人の揚げ足を取るばかりじゃなく、もっと建設的な意見を言ってくれないかな。 All you ever do is nitpick. I wish you could say something more constructive. - Tatoeba例文
人の揚げ足を取るばかりじゃなく、もっと建設的な意見を言ってくれないかな。 All you ever do is nitpick. I wish you could say something more constructive.
- Tanaka Corpus
今後も、開放的で建設的な幅広い意見交換を行っていくため、次回の協議は 2010年に東京で開催される予定である。 The next meeting will take place in Tokyo in 2010 with a view to continuing broad exchange of views in an open and constructive way.
- 金融庁
近代国家の建設を急ぐ日本では、朝鮮半島を自国の独占的な勢力下におく必要があるとの意見が大勢を占めていた。 In its rush to establish a modern nation state the opinion that the Korean peninsula should be placed under the exclusive influence of Japan held sway.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
従来の政労会見や経営者団体との意見交換という形とは別に、政・労・使の三者が膝を交えて、虚心坦懐かつ建設的に意見を述べ合い、包括的な課題解決に向けた共通認識を得るための場を設定し、速やかに議論を開始する。 Through the opportunities for the exchange of views with labor and business groups, the Government will establish fora in which the Government, employers, and workers can hold a candid and constructive exchange of views and reach a shared understanding for comprehensively resolving the issues, and will swiftly commence the discussions.
- 経済産業省
また、ハーフミラーのガラスやアルミパネルを多用した造形が古都に相応しくないとして、建設から10年近く経った今日でも否定的な意見も少なくない。 Additionally, even today, nearly ten years after the construction, there are still many negative opinions stating that the form, with its heavy use of half-mirror crystals and aluminum panels, doesn't match the ancient capital.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
平城京の建設以前から存在した市庭古墳が、平安時代の人物である平城天皇のために造られた古墳でないことは明らかで陵墓の治定に否定的な意見が多い。 Because it is clear that Ichiniwa Tumulus which had existed since before the construction of Heijo-kyo (the ancient capital of Japan in current Nara) is not a tomb mound made for Emperor Heizei who was a person in the Heian period, there are many negative opinions on the authorization of the imperial mausolea.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
建設的で友好な雰囲気の中で、日本及びEUのマクロ経済動向及びマクロ政策、金融サービス分野における規制・監督の問題、国際分野における双方の共通関心事項について幅広い意見交換が行われた。 A broad exchange of views took place in a constructive and productive spirit - on issues related to macroeconomic developments and policy responses in the EU and in Japan, regulatory and supervisory developments in the European and the Japanese financial services' area, as well as international topics of common interest.
- 財務省
全体的に深まるEUと日本の関係を背景に、日EU行動計画の枠組みの下で、建設的で友好的な雰囲気の中で、日本及びEUのマクロ経済動向、金融サービス分野における規制・監督の問題、国際分野における双方の共通関心事項について、幅広い意見交換が行われた。 Against a background of an overall deepening of EU-Japan relations, also within the framework of the EU-Japan Action Plan, a broad exchange of views took place- in a constructive and fruitful atmosphere - on issues related to macro economic developments and policies in the EU and in Japan, regulatory and supervisory developments in the financial services' area and international issues of common interest.
- 財務省
そのため、洛西ニュータウンへの路線は既存の計画とは切り離した上で、洛西口駅・JR桂駅までの独立した短距離路線で建設して、これらの駅での阪急京都線・JR京都線乗り換えで京都・大阪への都心部へのアクセスを向上させる方がまだ現実的と言う意見もある。 Thus there are some opinions saying that the construction of a new track line to Rakusai New Town should be separated from the existing plan and that another independent short-distance line should be established up to Rakusaiguchi Station and JR Katsura Station so that access to central Kyoto and central Osaka can be improved by transferring trains to the Hankyu Kyoto Line or the JR Kyoto Line at these stations.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
上嶋家文書の真偽をめぐって学界では意見がわかれ、概ね否定的見解が主流であったが、後にその記載内容を裏書きする古文書が兵庫県揖保郡揖保川町新在家の豪農であった永富家(元楠木同族会顧問 鹿島建設株式会社会長鹿島守之助の生家)から発見され、この系図は江戸後期の写しであっても、古本を書写したものであることが証明された。 The credibility of this document has been a controversial issue in the society of Japanese history that majority of them viewed as false; however, an old document that was found in the house of a wealthy farmer, the Nagatomi family (the birthplace of Morinosuke KAJIMA who was the chairman of Kajima Corporation and the former advisor of the Kusunoki family council) in Shinzaike, Ibokawa-cho in Ibo-gun, Hyogo Prefecture and it was revealed that this geneology recorded in this manuscrit during the late Edo Period was actually copied from an old document.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス