彼は愛児を亡くしてあきらめきれないでいる. He cannot get over the loss of his beloved son.
- 研究社 新和英中辞典
そこに聞こえたのは愛児が「南無阿弥陀仏」を唱える声である。 Then, the voice of the beloved son chanting, 'Namu Amidabutsu' is heard.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
ところがこの曲は春の物狂いの形をとりながら、一粒種である梅若丸を人買いにさらわれ、京都から武蔵国の隅田川まで流浪し、愛児の死を知った母親の悲嘆を描く。 However, although the piece takes the form of a haru no monogurui (spring craze piece), it depicts the grief of a mother who has her only child, Umewakamaru, kidnapped by a human traficker and travels from Kyoto to Sumida-gara River in Musashi Province, only to discover the death of her beloved son.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
智積院の歴史は複雑で、紀州にあった大伝法院と、豊臣秀吉が、3歳で死去した愛児鶴松のために建てた祥雲寺という2つの寺が関係している。 The history of Chishaku-in Temple is complex and connected to Daidenpo-in Temple in Kii Province and Shoun-ji Temple built by Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI for his beloved child Tsurumatsu, who died aged 3.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
祥雲寺は、豊臣秀吉が、3歳で死去した愛児鶴松(棄丸)の菩提のため、天正19年(1591年)、妙心寺の僧・南化玄興を開山に招いて建立した寺であった。 In order to pray for the soul of his beloved child Tsurumatsu (Sutemaru) who died aged 3, Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI built Shoun-ji Temple in 1591 and invited the Myoshin-ji Temple monk, Nanka Genko to serve as founding priest.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
殊に鳥羽院の愛児、近衛天皇が夭折してしまって以後は、美福門院や忠通の讒言によって忠実・頼長父子は院から疎遠されて行ったが、泰子はその間に立って重要な緩和作用を果たした。 Due to Bifukumonin and Tadamichi's slander, Tadazane and his son Yorinaga were kept away from the Palace of the retired Emperor after the premature death of Emperor Konoe (the beloved son of retired Emperor Toba); however, Taishi fulfilled an important role in easing the relationship between them.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
豊臣秀吉が幼くして亡くなった愛児・豊臣鶴松の追善のために建立した祥雲寺(廃寺)の金碧障壁画(その一部が現在、京都・智積院に伝存)が代表作。 His most well known work is the Kinpeki Shohekiga (blue and gold wall painting) at the Shoun-ji Temple (now closed and the wall painting partially relocated to the Chishaku-in Temple in Kyoto), which Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI built in the memory of his beloved son, Tsurumatsu TOYOTOMI, who died as a young child.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス