家時代を通じて、礼儀として厳存した。
    However, this custom of dismounting a horse had surely existed as a courtesy during Buke-jidai (the feudal period), as described in "Teijo-zakki" (a book on ancient courtly traditions and etiquettes, written by Sadatake Ise in the Edo Period) that a person had to dismount his horse without fail when he encountered any person on a palanquin, or when he passed by a place where inuoimono (dog-hunting event, a skill of an archery), kasagake (archery competition on horseback), yabusame (the art of arrow shooting on horseback), and other arrow shooing competitions with omato and komato (big and small sized shooing targets) were being played, or when he went around a shrouded place for pleasure in hills and fields, or when he passed in front of shrines and temples, or when he passed in front of the gates of Sanshoku (three important offices), or when he passed through a place where people were enjoying river fishing or falconry or when an astringer bumped into a cormorant fisher, in each case no matter whom he met with were strangers or not.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 東国には甲斐国の黒金山を始めとして、伊豆国の土肥鉱山、常陸国および陸奥国と金鉱山が多く偏在し、さらに江戸時代初期は多額に上る銀の日本国外流出に対し、主に中国から印子金(いんすきん)が輸入されていたため貨幣鋳造用地金の準備も整い、また家康は甲州金を手本とし基本通貨を金貨とする方針であったことから、「江戸の金遣い」と呼ばれるように、小判は江戸を中心とする関東地方で主に流通した。
    Koban was circulated mostly in Kanto region around Edo as it was called 'financial habit of Edo', because in Togoku, there were many gold mines such as Kurokawa Kinzan (Kurokawa Gold Mine) in Kai Province, Doi Mine in Izu Province, Hitachi Province and Mutsu Province, in addition, the preparation of metal for currency casting was completed as Insu gold was imported mainly from China against the outflow of the large sum of silver from Japan in the early Edo period, and Ieyasu planned to make gold basic currency after the Koshu gold.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • サッカーではジャパンフットボールリーグ(旧JFL)在籍当時の京都サンガF.C.が1993~94年にかけて、佐印刷サッカー部も一時期、ホームスタジアムのひとつとして公式戦を数試合開催した他、現在では関西社会人リーグが年数回開催しているが、人工芝への張り替えが完了した後は一日の開催可能試合数が大幅に増加した関係で、京都フットボールリーグ(旧、京都府社会人リーグ)で使用される日数が大幅に増えている。
    As for soccer, from 1993 to 1994 when Kyoto Sanga F.C. belonged to the Japan Football League (old JFL), the F.C. held some official games there treating it as one of the home stadiums and for some time Sagawa Printing Soccer Club also did so, and now Kansai Soccer League held several games a year, but after the completion of recovering with artificial grass, the number of days when Kyoto Football League (old Kyoto Soccer League) uses it are dramatically increasing because the number of games which can be held a day has largely increased.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 武家源氏として名を馳せた清和源氏においては畿内に始まり各地に土着しており、源満仲の子から摂津源氏、大和源氏、河内源氏とに分かれ、河内国を本拠地とした河内源氏の源義家(八幡太郎義家)はその主流で、その子孫は鎌倉幕府を開いた源頼朝に代表される武士として栄え、さらに河内源氏からは石源氏、甲斐源氏、常陸源氏、下野源氏(足利氏)、上野源氏(新田氏)などが分派している。
    Seiwa-Genji, who enjoyed its fame as military Genji, originated in Kinai, or current Kansai region, spread to various regions, and then split up into Settu-Genji, Yamato-Genji and Kawachi-Genji after MINAMOTO no Mitsunaka, and MINAMOTO no Yoshiie (Taro Yoshiie HACHIMAN) of the Kawachi-Genji, who were based in Kawachi Province, was the mainstream of them, whose descendants flourished as samurai represented by MINAMOTO no Yoritomo, who established the Kamakura bakufu, and other clans such as Ishikawa-Genji, Kai-Genji, Hitachi-Genji, Shimotsuke-Genji (Ashikaga clan) and Kozuke-Genji (Nitta clan) were descended from Kawachi-Genji as well.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 同じく赤松一族で但馬竹田城城主・斎村政広も西軍から東軍に寝返ったものの、西軍に与した宮部長房の居城・鳥取城を攻めるときにあまりに手ひどく城下町を焼き払ったために、徳家康から戦後、これを理由に自害(この件に関しては寝返りを促した亀井茲矩に責任転嫁された冤罪説が強い)を命じられてしまい、これにより大名としての赤松氏は滅亡したのである。
