
  • 恋歌(一~五)
    Koiuta (Love Poetry) (5 volumes)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 彼女はその恋歌を非常にうまく表現した。
    She rendered the love song very well. - Tatoeba例文
  • 彼女はその恋歌を非常にうまく表現した。
    She rendered the love song very well.  - Tanaka Corpus
  • 恋歌にさえ孤独な哀感が漂う。
    Even the love poems create melancholic atmosphere of loneliness.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 恋歌に関しては、複数の女性への長歌を残している。
    As for love poems, he left some choka for several women.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 古今和歌集巻十五恋歌五747
    Kokin Wakashu (collection of ancient and modern Japanese poetry) Volume 15, Koiuta (Lovers' Poetry) Part 5, 747  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 夏八木勲『壬生の恋歌』1983年、日本放送協会
    Acted by Isao NATSUYAGI "Mibu no Koi Uta" Year 1983, by NHK.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 天平年間、叔父稲公より恋歌を贈られる。
    During the Tenpyo era, her uncle, Inakimi, sent her lovers poetries.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 男女の相聞歌(恋歌)のような歌も多い。
    Many of them are romantic exchange songs between lovers.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 真情に溢れる作風は恋歌・哀傷歌・釈教歌にもっともよく表され、殊に恋歌に情熱的な秀歌が多い。
    Her love poems, laments and Buddhist poems best express her sincere feeling, and she has many masterpieces, particularly among her passionate love poems.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • そして、恋歌・雑歌などの私的な歌を主とした後半部分から成る。
    The last half consists mainly of private poems including Koiuta (Lovers Poetry) and Zoka (Other Poetry).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 人麻呂の歌は、讃歌と挽歌、そして恋歌に特徴がある。
    There is a character to Hitomaro's paeans, elegies, and love poems.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • という恋歌の風情を纏綿させている、『ふる』の使いわけに、歌の中心がある」
    The core of this poem is the use of "furu" that entangles the poem with the atmosphere of a love song.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ただし、人麻呂の恋歌的表現は共寝をはじめ非常に性的な表現が少なくない。
    However, extremely sexual expressions are not uncommon in Hitomaro's love poems, starting with sleeping with someone.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 『古今和歌集』以後の勅撰和歌集における「恋歌」の部門に相当すると考えられている。
    Somon is considered equivalent to the category of 'love poems' in imperial anthologies of poetry "Kokinwakashu" and subsequent ones.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 恋歌にも秀作はあるものの、題詠で作歌背景の判然とせぬものがほとんどである。
    Some of his poetry of love are excellent, but they were composed on given themes without obvious background.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 香西かおりの演歌「風恋歌」(作詞・里村龍一)でも歌い込まれている。
    It is included in Kaori KOZAI's enka (Japanese ballad) song 'Kaze Koiuta' (Breeze's Love Song) (lyrics by Ryuichi SATOMURA).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 恋歌の多い小倉百人一首に代わって「愛国の精神が表現された」名歌を採録した。
    Unlike "Ogura Hyakunin Isshu" which is full of love songs, it contains outstanding poems which 'express the patriots' spirits.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 古今以来、二十巻という勅撰集の慣例を破り、羈旅・哀傷・神祇歌を省き、恋歌を二巻に縮めた。
    Traditionally, the Imperial anthology had consisted of 20 volumes since the time of Kokin Wakashu, but they broke the custom and omitted the categories of Journey, Elegies, and Gods of Heaven and Earth, reducing the volumes of Love to two.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 歌風は率直質実を旨としながらつよい情感をてらうことなく表現するもので、季の歌はもちろんだが恋歌や雑歌に優れていた。
    Saigyo's style of poems was direct in expressing strong emotions while being straightforward and simple, showing a particular talent with poems about love and general matters in addition to the various seasons.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 唯一、偶然に晴信からの諏訪御料人(由布姫)への恋歌を目にしてしまい、女心から嫌味を言うシーンがある。
    There was only one scene in which she happened to see Harunobu's koiuta (love poem) to Suwa goryonin (Yuhime) and, because she had a woman's mind, said terrible things.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 情熱的な恋歌で知られ、古今和歌集などに入集し、小倉百人一首に和歌が取られている。
    She was known for her passionate love poems and her poems were put in "Kokin Wakashu" (Collection of Ancient and Modern Japanese Poetry and one of her waka was put also in "Ogura Hyakunin Isshu"(Ogura Sequence of One Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • いか様に 寝て明せとて侍人の 来ぬだにあるを秋風ぞ吹く (秋夜恋を 惟宗忠景 『続古今和歌集』 巻十二 恋歌二)
    How should I lie down and wait for the person I've been waiting for, and autumn wind blows when she is coming (love in the autumn night, Tadakage KOREMUNE, "Shokukokin Wakashu" Volume 12, Koiuta (Lovers Poetry) 2).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その歌は、田舎の恋歌といったようなもので、海賊稼業を始める前の若い頃に習い覚えたものに違いない。
