
  • 真鍋村に移った20代の頃から藤田東湖、会沢正志斎、加藤桜老(儒学者、笠間藩士)、大久保要(土浦藩士、戊午の密勅に参画)、色川三中(国学者、幕府の醤油御用商人)、藤森弘庵(儒学者)らに学び、交友した。
    Since his twenties when he moved to Manabe Village, he had learned from and kept company with Toko FUJITA, Seishisai EIZAWA, Ourou KATO (Confucian scholar and feudal retainer of Kasama Domain), Kaname OKUBO (feudal retainer of Tsuchiura Domain joining a secret imperial decree called Bogo no micchoku), Minaka IROKAWA (Japanese classical scholar and soy sauce purveyor to the bakufu) and Koan FUJIMORI (Confucian scholar).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 「徂徠豆腐」は将軍の御用学者となった徂徠と貧窮時代の恩人の豆腐屋が赤穂浪士の討ち入りを契機に再会する話。
    Sorai Tofu' is a story that Sorai, who became Goyo-gakusha (a scholar pander to the government) of Shogun, and the tofu seller, who was Sorai's benefactor in his lean days, met again at the time of the raid of Ako Roshi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 及びこの話の出典が江戸中期以降ということから、現在では三成や淀殿を貶めるために幕府の御用学者が捏造したとの説が有力である。
    Moreover, this historical data was issued after the mid-Edo period, and therefore the current widely held theory was that this story was created by scholars who pandered to the Edo government in order to demean Mitsunari and Yodo-dono.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 大正11年(1922年)に宮内省臨時帝室編修局御用掛に任命され、ほどなく編修官長に転じて『明治天皇紀』編纂の中心的役割を担った(ただし、後に竹越が書いた草稿を読んだ竹越夫人の甥である中村哲(政治学者)は、最終的に金子堅太郎・三上参次らがまとめた現存の『明治天皇紀』との大きな違いの存在を指摘している)。
    In 1922, he was appointed Goyo-gakari (a general affaires official) of the special Imperial Compilation Bureau, the Imperial Household Ministry, and shortly after that, he was promoted to the chief official of the Compilation Bureau and played a central role in compiling the book "Meiji Tenno ki" (Chronicle of the Emperor Meiji) (However, the nephew of Takekoshi's wife, Akira NAKAMURA [political scientist] who read the manuscript written by Takekoshi, has pointed out that there is a big difference between the original manuscript and the existing text of "Meiji Tenno ki" edited by Kentaro KANEKO and Sanji MIKAMI.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
