
  • 御寮人
    a high-ranking woman  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 母は典侍四辻与津子(お与津御寮人)。
    His mother was Yotsuko YOTSUTSUJI (Oyotsu-Goryonin), Naishi no suke (a court lady of the first rank).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 母は典侍四辻与津子(お与津御寮人)。
    His mother was Yotsuko YOTSUTSUJI (Oyotsu-Goryonin), Naishi no suke.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • かつて綱吉の祖父・徳川秀忠は娘・徳川和子を後水尾天皇の中宮にする際に、とその母四辻与津子(お与津御寮人)の存在が障害であるとして二人を宮中から追放した上、与津子の親族を含む数人の公卿らを流刑に処した(「お与津御寮人事件」)という経緯があった。
    At a time in the past, there was an incident (the Incident of Oyotsu-Goryonin) that when Tsunayoshi's grandfather Hidetada TOKUGAWA made his daughter, Masako TOKUGAWA, chugu of Emperor Gomizuo, he banished Princess Umenomiya and her mother Yotsuko YOTSUTSUJI (Oyotsu-Goryonin) from the Imperial Court because they were obstacles for Masako and exiled some Kugyo (the top court officials) including her relatives.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 元和4年(1618年)には女御御殿の造営が開始されるが、後水尾天皇の寵愛する女官四辻与津子(お与津御寮人)が皇子賀茂宮を出産していたことが判明すると入内は問題視される。
    In 1618 construction work of the Nyogo Palace was started, however, after it was found out Emperor Gomizunoo's favorite lady, a court lady, Yotsuko YOTSUTSUJI (Oyotsu oryonin) gave birth to Prince Kamo no Miya, the arrangement for Kazuko's entry into the court became complicated.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ただし、1988年に映像化された日本放送協会大河ドラマでは、紺野美沙子が演じる三条夫人自身は信玄を慕うあまりの側室(諏訪御寮人)への嫉妬心からの、敵としての役回りという感が強い。
    In the taiga drama series screened by NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) in 1988, we felt that Sanjo fujin herself, performed by Misako KONNO, played the role of an enemy of a concubine (Suwa goryonin), because of her jealous love for Shingen.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 元和(日本)5年(1619年)9月18日、後水尾天皇の典侍・四辻与津子が皇女梅宮(文智女王)を生み、宮中の風紀の乱れ(およつ御寮人事件)の責任をとり、徳川秀忠によって丹波国篠山に流罪される。
    On September 18, 1619, held responsible for the moral decline in the imperial court that followed the Oyotsu-Goryonin incident, where Yotsuko YOTSUTSUJI, a Naishi (lady-in-waiting) of Emperor Gomizuno-o, gave birth to Princess Umemiya (Princess Bunchi), Atsufusa was banished by Hidetada TOKUGAWA (the second Tokugawa shogun) to Sasayama, Tanba Province.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 石原裕次郎は後半で上杉謙信として登場、他にも佐久間良子の諏訪御寮人、大空真弓の油川夫人、田村正和の武田信繁など、魅力的な配役をそろえ、子役時代の中村勘九郎(現・中村勘三郎(18代目))が武田勝頼役で登場している。
    Yujiro ISHIHARA appeared in the latter story as Kenshin UESUGI, together with other attractive casting such as Yoshiko SAKUMA as Suwagoryonin, Mayumi OZORA as Mrs. ABURAKAWA, Masakazu TAMURA as Nobushige TAKEDA, and the child actor Kankuro NAKAMURA (now Kanzaburo NAKAMURA the 18th) as Katsuyori TAKEDA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 翌元和5年には秀忠自身が上洛して参内し、与津子の兄弟である四辻季継・高倉嗣良を含む近臣らを配流し、与津子と所生の皇女文智女王らを宮中より追放することなどで合意した(およつ一件、お与津御寮人事件)。
    In the following year, in 1619, Hidetada came to the Palace, and the issue was resolved by sentencing some close aides including Yotsuko's brothers, Suetsugu YOTSUTSUJI and Tsuguyoshi TAKAKURA to banishment, and expelling Yotsuko and Princess Bunchi from the Imperial Palace. (The Oyotsu incident, The Oyotsu oryonin incident)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 息子の義信の謀反、諏訪氏の出身の側室、諏訪御料人(諏訪御寮人)の子の武田勝頼が武田氏の家督を継いだ史実や、TVドラマや小説などの創作物の影響により信玄との不仲説や悪妻説などが流布。
    Some believe that there was bad blood between Sanjo no kata and Shingen and that Sanjo no kata was a bad wife, because of the historical facts of a revolt by her son, Yoshinobu, and the inheritance of the position of family head by Katsuyori TAKEDA, who was a son of Suwa goryonin, a concubine from the Suwa family, as well as influences of works of fiction such as TV dramas and novels.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
