
  • 者が田舎りをする
    An actor makes a provincial tour―stars it in the provinces.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 赤穂藩では馬150石。
    He was umamawariyaku (bodyguard of a general) earning 150 goku (crop yields) in the Ako Domain.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 乾氏は220石取りの馬(上士身分)。
    The Inui clan served as Umamawariyaku (body guard) with a stipend of 220 koku, and their social status was Joshi (superior warrior).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 鉄砲場見は、地元の村々の名主などから任命された。
    The patrolmen of the firing range were assigned by the head of the local village, etc.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1860年、神奈川奉行の管轄下に「居留地見」が置かれた。
    In 1860, a force called the 'Kyoryuchi Mimawariyaku' (Settlement Patrollers) was established under the jurisdiction of the Magistrate of Kanagawa.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 京都守護職は京都所司代・京都町奉行・見を傘下に置き、見配下で幕臣により結成された京都見組も支配下となった。
    Under the Kyoto Shugoshoku was the Kyoto Shoshidai, the Kyoto Machibugyo, and the Mimawariyaku (patrol troops) and the Kyoto Mimawariyaku, that was under the Mimawariyaku formed by the bakufu's direct followers and also incorporated under the Kyoto Shugoshoku.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 特に剣豪として江戸で名を馳せていた堀部武庸(馬200石)、高田吉次の子孫であり槍の達人の高田郡兵衛(馬200石)、堀部の剣の同門である奥田孫太夫(武具奉行馬150石)などが強硬に吉良上野介の首級をあげるべきと主張した。
    Especially Taketsune HORIBE (bodyguard, 200 koku), who was known to be a great swordsman in Edo, Yoshitsugu TAKATA's descendant Gunbe TAKATA, who was known for his spear skills (bodyguard, 200 koku), and Magodayu OKUDA (magistrate for arms and armor as well as a bodyguard, 150 koku), who came from the same sword school as Horibe, strongly suggested killing Kira Kozuke no Suke.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 元禄赤穂事件で有名な赤穂藩浅野氏の馬がその典型的な例である。
    The umamawari of the Asano clan of the Ako Domain, well known for the Ako Incident during the Genroku era, were typical examples of this type of umamawari.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 豊臣秀吉の馬となり、1598年慶長のでは蔚山広域市に在陣。
    He became Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI's personal umamawashi (horse guards), and in the Keicho Campaign in 1598, he was on a deployment in Ulsan Metropolitan City (Korea).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 赤穂藩での安兵衛は、200石の禄を受け、御使番、馬となった。
    Yasubei received a stipend of 200 koku in the Ako Domain, taking posts of Otsukaiban (an administrator serving as an inspector) and Umamawari-yaku or Umamawari (bodyguards).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • (馬りは職というより武士の階級、騎乗できる武士のこと。)
    (Umamawari was regarded as a samurai rank rather than a official post, referring to a samurai who was allowed to ride a horse.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 慶応三年六月十日の幕府召抱えでは、調・見組並であった。
    When he was employed as a mercenary by the Tokugawa bakufu on July 11, 1867, he was a shirabeyaku (investigator) and mimawariguminami.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 乾氏(板垣氏)江戸時代、代々土佐藩士で、家格は馬(上士)。
    The Inui clan (the Itagaki clan) were hereditary feudal retainers of the Tosa Domain during the Edo period, with the social standing of Umamawariyaku (body guard), a Joshi status (superior warrior).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 勇ましい、激しい大立りを得意とし「猛優・訥子」の異名をとった。
    He had a talent for playing stirring roles with brilliant movement which led him to be called "Dashing Tosshi."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 神奈川奉行は「居留地見」を再設置し、居留地在住の外国人を長官に任命した。
    The magistrate of Kanagawa reestablished the 'Settlement Patrol' and appointed a resident of the settlement the chief of police.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1871年11月に居留地見は廃止され、神奈川県警察部に専門の部署が設けられた。
    In November of 1871 the Settlement Patrol was disbanded, whereupon a special dedicated section of the Kanagawa Prefectural Police Department was established to police the Settlement.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 京都見(きょうとみまわりやく)は、幕末の京都の治安維持のために江戸幕府が置いた職。