    a king of country love-song that he must have learned in his youth before he had begun to follow the sea.  - Robert Louis Stevenson『宝島』
  • 配列は巧みで、四季巻は季節の推移順、恋歌は恋の進行程度順に並べられており、古代の歌人と当時の歌人を交互においてある。
    The poems were skillfully arranged: volumes of four seasons were arranged in the order of seasonal transition, Koiuta was arranged according to the development of love, and poems of ancient and contemporary were placed in alternating order.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 百人一首に収められた、「恨みわびほさぬ袖だにあるものを恋にくちなん名こそ惜しけれ」は恋歌として名高い。
    A poem collected in the Hyakunin Isshu (A Hundred Waka Poems) is well known as a love poem: 'The bitterness of your cold attitude makes me pain and cry; my sleeves, which are wet with tears and never dry themselves, remain without decaying as they are; but my reputation is down by superficial gossip about this romance; how frustrating!'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 和泉式部の激情がほとばしる恋歌から、赤染衛門の細やかな思い遣りの贈答歌、能因・良暹ら僧侶歌人の旅情豊かな歌、曾禰好忠の大胆な型破りの歌まで、その作者・作風ともに多様である。
    The poets and styles of poetry are diverse: Izumi Shikibu wrote love poems in which she expressed her passion; Akazome Emon composed delicate zotoka (poetry exchanged between a man and a woman); poems appealing to travelers' sentiments were composed by priest poets such as Noin and Ryozen; and SONE no Yoshitada made bold and unconventional poems.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 『拾遺集』は総じて平明優美な歌風で、賀歌・屏風歌・歌合など晴れの歌が多いが、殊に恋歌はすぐれ、小倉百人一首に8首も採られている。
    Shui shu (abridged form of Shui wakashu) in general has a plain and graceful style, and includes many poems for formal occasions such as ga no uta (poems for congratulations), byobu uta (poems matching with a painting on the byobu, folding screen), and poems for uta awase (poetry competition), and especially includes excellent ones of love, eight of which were selected for Ogura Hyakunin Isshu (the Ogura One Hundred Poets, One Poem Each).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • NHKからも義太夫で放送され、また京都の「都おどり」および宝塚歌劇(昭和51年(1976年)題名「紙すき恋歌」)にも上演されている。
    It was broadcasted in gidayu (a style of reciting dramatic narratives) by Nippon Hoso Kyokai (Japan Broadcasting Corporation), and also performed at 'Miyako Odori' (a dance performance of Gion Kobu district) in Kyoto and the Takarazuka Revue (titled 'Kamisuki koiuta' (Love song of paper making) in 1976).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 特に源氏物語を始めとする恋愛物を好んで読んでおり、上洛した際に開催した歌会でも見事な雅歌(恋歌)を読み、参加者全員を驚かせたと言う。
    He especially liked to read love stories such as Genji Monogatari (The Tale of Genji) and so on, and it is said that when Kenshin went up to Kyoto for Uta-kai (poem competition) everyone was surprised to hear his splendid Gaka (koiuta (lovers poetry)).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 主なヒット曲には「雨の慕情」「おまえとふたり」「大阪しぐれ」「みちのくひとり旅」「奥飛騨慕情」「さざんかの宿」「兄弟船」「氷雨」「娘よ」「北酒場」「矢切の渡し(細川たかし)」「長良川艶歌」「つぐない」「時の流れに身をまかせ」「すずめの涙」「夢おんな」「雪國」「酒よ」「雪椿」「命くれない」「恋歌綴り」「むらさき雨情」「こころ酒」「夜桜お七」「蜩」「珍島物語」など。
    Major hits included 'Ame no Bojo' (Longing in the Rain), 'Omae to Futari' (Together with You), 'Osaka Shigure,' 'Michinoku Hitoritabi' (Solitary Journey to Michinoku), 'Okuhida Bojo' (Longing in Okuhida), 'Sazanka no Yado,' 'Kyodai Bune,' 'Hisame' (Chilly Rain), 'Musume Yo,' 'Kitasakaba,' 'Yagiri no Watashi (Takashi HOSOKAWA)' (Yagiri Ferry), 'Nagaragawa Enka' (Nagara-gawa River Song), 'Tsugunai' (Compensation), 'Toki no Nagare ni Mi wo Makase' (Yielding Myself to the Flow of Time), 'Suzume no Namida' (Tears of Sparrow), 'Yume Onna' (Dreaming Woman), 'Yuki Guni' (Snow Country), 'Sake Yo,' 'Yuki Tsubaki' (Snow Camellia), 'Inochi Kurenai' (Crimson Life of Passion), 'Koi Uta Tsuzuri' (Writing a Love Song), 'Murasaki Ujo'(Purple Rain), 'Kokoro Zake' (Sake of the Heart), 'Yozakura Oshichi' (Oshichi under the Cherry Blossoms in the Night), 'Higurashi' (An Evening Cicada), 'Chindo Monogatari' (A Story of Jindo).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 季の歌と特に恋歌に秀作が多く、自らを内に閉じこめるような深沈とした憂愁のさまや、夢と現実との狭間にある曖昧な様子や感傷的な追憶を好んで詠むこと、運命に対して弱い自分を守ろうとする凛乎とした強さが歌のうちにあることなどから、その生涯や恋愛についてさまざまな推測が成されるが、いずれも憶測の域を出ていない。
    She composed numerous excellent seasonal poems and a great many love poems that ranged in theme from melancholic poems that seemed to close herself off from the outside world, poems that recalled the unclear or emotional state that exists between reality and dream, and poems that expressed a strong resolution to protect her weak self from fate; various assumptions have been made about her life and relationships based on the content of these poems but little about her is known for certain.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
