
  • 弱冠…歳で
    at the tender age of ... - Eゲイト英和辞典
  • 弱冠 27 歳で彼はそれを発明した.
    He invented it when he was only twenty‐seven.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典
  • 為朝弱冠にして九州を平ぐ
    Tametomo subdued Kyushu in his youth―at twenty (years of age)―in his twentieth year.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 1909年11月20日午後2時、弱冠20歳での死であった。
    She died at 2pm on November 20, 1909, at the age of mere 20.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 弱冠22歳の歌川国政を抜擢し、鮮烈なデビューを飾らせた。
    He selected Kunimasa UTAGAWA, then just 22 years old, and enabled him to make a spectacular debut.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 没後50日を経て、弱冠21歳の長男・マキノ正博を中心とした「マキノ・プロダクション」の新体制が発表された。
    Fifty days after Shozo's death, a restructuring of 'Makino Productions,' centered on Shozo's mere 21-year-old eldest son, Masahiro MAKINO, was announced.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 文治2年(1186年)20歳にして内大臣に昇るが、これを極位として、二年後の文治4年(1188年)、弱冠22歳にして病を得て急死した。
    In 1186, he was promoted to Naidaijin at the age of only 20 at his peak, 2 years later in 1188, he died suddenly of a disease at the age of 22.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 父家宣の死去により、弱冠四歳で将軍に就いた家継にとって、側用人の間部詮房は父のような存在であったという。
    For Ietsugu whose father died early and became the shogun when he was only four, the sobayonin Akifusa MANABE was like his father.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 立原の下には多くの門人が集まり、その中には弱冠10歳で入門を許された古着商藤田屋の息子、藤田幽谷の姿もあった。
    A lot of disciples gathered to Tachihara, including Yukoku FUJITA, the son of Fujita-ya (second hand clothing store), who was allowed to become a disciple at the age of 10.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 郵便創業の立役者であったのは「紳士遊覧団」として日本に留学経験のあった弱冠30歳の洪英植であった。
    Hong Young Shik, who had studied in Japan as a member of the Courtiers' Observation Mission and only 30 years old at that time, was the central figure in establishment of postal service.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 同年5月、名古屋市に「マキノ・プロダクション中部撮影所」(現在の名古屋市南区(名古屋市)道徳新町)を開所、牧野の長男で映画監督のマキノ雅弘が、弱冠18歳で同撮影所長に就任した。
    In May of the same year, the company established "Makino Production Chubu Studio" (currently, Dotokushin-machi, Minami Ward (Nagoya City), Nagoya City), and Makino's oldest son Masahiro MAKINO, who was a film director and was only 18 years old, became the head of studio.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 弱冠17歳ながら宇治路の警護に当たり、東山(京都府)法性寺の辺りで崇徳天皇方に参陣途上の源親治を捕らえるという大功を立てた。
    He was put in charge of guarding Uji-ji Highway at the very young age of 17 and made a great achievement by arresting MINAMOTO no Chikaharu, who was about to join the forces of Emperor Sutoku, near Hossho-ji Temple at Higashiyama, Kyoto.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 東大卒業後、外務省に入省し、修猷館の先輩である栗野慎一郎の知遇も得て、明治34年(1901年)、外務大臣小村寿太郎により弱冠34歳にして政務局長に抜擢される。
    He joined Foreign Ministry after graduation from Tokyo University and was selected for the director of government affairs by Jutaro KOMURA, Minister of Foreign Affairs with the favor of Shinichiro KURINO who was his senior in Shuyukan in 1901 when he was only 34 years old.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 嘉永5年当時小川清助は弱冠20歳の若者であり、そのような彼が石工たちの筆頭として銘文に名が見られる点は不自然とも考えられ、あるいは先代の作ではないかとも思われる。
    Seisuke OGAWA was only twenty years old in 1852 and it is unusual for such a young man's name to be at the top of the list of seven stonemasons, and thus it is believed that this pagoda mighe have been built by former Seisuke.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 後期としては監督昇進後も「英霊たちの応援歌」を応援監督した山下賢章、弱冠19歳で「近頃なぜかチャールストン」の共同脚本兼主演兼助監督をつとめた利重剛、プロデューサーでは「吶喊」で主演兼で初仕事を手がけた岡田裕介現東映社長が挙げられる。
    Among the students in his later stage, Kensho YAMASHITA served as a backup director in "Eireitachi no Oenka" (The Last Game) (International: English title), although he had already been promoted to director at that time, Go RIJU took charge of as a joint script writer, leading actor, and assistant director for "Chikagoro naze ka Charusuton" (At This Late Date, the Charleston) at the age of only 19, and Yusuke OKADA, actual President of Toho, worked as a producer and at the same time as the leading actor in "Battle Cry/ Go for Broke."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1928年(昭和3年)の本宅の焼失、スターの大量退社に揺れるマキノプロで逆境に燃えた光雄の兄・弱冠20歳のマキノ雅弘は、山上伊太郎と時代劇の傑作『浪人街』を生むが、翌年の1929年(昭和4年)7月25日、省三が亡くなるとマキノプロの経営は困難になり1930年(昭和5年)に年末給料不払で争議が起こる。
    When Mitsuo's older brother Masahiro MAKINO was as young as twenty to overcome adverse situations such as the loss of his family's house in a fire in 1928 and the loss of many actors and actresses who quit Makino Productions, he produced a masterpiece of period drama "Roningai" with Itaro YAMAGAMI, but upon Shozo's death on July 25, 1929 the next year, it became difficult to continue the operation of Makino Productions and there was a conflict about the non-payment of salaries at the end of 1930.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