    Kyoto Mimawariyaku was a post established by the Edo bakufu to maintain public order in Kyoto at the end of the Edo period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 豊臣秀吉の馬衆となり、小牧・長久手の戦い、小田原の、文禄・慶長のなどに従軍している。
    He became umamawarishu (horse guards) of Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI, and took a part in campaigns of the Battle of Komaki and Nagakute, Odawara no eki (the Siege of Odawara), and Bunroku Keicho no eki (the Bunroku-Keicho War.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • それぞれの見が配下の組を持ち、それぞれ見の官職名から相模守組(蒔田廣孝)と出雲守組(松平康正)と呼ばれ、各200名ほどの組員を指揮した。
    The two Mimawariyaku respectively formed brigades under their command which were named after the official titles of the commanders as the Sagami no kami (governor of Sagami Province) brigade (Hirotaka MAITA) and the Izumo no kami (governor of Izumo Province) brigade (Yasumasa MATSUDAIRA) with about 200 soldiers under their command.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 荒事や繻子奴、等、勇猛な男性のでは伊達下がりと呼ばれるし化粧しに似た豪華で重厚な下がりになる。
    A player of the role of a dauntless man such as aragoto (a Kabuki player featuring exaggerated gruffness of samurai etc.) and shusu-yakko (a man who is good at fighting and a favorite with women but basically faithful and serious) wears a gorgeous and massive sagari loincloth called "Date-sagari" which looks like kesho-mawashi (a sumo wrestler's ceremonial apron).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 大政奉還後に徳川慶喜が二条城から大坂城に移る際に見以下もその護衛として大坂に向かい、自然消滅した。
    When Yoshinobu TOKUGAWA moved from Nijo-jo Castle to Osaka-jo Castle after Taiseihokan (restoration of the imperial regime), the Mimawariyaku and personnel of lower posts moved to Osaka for protection, but later the Mimawariyaku naturally disappeared.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 大村は馬譜代100石取の上士となり、藩命により大村益次郎永敏と改名。
    Omura was made a hereditary samurai of the elite umamawari corps senior samurai of uma-mawariyaku worth 100 koku and was ordered to change his name to Masujiro Nagatoshi OMURA..  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 下川崎村(現在の富山県小矢部市下川崎)山宮永正好の五男東作の子。
    He was a son of Tosaku, the fifth son of Masayoshi MIYANAGA, the Yamamawari-yaku (a forestry official) of Shimokawasaki-mura (present-day Shimokawasaki, Oyabe City, Toyama Prefecture).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 因みに幕末の土佐藩参政吉田東洋の父、土佐藩馬吉田光四郎正清は、百々家から吉田家へ養子入りした。
    Koshiro-masakiyo YOSHIDA, who was a horse guard of Tosa Domain and the father of Toyo YOSHIDA, a politician of Tosa Domain, was a son-in-law of the Yoshida family from the Dodo family.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 文禄元年(1592年)、文禄・慶長のでは、豊臣秀吉の馬詰衆の一員として肥前国名護屋城に在陣した。
    In the Bunroku-Keicho War in 1592, he was in the Nagoya-jo Castle in Hizen Province as a member of Umamawarishu (horse guards) of Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI..  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • のち、諸士取調を務め、慶応3年(1866年)の幕臣取り立て時には、見組並(40俵)を拝命している。
    Shuhei later filled a post of shoshi torishirabe yaku (person in charge of investigation of officers), and he was recruited as a Mimawarigumi-nami (a status which is comparable to Mimawarigumi; the shogunate's security squad placed in Kyoto) receiving an annual stipend of 40 bags of rice at the time of recruitment of Shinsengumi members as shogun's retainers in 1866.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 小田原のには、130の兵を率いて馬として出陣、近江国蒲生郡266石加増された。
    At the time of the Siege of Odawara, he departed as the horse guards with his 130 soldiers, and was given additional properties of 266 koku (crop yields) in Gamo Country of the Omi Province.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • の本能寺の変後は、養父と豊臣秀吉に馬衆として仕え、小田原のに従軍した頃、家督を継いだとされる。
    After the Honnoji Incident, Sadamasa served Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI as umamawarishu (horse guard) with his foster father, and it is said that he took over the family estate after taking a part in the campaign of Odawara no eki (the Siege of Odawara.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 元治元年(1864年)、江戸幕府は京都守護職配下として蒔田廣孝と松平康正を京都見に任命した。
