
  • 強硬.
    a hard‐line policy  - 研究社 新英和中辞典
  • 強硬策をとる.
    take strong measures  - 研究社 新英和中辞典
  • 強硬
    a hard-line policy  - 日本語WordNet
  • 強硬な外交政
    strong diplomatic policy  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 非行者に対しては強硬な対を講じるべきだ.
    Strong [Hard] measures should be taken against wrongdoers.  - 研究社 新英和中辞典
  • 政府の政変更は強硬な反対に会った.
    The government's change in policy was faced with resolute opposition.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典
  • 非行者に対して強硬な対を講じるべきだ。
    Strong measures should be taken against wrong doers. - Tatoeba例文
  • 私たちはそれを防止する強硬な対を講じた。
    We took strong measures to prevent it. - Tatoeba例文
  • 戦争行為あるいは強硬に配列される
    disposed to warfare or hard-line policies  - 日本語WordNet
  • 過度に強硬な政を支持する政治理論
    any political theory favoring immoderate uncompromising policies  - 日本語WordNet
  • 非行者に対して強硬な対を講じるべきだ。
    Strong measures should be taken against wrong doers.  - Tanaka Corpus
  • 私たちはそれを防止する強硬な対を講じた。
    We took strong measures to prevent it.  - Tanaka Corpus
  • 経済を活気づけるために強硬な対が取られなければならない
    Strong measures must be taken to stimulate the economy. - Eゲイト英和辞典
  • 結果的にはより強硬な運動弾圧に乗り出す環境を整える事となった。
    As a result, this made the government take more severe oppressive measures against the movement.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1584年に当主になった17代・伊達政宗は強硬な領土拡張政を進めた。
    Masamune DATE, who succeeded the reigns of the family in 1584, promoted a hard-line territorial expansion policy.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • そして、強硬論から寛典論に180度転じた西郷が、同じく強硬派だった板垣や京都の面々にその政転換を説明する口実として利用したのではないか。
    Then, Nobutoshi HAGIWARA described Saigo using "The pressure of Parkes" as the justification to substantiate the strategic policy change after Saigo's conversion to belief in a more lenient treatment policy, than that of the hardliners; a one-hundred and eighty degree change.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 後白河は延暦寺に対して強硬策をとり、師高の父・西光の進言で天台座主・明雲を解任、伊豆国に配流した。
    Adopting propositions put forth by Saiko, Morotaka's father, Goshirakawa took stern measures against Enryaku-ji Temple, dismissing Myoun of Tendai-zasu (head priest of the Tendai sect), and banishing him to Izu no kuni (Izu Province).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1615年(元和(日本)元年)の大坂の役の発端となった大坂の役方広寺鐘銘事件では、本多正純らと共に強硬策を上奏。
    At the Incident of Hoko-ji Temple Bell, which triggered the Siege of Osaka in 1615, along with Masazumi HONDA and others, he proposed hard-line measures against the Court.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この時期、台湾総督府は軍事行動を全面に出した強硬な統治政を打ち出し、台湾居民の抵抗運動を招いた。
    During this period the Taiwan Sotoku-fu (Government-General) took a hard-line policy backed up by military force, which caused the growth of resistant movements among the people in Taiwan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 北清事変以後のロシア帝国の満洲進出に警戒感を抱き、日本政府に対して強硬策を取るように迫った。
    The society pressed the government to take forceful measures sensing a danger from Russia which expanded into Manchuria after the Boxer Rebellion.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この間の9月中旬、西郷は大坂で勝海舟と会い、勝の意見を参考にして、長州に対して強硬策をとるのを止め、緩和で臨むことにした。
    During the middle of September, Saigo met Kaishu KATSU in Osaka, he stopped strong measures from being taken against Choshu, and tried to implement moderate measures according to Katsu's advice.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 対外対では、林子平の蝦夷地対を発禁処分として処罰し、漂流者大黒屋光太夫を送り届けたロシアのアダム・ラクスマンの通商要求を完全に拒絶するなど、強硬な姿勢で臨んだ。
    He took strong foreign policies, for example, the punishment of Shihei HAYASHI for his opinion about measures toward Ezo by banning his book, and the flat refusal to Adam Laksman who requested commerce with Russia while brought back a castaway, Kodayu DAIKOKUYA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 対外対では、林子平の蝦夷地対を発禁処分として処罰し、漂流者大黒屋光太夫を届けたロシアのアダム・ラクスマンに対し交易を完全に拒絶するなど、強硬姿勢で臨んだ。
    In the field of foreign policy, he was a hawk, for he prohibited the sale of books written by Shihei HAYASHI about the need to protect "Ezochi" from the Russian Empire and punished Shihei, and bluntly rejected the request for trade of Adam Kirillovich Laksman, the Russian who saw Kodayu DAIKOKUYA - Kodayu had been drifted away to Russia by accident - back to Japan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 主な対外政としては、アジアに対してはアジア全域の革新運動の盟主に日本が立つことを主張して、欧米列強に対しては強硬な外交政を掲げた。