    Masahiro SAIMURA, also a member of the Akamatsu family and was the lord of Takeda-jo Castle in Tajima Province, switched to the East squad from the West squad as well, but after the battle (Battle of Sekigahara) he was ordered to kill himself by Ieyasu Tokugawa, for the charge that Masahiro seriously damaged the castle town by setting fire brutally when he attacked Nagafusa MIYABE of the West squad at his home castle, Tottori-jo Castle, (for this incident, the theory of the false accusation caused by Koremori KAMEI, who encouraged the betrayal and shifted the responsibility is highly likely), and with Masahiro's death, the Akamatsu clan as daimyo had distinguished.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 上嶋家文書の真偽をめぐって学界では意見がわかれ、概ね否定的見解が主流であったが、後にその記載内容を裏書きする古文書が兵庫県揖保郡揖保町新在家の豪農であった永富家(元楠木同族会顧問 鹿島建設株式会社会長鹿島守之助の生家)から発見され、この系図は江戸後期の写しであっても、古本を書写したものであることが証明された。
    The credibility of this document has been a controversial issue in the society of Japanese history that majority of them viewed as false; however, an old document that was found in the house of a wealthy farmer, the Nagatomi family (the birthplace of Morinosuke KAJIMA who was the chairman of Kajima Corporation and the former advisor of the Kusunoki family council) in Shinzaike, Ibokawa-cho in Ibo-gun, Hyogo Prefecture and it was revealed that this geneology recorded in this manuscrit during the late Edo Period was actually copied from an old document.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 金融機能強化法ですが、単に復活ではなく強化ということで、中大臣も、より柔軟に積極的にやれるように、と話していますが、従来の強化法では注入銀行に経営強化計画の提出を求めたり、単独で申請する銀行には経営責任を求めるなどの諸条件をつけていますが、このあたりの比較で、新しい強化法の中身についてどういうイメージを持たれているのか教えてください。
    As the Act on Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions will be enhanced rather than merely revived, Minister Nakagawa has said the act should be more flexibly and actively applied. The existing act attaches conditions to the injection of capital, such as the requirements for banks receiving capital injection to submit management enhancement plans and for senior managers to accept responsibility for being forced to seek additional capital. Compared with the conditions attached under the existing act, what kind of provisions do you expect that a revised act will contain?  - 金融庁
  • 前回の会見でも出たかもしれませんが、空売り規制の強化について、本日中大臣が東京証券取引所を訪問されて証券界と意見交換されたのですが、その場でも金融庁が打ち出した、今パブリックコメントを取っている内閣府令について、非常に実務上難しいといった改善を求める意見が出ているわけですが、改めて現時点で金融庁としてのお考えといいますか、ご所見をお聞かせください。
    Regarding the restriction on short selling, which may have already been mentioned in the previous press conference, Minister Nakagawa visited the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) today and exchanged views with the representatives of the securities industry, who pointed out practical difficulties regarding the relevant Cabinet Office ordinance, which has been subjected to the public comment process, and called for improvement. Could you tell me again about the FSA’s stance on this?  - 金融庁
