
  • 彼がとうとう、羞の姿をカメラの前に晒し
    He exposed his shame to the camera.  - 京大-NICT 日英中基本文データ
  • 祖父・平清盛は維盛の醜態に激怒し、なぜ敵に骸を晒してでも戦わなかったのか、おめおめと逃げ帰ってきたのは家のであるとして維盛が京に入る事を禁じた。
    His grandfather, TAIRA no Kiyomori, was furious, saying that he should have fought to death even if he ended up exposing his body to the enemy and that running back home as a loser was a shame of the clan, and forbade him from entering Kyo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 男性医師に下半身を晒して診察される屈辱的な体験から、女医となって同じ羞に苦しむ女性たちを救いたいという決意により、女医を志す。
    From her humiliating experience of exposing her lower body to male doctors for treatment, she decided to become a female doctor so that she could rescue women from suffering the same humiliating experience.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
