
  • 儀仗隊を葬列に参加させ、弔砲を定刻に発砲し、偉大な功績を称えた。
    A cortege participated in the funeral procession, and fired an artillery funeral salute at the appropriate time to mark the greatness of his achievements.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 葬列(車列)は自衛隊による21発の弔砲に送られて皇居正門を出発し、葬送曲「哀の極」の奏楽の中を桜田門、国会議事堂正門前、憲政記念館前、三宅坂、赤坂見附、青山一丁目、外苑前、青山三丁目を経て新宿御苑の葬場総門に到着した後、
    After the funeral motorcade departed from the main gate of the Imperial Palace as the Japan Self-Defense Forces made a twenty-one gun funeral salute, it passed the Sakurada-mon Gate, the main gate of the Diet Building, Parliamentary Museum, Miyakezaka, Akasakamitsuke, Aoyama 1-chome, Gaienmae, and Aoyama 3-chome with playing the funeral music called 'Kanashimi no Kiwami' (a funeral march composed by Franz Eckert) before reaching the main gate of the funeral place at the Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