    In 1864, the Edo bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) appointed Hirotaka MAITA and Yasumasa MATSUDAIRA to Kyoto Mimawariyaku under the command of the Kyoto shugoshoku (Military governor of Kyoto).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 井上左太夫貞高(幕府鉄砲方)と、江川太郎左衛門(当主)と、鉄砲場見(地元住民)で運営した。
    It was managed by Sadayu Sadataka INOUE (the government official of Teppo Kata), Tarozaemon EGAWA (family head) and the patrolmen of the firing range (local residents).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 幕末期には新設された職の補充として見組や撒兵へ移動となり、また彰義隊にも多くが参加した。
    At the end of the Edo period, kurokuwa were transferred to mimawarigumi (unit of patrolmen) or foot soldier with Western-style training in order to make up the vacancy in the newly established posts, and many of kurokuwa joined Shogitai (group of former Tokugawa retainers opposed to the Meiji government who fought in the Battle of Ueno.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1871年時点での居留地見の職員は、外国人20人(うち清国人が7人)、日本人41人の陣容であった。
    As of 1871, the personnel of the Mimawariyaku included 20 foreigners (of which seven were subjects of Qing China) and 41 Japanese.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし、1871年に「外国掛捕亡」「居留地方」が廃止となり、「居留地取締掛」が単独で居留地の警察を専管することとなった。
    But in 1871, the 'Gaikoku keihoboyaku' and the 'Kyoryuchi mawarigata' were disbanded, leaving the 'Kyoryuchi torishimari kakari' with exclusive police jurisdiction over the settlement.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 例えば、実際に員が参集せず、いわゆる持ちりによる決議を行っていないか等に留意すること。
    For, example, attention shall be paid to whether decisions are made through the so-called round-robin arrangement, instead of being made at meetings attended by executives in person.  - 金融庁
  • ただ、時にはその古風な芸が共演者と合わず芝居のアンサンブルを乱す事もあり関係者から敬遠され、柄に合わないや端されたりした。
    However, since his antique performance sometimes didn't match with other co-actors, and disturbed the ensemble of kabuki plays, he was often kept at a distance by related people, and forced to act a character which would not suit to his style, or a bit part  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 将軍就任後、河川氾濫による被災者の救出や、江戸湾へ流出した河川荷、塵芥の回収に、鯨舟(古式捕鯨の和船)を使い、「鯨舟鞘御用」という職を設けて海上保安に務めた。
    After becoming shogun, he strived to ensure maritime safety by creating a position called 'Kujirabune Sayamawashi Goyo' to use kujirabune (traditional Japanese ship used for whaling) when a river flooded, to save victims and retrieve cargoes and rubbishes flushed into the gulf of Edo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし、この頃の利家は、信長の警護、連絡将校としての割が主な母呂衆、馬りという柄から、いち武辺者としての武功以上の功を立てる機会が無かったであろうと考えられている。
    But it is thought that these days, because Toshiie served as a Horo-shu or Umamawari (general's mounted guard) whose main role was a guard of Nobunaga and liaison officer, there were no opportunities to make the greater military exploits than those of one fighting samurai.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 江戸居付馬として代々江戸藩邸に詰める薩摩藩士川口仲左衛門の四男として文政元年(1818年)に種子島西之表市納曾(のうそ)に生まれた。
    He was born in Nouso, Nishinoomote City, Tanegashima Island in 1818 as the fourth son of Nakazaemon KAWAGUCHI who was a retainer of the Satsuma clan and his family had been successively serving as Umamawari-yaku (body guard) of the residence of the Satsuma clan in Edo (Tokyo).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 居留地設置直後は、日本側の「外国掛捕亡」「居留地方」と居留地の自治組織である「行事局」が設置する「居留地取締掛」が並立していた。
    Immediately after the foreign settlement was established, three settlement police forces existed simultaneously, the 'Gaikoku keihoboyaku' (the 'troop handling the pursuit, apprehension and death of the foreign(ers)) and the 'Kyoryuchi mawarigata' (Settlement Patrolmen) representing Japan's police and the Kyoryuchi torishimari kakari' (Settlement Supervisors) which had been established by the 'Gyojikyoku,' the self-governing body of the settlement.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 『吏徴』によれば、長崎奉行には3000両、長崎・浦賀・佐渡の各奉行支配組頭には100両、新潟奉行支配組頭には70両、摂河州堤奉行兼船改には80両、京都御入用取調には25両、日光奉行支配吟味には10両、御膳所組頭・奥御膳所組頭に各20両などを支給している。