    As its major foreign policies, the Toyo Jiyuto declared to Asian nations that Japan would become a leader of the reform movement throughout Asia, while it declared its hard-line foreign policy toward the allied Western powers.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 打ち破って通ろうという強硬な意見に、弁慶は「この関を打ち破るのは簡単だが、のちの行程を考えて今は事をおこさないのが上」と進言する。
    Against a strong opinion to break it through, Benkei advises, 'Though it is easy to break through this barrier, it is best not to make a scene now, thinking about the further travel.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 時忠は、高倉の意向を無視する清盛の独裁と強硬路線が事態の悪化に拍車をかけていると分析し、還都後に公卿議定を開いて対応を打ち出そうと考えていたらしい(『吉記』11月21日条)。
    It seems that Tokitada reasoned that Kiyomori's dictatorial attitude and hardline ignoring of Takakura's intention was accelerating deterioration of the situation, and intended to hold kuge-gijo after the return of the government to the former capital in order to establish countermeasures (Article for December 16 in "Kikki").  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 後白河は強硬策をとり官兵を派遣するが、警備にあたった重盛の兵と大衆の間で衝突が起こり、矢が神輿に当たったことから事態はさらに悪化する。
    Goshirakawa took strong measures and sent court troops, but there was a confrontation between Shigemori's troops, who were sent to maintain security, and the monks, and the situation worsened after an arrow hit the mikoshi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 陽明学や古学、尊王論などの反朱子学的な(反幕藩体制につながりかねない)動きを抑圧するために強硬策を採った事も考えられるのである。
    It may have led the shogunate to take stern measures to suppress the activities of anti-Confucianism (which could trigger an anti-shogunate system) such as Yomei-gaku (neo-Confucianism based on teaching of Wang Yangming), Kogaku (classical study) and Sonno-ron (theory for the advocate of Imperial Rule).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 彼らの目的は、強硬な取締りを行った辺将を討取り、朝鮮王朝の行なった交易の制限、恒居倭に対する検断権・徴税権の行使といった倭人抑圧政の変更を迫る事にあった。
    Their objectives were to defeat Hensho who abused their powers, and to persuade the Korean Dynasties to change their repressive policy over the kokyowa, such as trade restrictions, or the execution of the right to judge criminal cases and the power to levy taxes over the kokyowa.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 政権を牛耳るためとはいえ、時政と牧の方のこのようなあまりにも強硬は一族の北条政子・北条義時らの反感を招いた。
    Tokimasa and Maki no kata's action like this to take hold of the government was so aggressive that it provoked antipathy of Masako HOJO, Yoshitoki HOJO, and others in the family.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 対外政としては明に替わり日本がその中心になる華夷思想を打ち出し、ルソン・琉球国・高山国(当時、台湾に存在すると考えられていた国)・李氏朝鮮などに服属と朝貢を求める武威を背景にした強硬を推進している。
    In regards to diplomatic policy, Hideyoshi insisted 'Sinocentrism' in which Japan would be the center instead of Ming and based on military force, applied a hard-line policy that required Luzon, Ryukyukoku, Takasagun (the country believed to exist in Taiwan in those days), Joseon Dynasty and others to yield allegiance and bring tributes to Japan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 真言宗の建て直しを図るが、この強硬策に当然に反発した上下の僧派閥は覚鑁と激しく対立、遂に1140年、覚鑁の自所であった金剛峯寺境内の密厳院を急襲してこれを焼き払ったうえ金剛峯寺追放という凶行に出る。
    He tried to rebuild Shingon sect, but naturally, higher and lower priest factions revolted against his hard-line measures and were bitterly confronted Kakuban, and finally in 1140, they went on a rampage to conduct a raid on Kakuban's living place, Mitsugonin Temple, in the precincts of Kongobuji Temple to burn it, and banished him from Kongobuji Temple.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 上皇になると殿上人を整理(旧来は天皇在位中の殿上人はそのまま院の殿上人となる慣例であった)して院政機構の改革を行うなどの積極的な政を採って、台頭する鎌倉幕府に対しても強硬的な路線を採った。
    Once he became the retired emperor, he made an active effort to become a (high-ranking) courtier allowed into the Imperial Palace, as a court noble (traditionally, people who served an emperor would stay with him after his reign) in order to reform the system of the cloister government; he was ready to take forceful action against the Kamakura government, which had started to behave conspicuously.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • いわゆる日本主義者が、『日本(新聞)』を舞台に政府の外交方針と自由民権運動の民力休養路線の双方を批判して、強硬的な外交政による不平等条約解消とその裏付けとなる軍事力の拡張を主張した。
    So-called 'Japanese nationalist' criticized the line of reducing the national burden which were the government diplomatic policies and the Freedom and People's Rights Movement in "Japan (newspaper)" and advocated dissolution of unequal treaty with the forceful diplomacy and to expand the military force.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
