
  • 土人懐柔策
    conciliation policy  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 以後県は県民、とくに支配層に懐柔策をとるようになった。
    After that, the prefecture started taking an appeasement policy to the residents of the prefecture, especially to the ruling class.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また藩には土佐郷士の懐柔の一つとして、特別な家系や功績によっては上士扱いの白札とする制度があった。
    Also in the domain there was a policy of conciliation whereby the Tosa goshi were honored with the special title of `Shirofuda` (based on family line or merit) so they would receive the same treatment as upper ranking samurai..  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 朝廷も義家を抑圧しつつも恐れ、懐柔策として義忠を河内守などの要職に就けたともいわれる。
    However, others believe that the Imperial Court, which was oppressing Yoshiie but weary of him at the same time, gave Yoshitada the important position of Kawachi no kami as a conciliatory measure.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 元慶の乱は朝廷側の蝦夷に対する懐柔が功を奏して、蝦夷は降伏したとするが、これに異を唱える人もいる。
    Some people have disputed the idea that appeasement policy of the imperial side toward the Emishi led to their surrender in the Gangyo War.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし、当時の原住民族に対する懐柔により、サイシャット族はわずかに銃などを没収されるだけにとどまった。
    However, only guns were seized from the Saisiyat in accordance with the conciliatory policy on the indigenous people at that time.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • こうした者は在地における実力者であり、新たな領主がその懐柔策として百姓身分ではなく、士分としての郷士に取り立てたことが多い。
    These people were influential local leaders, and there were many examples where a new feudal lord made such people goshi in the samurai class, as an appeasement policy, instead of giving them a farming rank.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 懐柔策を試みたがうまくいかず、天慶3年(940年)、藤原忠文を征夷大将軍に任命して将門征伐軍を送り、藤原秀郷の手により将門は討たれた。
    The government tried to reconcile the incident but it failed, so in 940 FUJIWARA no Tadafumi was appointed as Seii Raishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the barbarians") to send the troops to defeat Masakado, FUJIWARA no Hidesato subjugated Masakado.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 寿永2年(1183年)2月、宗盛の嫡子・清宗と頼盛の娘の婚姻が成立しているが、これは宗盛が頼盛を自らの陣営に引き入れるための懐柔策であったと推測される(『吉記』2月21日条)。
    In March 1183, Kiyomune, Munemori's heir, and Yorimori's daughter were married, and it is presumed that this marriage was arranged as a measure to win Yorimori over to Munemori's side (see the entry for February 21 in the "Kikki").  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 同時に、同年7月に正七位下馬寮藤原滋実らを派遣して不動穀を俘囚に支給して彼らを懐柔し、俘囚深江弥加止らに反乱した夷俘を討たせるを採用して事態を収拾した。
    At the same time, the Imperial court dispatched Shoshichiinoge (Senior Seventh Rank, Lower Grade) Umaryo (Bureau of Horses) FUJIWARA no Shigezane in August of the same year, and ordered him to appease prisoners by providing fudokoku (staple for emergency) and to subdue Emishi taking advantage of the force of FUKAE no Mikado and other prisoners.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 信玄は信濃支配において旧族に子女を入嗣させて懐柔する政を取っており、勝頼の異母弟である仁科盛信も同様に信濃仁科氏を継承して親族衆となっている。
    In ruling Shinano, Shingen had a policy of having his children adopted by the ancient clan to achieve conciliation, and Morinobu NISHINA, Katsuyori's younger paternal half-brother, similarly succeeded the Shinano Nishina clan, joining Shinzoku shu (a group which consisted of siblings and relatives).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかしながら、正午頃、予てより懐柔策をとっていた小早川秀秋の軍が西軍を裏切って東軍に味方することを決意し、西軍の大谷吉継隊に襲いかかったのを機に形成が逆転する。
    However, around noon, the army of Hideaki KOBAYAKAWA, which Ieyasu had tried to take into his side, decided to change its support to the eastern side from the western side, and rushed to attack Yoshitsugu Otani's troops on the western side, changing the fighting state to the advantage of the eastern side.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし摩理勢に同調する勢力は泊瀬仲王(山背大兄の異母弟)や佐伯東人らわずかであり、蝦夷の懐柔も功を奏したため、結局山背大兄は大王継承を辞退する。
    Although Hatsuse no Naka no Okimi (Prince Hatsuse no Naka who was a half-brother of Yamashiro no Oe no Okimi) and SEKI no Azumahito supported him as well, a few people followed him, besides Emishi conciliated people very well to his side, therefore, at last, Yamashiro no Oe no Okimi declined to succeed.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、これに関連して義材派の山城守護・伊勢貞陸(貞宗の子)が、山城国一揆を主導してきた国人層を懐柔して政元への抵抗を試み、また、政元も対抗として同様の措置を採った。
    Also, in connection to this, the military governor of Yamashiro, Sadamichi ISE (the son of Sadamune), who was close to Yoshiki, won over the local samurai class who had led an uprising in Yamashiro Province and tried to resist Masamoto, and Masamoto used the same technique as a countermeasure.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この事件により対馬や北九州の諸大名の取り締まりが厳しくなり、倭寇の帰化などの懐柔策を行ったため、前期倭寇は衰退していく。
    Due to this incident, the various daimyo of Tsushima and northern Kyushu became even more repressive, and as a result of conciliatory measures intended to win the allegiance of the pirates (such as the offer to naturalize them as Japanese citizens), the power of the early Wako faded away.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 設置に際しては、維新後、開国政を進める新政府にとってもてあまし気味の存在となっていた過激尊皇攘夷派の不平分子らの懐柔を目的に、彼らを多く採用したいきさつがあった。
    When it was established, the agency employed many radical discontented elements in the party of Sonno Joi (advocating respecting the Emperor and excluding of foreigners) in order to conciliate them, who had been beyond control of the new government that were advancing the policy of "opening the country."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、留守政府では旧薩摩藩士で参議の西郷隆盛らが朝鮮出兵を巡る征韓論で紛糾しており、薩摩士族の暴発を予防として家禄制度を維持しての士族階級の懐柔を行うべきであるとする意見も存在していた。
    In Rusu-seifu, a former feudal retainer of Satsuma and a councilor, Takamori SAIGO and his supporters asserted Seikanron (an opinion to dispatch troops to Korea), and some members of Rusu-seifu insisted that the stipend system should be maintained to conciliate the warrior class, thus preventing the Satsuma warriors from exploding.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