    According to "Richo" (a book on office organizations in the Edo bakufu), 30,000 ryo was paid to Nagasaki bugyo, 100 ryo to each bugyo shihai kumigashira (officers supporting bugyo) in Nagasaki, Uraga and Sado, 70 ryo to those in Niigata, 80 ryo to tsutsumi bugyo (magistrate in charge of river banks) concurrently working as kaisen aratameyaku (supervisor in charge of cargo vessels) in Sekka Shu (Kawachi Province), 25 ryo to gonyuyo torishirabeyaku (auditor for the Kyoto Imperial Palace) in Kyoto, 10 ryo to bugyo shihai ginmiyaku (officers supporting bugyo) in Nikko, and 20 ryo each to ozendokoro kumigashira (head of the food department) and okuozendokoro kumigashira (head of the inner palace food department).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この戦いで、京都見組の長であった佐々木只三郎が重傷(のち死亡)、新撰組諸士調兼監察山崎烝が重傷(後紀州湾沖にて死亡)、同吉村貫一郎が行方不明(後に大坂の南部藩藩邸で自害)となった。
    During the battle Tadasaburo SASAKI, the head of the Kyoto-Mimawarigumi (a special police force), was badly wounded (and later died); Susumu YAMAZAKI, an internal affairs officer and secret agent of the Shinsengumi, was badly wounded (and later died off the coast of Kishu Bay); and Kanichiro YOSHIMURA, who had the same position as Yamazaki, went missing (and later killed himself in the Nanbu domain residence in Osaka).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 京都町奉行の成立に先立つ寛文8年12月5日(旧暦)に作成された「町代之覚」という17ヶ条の町代と町奉行間で交わされた文書によると、町奉行から出された法令・触書の伝達、町から出された様々な請願・届出の提出、京都市民を代表して江戸城の征夷大将軍への年頭拝礼、町人(町々への賦課)の徴収、火災・闕所・見などの出などがあり、訴訟事務などのために公事・訴訟が行われる日には交替で1名が奉行所内の町代部屋に出仕して事務処理の補佐を行った。
    There was documents exchanged between Machidai and the Kyoto city magistrates called 'Machidaiyaku no Oboe' consisting of 17 Articles compiled on January 7, 1669 (prior to the establishment of the Kyoto city magistrates), which states duties of Machidai as follows: Outside works of transmission of ordinance and notification issued by the city magistrates, submission of various applications and written reports entrusted by the town, New Year visit to the shogun in Edo-jo Castle as a representative of Kyoto citizens, collection of levy from towns, examination of the scene of a fire and a confiscated estate, and patrol; and Machidai alternately does desk works in Machidai room of the Kyoto city magistrates' office to assist court clerical on the day when a court is held.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 一つは奥野定良(1,000石組頭)・進藤源四郎(400石足軽頭)・小山良師(300石足軽頭)・岡本重之(400石大阪留守居)ら高禄取りを中心にしたお家再興優先派、もう一つは堀部武庸(200石江戸留守居)・高田郡兵衛(石馬)・奥田重盛(150石武具奉行)ら腕自慢の家臣を中心に、小禄の家臣たちに支持された吉良上野介への仇討ち優先派である。
    One area of contention regarded the fact that some members from certain branches of the family received a higher salary such as Sadayoshi OKUNO who received 1,000 koku as kumigashira (group leader), and Genshiro SHINDO who received 400 koku as ashigarugashira (head of the ashigaru) who retained warriors controlling the ashigaru, Yoshikazu KOYAMA who received 300 koku as ashigarugashira, and Shigeyuki OKAMOTO who received 400 koku as Osaka rusuiyaku (a regent) amongst others, as opposed to the Adauchi faction, which prioritized avenging Kozukenosuke KIRA, primarily powerful vassals such as Taketsune HORIBE who received 200 koku as Edo rusuiyaku, Gunbei TAKADA who received 200 koku as Umamawariyaku (body guard), and Shigemori OKUDA who received 150 koku as arms bugyo (magistrate) amongst others who were supported by a smaller stipend.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 人間は、神様の創造物であるとするならば、ロボットは、人間の創造物であり、パートナーとすることで、人間にだつ機能を具備構成し、日常生活に手助け有効な生活ナレッジナノクローンシステム携帯電話機ロボツトが、人間を上る知能を、なしえない事もやってくれるロボットを提供する。
    To provide a robot, which is helpful and useful for daily life, or a life knowledge nano-clone system cellular phone robot having intelligence superior to human being, capable of doing difficult jobs, arranged to have useful functions, acting as a partner for the human being or a creature of god, the robot being a creature of the human being. - 特許庁
