
  • 1889年(明治22年)大津〜長浜間の連絡汽船に代わる鉄道が完成、東海道本線開通。
    1889: A railroad replacing the ferry boat between Otsu and Nagahama was opened, which made the Tokaido Main Line opened.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この壬申検査には文部官僚の町田久成(東京国立博物館の初代館長)、蜷川式胤のほか、油絵画家の高橋由一、写真師の横山松三郎らが記録係として同行した。
    During this Jinshin Inspection, along with officials from the Education Ministry such as Hisanari MACHIDA (the first director of the Tokyo National Museum) and Noritane NINAGAWA, Yuichi TAKAHASHI (a painter) and Matsusaburo YOKOYAMA (a photographer) accompanied the team as recorders.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 観世流職分として能楽界の後進を育成、東京藝術大学音楽学部教授として能楽研究と教育、ワシントン大学やハワイ大学等で能楽指導にあたる。
    As a part of his duties to be assumed as a member of the Kanze-ryu school, he has been engaged in fostering young Noh actors, undertaking research and education of Noh as a professor at the Faculty of Music of Tokyo University of the Arts, giving lectures on Noh dramas at University of Washington, University of Hawaii, and so on.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 太秦天神川駅、もしくは京都市役所前駅~御陵駅の間では、6両編成(東西線車両)と4両編成(京阪京津線からの乗り入れ)が混在しているため、列車到着アナウンスでは、両数がかならず告げられる。
    At Uzumasa-tenjingawa Station or stations in the section between Kyoto Shiyakusho-mae Station and Misasagi Station, the number of cars is always announced because six-car trains (Tozai Line trains) and four-car trains (trains coming from the Keihan Keishin Line) are busily operated.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 「新婦人協会」結成、雑誌「新青年」創刊、日本最初のメーデー、「日本社会主義同盟」結成、活動写真会社「松竹」「帝国キネマ」設立、両国「新国技館」落成、東京市街自動車に女性車掌(バスガール)が登場、慶應義塾・早稲田に私立大学設立許可、「松竹蒲田撮影所」設立、第1回「国勢調査」
    Formation of 'Shin fujin kyokai' (the New Women's Association), the first publication of a magazine 'Shinseinen' (new youth), the first May Day in Japan, formation of 'Japan Socialist League,' establishment of moving-picture companies 'Shochiku Co., Ltd.' and 'Teikoku kinema' (Imperial Cinema Entertainment Co. Ltd.), completion of the 'Shin (new) Kokugikan' in Ryogoku, the first 'bus girl' (conductress) appeared in Tokyo City Tram, approval for the establishment of private universities of Keio Gijuku and Waseda, establishment of 'Shochiku Kamata Studio,' and the first 'national census'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