  • 日曜日の読売新聞の社会面に、中秀直元(自民党)幹事長の公設秘書に紹介を受けた金融庁幹部が特定企業の投資家に対して、その企業が上場廃止になるかどうかの問合せを受け、「上場廃止になるケースではない」という見解を伝えていたという内容ですが、これに関する長官の受止めと、こういう行為が何がしかの問題になるかどうかの見解を伺えればと思います。
    A Yomiuri Shimbun news article on Sunday reported that an FSA official who was introduced by a government-employed secretary working for Mr. Hidenao Nakagawa, a former secretary-general (of the Liberal Democratic Party), to an investor in a certain company was asked by the investor whether or not that company would be delisted and conveyed the view that that case did not meet the criteria for delisting. What do you think of this news, and do you think that conduct like this will raise some kind of problem?  - 金融庁
  • 先週末のG7なのですけれども、中身はさて置いて、G7終了後に中大臣が、終了の会見で、見ている感じでは、かなりろれつが回らないように見えたりとか、かなり体調が優れなかったというご様子だったのですけれども、直接と言いますか、財務省の方が今回G7に関わりが深いという面もありますけれども、金融庁も事務方を出しておられると思うので、何か大臣の身体といいますか、そういう部分において何か重大なことがあったというようなご報告というのは、長官の方に何か入ってきていらっしゃいますでしょうか。
    I would like to ask you about the G7 meeting that was held last weekend. Apart from the contents of the meeting, Minister Nakagawa’s speech appeared to be slurred at a press conference after the G7 meeting and he appeared to be very ill. Although it is the Ministry of Finance that is directly, or more closely involved in the G7 meeting, FSA staff were also there, so did you hear anything important about matters like his health condition?  - 金融庁
  • G7の関係で、基本的にこれは財務省の担当であるということですが、中大臣は金融担当大臣も兼務されているので、ああいう映像を見ますと、事情を知らない外国人の方は「日本の金融当局は大丈夫か」という懸念も抱く方もいらっしゃるかもしれませんが、先ほど「日本としての現状認識はきちんと発言された」と聞いていらっしゃるということですが、ああいうことによって日本の金融当局の国際的な信用が低下するようなことは現時点では起きていないというご認識を持たれているということでよろしいですか。
    In relation to the G7, while G7-related matters are basically under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finance, Minister of Finance Nakagawa doubles as the Minister for Financial Services. If foreign people who do not know of the circumstances look at that kind of video image, some of them may be worried about Japan’s financial authorities. You said earlier you had been told that he made appropriate statements regarding Japan’s recognition of the current situation. Am I correct in understanding that you do not think the international credibility of Japan’s financial authorities has been undermined by that incident?  - 金融庁
  • そのことについてですが、大臣はかねてから「誰がなるかではなく、何をやるかが大事だ」ということをおっしゃっていましたけれども、白氏のこれまでの発言をお聞きになって、まずこの昇格をどのようにお考えになるかということと、もう一点、副総裁候補の渡辺氏(一橋大大学院教授・前財務省財務官)について財務省ОBということで民主党の中にも異論があると思うのですが、この二点についてお聞かせ下さい。
    You have been saying that the important thing is not who will be appointed but what will be done.In light of what Mr. Shirakawa has said, what do you think of his likely appointment.Also, the nomination of Mr. Watanabe (professor at Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Commerce and Management and former vice minister of finance for international affairs) for the post of deputy governor has drawn objections from the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) because he is a former official of the Ministry of Finance.Please tell me what you think of these matters.  - 金融庁
  • 益々、じり貧になっていくと思います。この5分社化であれば。その前は2兆円も、少なくとも国家に上納した組織だったのが、西さんの民営化になって少し落ちて、またこのまま行けば、本当に私は残念ながら、厳しいことになってくると思います。例えば、被災地で郵便を届けている人に、郵便を届けた人に郵便局の貯金だとか保険のことを言えるとみんな思って言うのです。ところが、郵便を届けた郵便事業会社の人にそんな話をしても、それは別の会社のことでと、断らざるを得ないと。これは、マスコミの方も書いています。
    Before the division into five companies, as Japan Post comprehensively undertook the three postal businesses, mail carriers could be entrusted with postal savings and be consulted about postal insurance. However, mail carriers are prohibited from handling such matters, so they invite the anger of people, as reported by the mass media. I saw that situation with my own eyes.  - 金融庁
  • 東洋経済の浪です。(金融機能)強化法の改正等というのは、要するに預金者保護、元々預金者保護の法律であると思うのですけれども、これによって資本基盤が強化されて、金融機関の体力は強化されるかもしれないのですが、かといって、それによって金融機能が被災地で果たされるかどうかというのは、全く不透明なわけですね。それをもって、さらに金融機関がきちんとした金融機能、つまり貸出とかを果たせるようになるようなことをするために、どうしたらいいのかというのは、大臣は今、事務方に具体的な指示をしていますか。
    I am Namikawa from Toyo Keizai. I presume that in essence, the amendment of the Act on Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions is intended to protect depositors. Although it may strengthen the capital base and financial strength of financial institutions, it is quite unclear whether the financial functions will be exercised in the disaster areas. Have you issued specific instructions for the FSA staff as to what should be done to ensure that financial institutions properly exercise their financial functions, such as providing loans?  - 金融庁
  • 6月25日土曜日、スイスのバーゼルにおきまして、グローバルなシステム上重要な銀行、G-SIFIs、リーマン・ショック以来、大変大きな世界的な問題になりまして、ある意味で大き過ぎてつぶせないと、そういうふうな表現も一面されたG-SIFIsに対する自己資本の上乗せ規制について議論するために、中央銀行総裁と銀行監督当局長官による会合(GHOS)が開催されました。当庁からは三國谷長官と、日本銀行総裁の白総裁、それから、我が庁から河野(金融国際政策)審議官が国際担当でございますが、行くということで許可をさせていただきました。
    On Saturday, June 25, the GHOS held a meeting in Basel, Switzerland, to discuss additional capital requirements for G-SIFIs, which have been the subject of global debate since the Lehman shock and which are described as being too big to fail. From Japan, FSA Commissioner Mikuniya, Bank of Japan Governor Shirakawa and FSA Vice Commissioner for International Affairs Kono attended this meeting.  - 金融庁
  • さんの先週のご質問、色々教えて頂きましたが、日本国内に支店を有する外国銀行が破綻した場合の支店に関する手続についてというご質問だったと思いますが、当庁としましては、まずは日常の監督業務を通じ、日本銀行等とも協力をしつつ、まず、海外監督当局とも連携して、経営状況の悪化している銀行についての情報収集を図る、それから次に、当該銀行の流動性、取引の状況のモニタリングをする等により、早め早めの状況把握に努めることとしております。
    Regarding the question Mr. Namikawa asked last week, which concerned the procedures to be taken when a foreign bank with a branch in Japan has failed, I have done some homework. First of all, the FSA will collect information about the troubled bank through routine supervisory processes while maintaining cooperation with the Bank of Japan and overseas supervisory authorities and then strive to grasp the situation in a timely manner by monitoring the bank's status of liquidity and transactions.  - 金融庁
  • それから、(前回の記者会見で質問を頂きました)東洋経済の浪さんが(本日の記者会見に)おられますので、この前、確か、日本振興銀行の中間決算が未だ公表されていないが事実関係は如何にという(趣旨の)ご質問だったと思いますけれども、日本振興銀行から業務を引き継いだ第二日本承継銀行は上場会社ではないため、銀行法の規定に沿って、中間事業年度経過後3ヶ月以内に、中間決算を公告すべく、手続きが進められていると認識いたしております。
    Now, let me answer the question(*) that I received in the previous press conference from Mr. Namikawa of Toyo Keizai, who is here today. He asked me about the absence of the announcement of the financial results of Incubator Bank of Japan in the fiscal first half. The Second Bridge Bank of Japan, which has taken over the business operations of Incubator Bank of Japan, is not a listed company, so I understand that it is taking the procedure to announce its financial results in the fiscal first half within three months from the end of the fiscal first half in accordance with the Banking Act.  - 金融庁
  • しかし、休眠預金の活用については、預金者等の関係者の理解を前提に預金者の信頼感や利便性の確保、それから休眠預金口座の管理等のコストの負担、それから休眠預金に係わる財産権等の法的な取扱い、等の論点について、この前も関係閣僚会議がありましたが、その後、古大臣が記者会見をされた、ぶら下がりをされたようでございますが、幅広い観点からの検討が必要であるというふうに考えております。
    As to the utilization of dormant deposits, relevant cabinet ministers recently held a meeting to discuss such points of debate as how to ensure depositors' trust and assure convenience for them, how to share the cost of managing dormant accounts and the legal treatment of property rights to dormant deposits, and later, Minister Furukawa apparently spoke in a door-step interview.  I believe that it is necessary to consider this matter from a broad perspective.  - 金融庁
  • いずれにいたしましても、休眠預金の取り扱いについては、このような我が国の特性を十分に踏まえた、先々週に閣僚会議がございまして、初めて古大臣の方から問題提起されたわけでございますから、しっかり特性を十分に踏まえた検討が必要だというふうに思っておりまして、金融庁といたしましては、大串大臣政務官がその閣僚委員会にも入っておられますので、しっかり大串さんを中心に話していって頂きたいというふうに、私からも大串大臣政務官に申しております。
    In any case, at the relevant cabinet ministers' meeting two weeks ago, we held a discussion while fully taking account of the characteristics of Japanese deposits.  As Minister Furukawa raised this issue for the first time, I believe that we need to conduct deliberation by fully taking account of those characteristics. From the FSA, Parliamentary Secretary Ogushi is participating in the cabinet committee, so I asked him to lead the discussion.  - 金融庁
  • 今、東京ではきちんと、枝野(経産)大臣と古(経済財政政策担当)大臣と私と、スクラムを組んでこういう政策パッケージもとらせていただいたのですが、(地方でも)47都道府県に中小企業再生支援協議会があり、またこれに県庁や市町村の商工部というのがございますし、その辺もまた絡んできますから、非常になかなか中小企業政策というのは多岐に渡って、いわゆる多方面の色々関係があるのです。
    However, between the three ministers who held a meeting today, the policy toward SMEs tends to lack coordination. In Tokyo, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Edano and Minister of Economic and Fiscal Policy Furukawa and I worked together to adopt the policy package. In Japan's 47 prefectures, there are liaison councils on support for rehabilitation of SMEs and there are commerce and industry departments in prefectural and municipal governments, and these organizations will also be involved, so the policy for SMEs is wide-ranging and involves various organizations.  - 金融庁
  • さんからこの前もご質問をいただいたというふうに記憶いたしておりますが、個別金融機関の人事に関する事柄については、金融庁はコメントする立場でないというふうに思っていますが、いずれにいたしましても金融庁といたしましては、当行の経営改善に向けた取り組みをしっかりフォローし、厳正に監督するとともに、今後の経営状態を引き続きよく注視してまいりたいというふうに思っております。
    I remember you raising the question previously, but the FSA is not in a position to comment on matters related to personnel affairs of individual financial institutions. In any case, the FSA will properly follow up on the bank’s managerial improvement efforts and supervise it in a stringent manner. The FSA will also continue to keep a close eye on its future management status.  - 金融庁
  • 今回の出張では、北京及び香港を訪問しまして、他の6人の閣僚とともに8月28日、第3回日中ハイレベル経済対話に出席をいたしまして、8月29日には温家宝総理と中南海で面会をしたほか、北京においても周小(シュウ・ショウセン)中国人民銀行行長、ご存じのように中国の中央銀行総裁ほか、当然銀行、証券、保険の各分野の監督当局責任者でございますが、これは全部、監督の責任者でございまして、大変中国共産党の高い地位にある方でございますが、及び国家郵政局局長と対面をいたしました。
    I visited Beijing and Hong Kong during this trip. On August 28, I, together with six other ministers, attended the Third Japan-China High-Level Economic Dialogue and, on August 29, I met with Premier Wen Jiabao in Zhongnanhai and also met with People's Bank of China Governor – the Chinese central bank governor, as you know – Zhou Xiaochuan and also officials at the helm of supervision in the fields of banking, securities and insurance in Beijing. They are all officials responsible for supervision and are very high-ranking members of the Communist Party of China. I also had a chance to meet the State Post Bureau Director-General.  - 金融庁
  • それから、ご存じのように、今、アメリカがそういう状態であって、中国と日本を合わせてGDPの17%。リーマンショックの後、比較的うまくマクロ政策をやったのは中国でございまして、今、中国が非常に経済発展いたしておりますが、そういった中で温家宝総理、あるいは周小中国中央銀行の総裁とも日中ハイレベル(経済対話)で会ってきまして、あるいはアジアで2番目に大きな香港市場などに行かせていただけたということは、私にとっても大変意義があることだったと思っております。
    Aside from that turn of events unfolding in the U.S., China and Japan have come to collectively make up 17 percent of the world's GDP. China is a country that carried out macroeconomic policies relatively well in the wake of the Lehman shock and is currently achieving remarkable economic growth. Given that situation, I also consider it to have been very meaningful for me to have had the chance to meet with Premier Wen Jiabao and People's Bank of China Governor Zhou Xiaochuan on the occasion of the Japan-China High-Level Economic Dialogue and to visit, among other places, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, the second largest market in Asia.  - 金融庁
  • 今日も閣僚懇で野田財務大臣から、ワシントンでのG7の財務大臣・中央銀行総裁、日本から白さんが行きまして、それについてのご報告がございましたが、その中で後から官房長官から話があると思いますが、野田大臣が、急激な為替の変動は好ましくないというのはG7の共通認識でございますから、そういったことで為替介入をしたということを発表されたということを言っておられました。
    During today's informal gathering with Cabinet ministers, Finance Minister Noda gave a report on this recent meeting of the G7 financial ministers and central bank governors in Washington D.C. The Chief Cabinet Secretary will probably give a statement on the subject later on, but Minister Noda said that he had stated that Japan intervened in the exchange market partly because of disapproval shared by the G7 towards any sharp exchange rate fluctuations.  - 金融庁
  • 2問目ですが、住専の2次ロス問題です。以前もお聞きしましたけれども、この問題について先週の21日、日銀の白総裁が会見で官民折半での処理をすべきだというお考えを示していますけれども、この問題、自民党政権時代は官民折半という方向であったわけなのですが、新政権になってこの問題をどう処理するのかというのが、いまひとつよく分かりませんので、これまでの路線を変更するのかどうか。そのあたりのご見解をお願いします。
    My second question relates to secondary losses of jusen companies. I previously asked about this issue as well, about which Bank of Japan Governor Shirakawa presented his view during a press conference last week, specifically on December 21, that they should be disposed of under a fifty-fifty public-private sharing structure. While this fifty-fifty public-private sharing was the favored course of action in the days of the LDP administration, I cannot see clearly how the new administration is intending to deal with this issue. Is there going to be a change to the previous position? Please give us your view with regard to this point.  - 金融庁
  • - 他国籍の海洋船若しくは河船又は他国籍の航空機、宇宙船若しくは車両がカザフスタン共和国の領域内に一時的又は偶然に入った場合、当該船上、又は航空機、宇宙船若しくは車両の機体・船体・車体の中若しくは運行における保護された工業所有権の主題を組み込んだ装置の使用。ただし、当該装置がそこで専ら当該船又は車両等の必要のために使用された場合に限る。
    - the use on board sea-going or river vessels of other countries or in the construction or operation of aircraft, space or land vehicles of other countries of devices incorporating protected industrial property subject matter, when such vessels or vehicles temporarily or accidentally enter the territory of the Republicof Kazakhstan, provided that such devices are used there exclusively for the needs of the vessel or vehicle. - 特許庁
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