
  • を忘れて踊り回ることもする托鉢
    a dervish whose actions include ecstatic dancing and whirling  - 日本語WordNet
  • 「源信(侶)章」…「源信広開一代教~大悲無倦常照
    Genshin (priest) Sho' - 'Genshinkokaiichidaikyo - Daihimukenjoshoga'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • (にちが、永正5年(1508年)-天正14年11月11日_(旧暦)(1586年12月21日))は、戦国時代_(日本)の法華宗の侶。
    Nichiga (1508 - December 21, 1586) was a Buddhist monk of Hokkeshu sect during the Sengoku Period (Period of Warring States).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 花月の名乗り-自分の名前にある「花」と「月」を様々なもの(花、瓜、菓、火、果)にかけ、こそは天下の名だという。
    Nanori (announcement of one's name) of Kagetsu - He claims that he is a distinguished priest of Japan by playing on words from his name (Kagetsu uses the characters 花 [ka - flower] and 月 [getsu - moon]) using various things (such as flower, gourd, confectionery, fire and fruit, all pronounced 'ka').  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 2日後、の服を着て吉野に向かう大海人皇子を、果安は蘇赤兄や中臣金とともに莬道(宇治市)まで見送った。
    Two days later, together with SOGA no Akae and NAKATOMI no Kane, Hatayasu went to Todo (Uji City) to see off Prince Oama in a priest's robe who left for Yoshino.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 盛名を良しとせず隠遁の道を選んだ高(冒頭の玄賓都の話など)をはじめ、心に迷いを生じたため往生し損なった聖、反対に俗世にありながら芸道に打ち込んで無の境地に辿り着いた人々の生き様をまざまざと描き、編者の感想を加えている。
    It describes various people's lives very vividly including the tales about a high priest who did not desire fame and chose seclusion (such as the opening story on Genpin Sozu), about a high-ranking priest who failed to reach Ojo (birth in the Pure Land) due to hesitation, and about the common people in this world who devoted themselves to arts and reached Muga no Kyochi (the state of no-self); the writer also wrote his comments in each tales.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 餓鬼は『それにはわれら餓鬼道にいる苦の衆生、あらゆる困苦の衆生に対して飲食を施し、仏・法・の三宝を供養すれば、汝の寿命はのび、も又苦難を脱することができ、お前の寿命も延びるだろう』と言った。
    It said, 'If you feed all suffering living things in Gaki-do and hold a mass for the 3 treasures of Buddhism: Buddha, sutras and the priesthood, you will take a fresh lease of life and we will escape from suffering as well.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この頃、天台宗の侶であった唯紹舜と親交を持った介石はその門人となって浅草新堀にある本光院の住職を任されている。
    Around that time, Kaiseki established a friendship with Yuiga Shoshun, who was a Tendai Sect Buddhist monk, and became a follower of the sect and was appointed to Chief Priest of Honko-in Temple located at Asakusa Shinbori.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 鎌倉時代に集慶というが過去帳を読み上げていたところ、青い衣を着た女の幽霊が現れ、「などが名をば過去帳には読み落としたるぞ」と言った。
    When the priest called Jukei read a family register of deaths during the Kamakura period, a lady ghost wearing a blue cloth appeared and said "Why did you skip my name in the family register of deaths?"  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 仏教を日本に広め、推古天皇4年(596年)法興寺(蘇善德が寺司、現在の飛鳥寺安居院)が完成すると百済の慧聡(えそう)と住し、ともに三宝の棟梁と称された。
    He spread Buddhism over Japan and when Hokoji Temple (built by SOGA no Zentoko, now known as Asukadera Temple Angoin) was completed in 596, he lived together with Eso, a priest from Baekje, and they were called as the Toryo (leader) of Sampo (three 3 treasures of Buddhism).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 大臣蘇馬子が病気になったときに馬子は仏法による病気平癒を願い、勅許により3人は再び寺院に入って尼となり病気平癒を祈願した。
    At the time when the Minister SOGA no Umako became ill, he hoped to cure his disease through Buddhism, which led to the allowance of the three nuns to enter the nunhood again and pray for his cure by an imperial sanction.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 小團次主演では、「都鳥廓白浪」(通称忍ぶの惣太)(1854)・「鼠小紋東君新形」(通称 鼠小)(1857)・「網模様燈籠菊桐」(通称 小猿七之助)(1857)・「小袖曽薊色縫」(通称 十六夜清心)(1859)・「三人吉三廓初買」(通称 三人吉三)(1860)・「船打込橋間白浪」(通称 鋳掛け松)(1866)。
    Below are the Shiranami plays in which Kodanji played the leading role: 'Miyakodori nagareno shiranami' (commonly called 'Shinobuno Sota') (1854), 'Nezumikomon haruno shingata' (commonly called 'Nezumi kozo') (1857), 'Amimoyo torono kikukiri' (commonly called 'Kozaru Shichinosuke') (1857), 'Kosode soga azamino ironui' (commonly called 'Izayoi Seishin') (1859), 'Sannin Kichisa kuruwano hatsugai' (commonly called 'Sannin Kichisa) (1860), 'Fune e uchikomu hashimano shiranami' (commonly called 'Ikakematsu') (1866).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 法然房源空(1)→勢観房源智(前2)→法蓮房信空(後2)→正信房湛空(3)→求道房恵尋(4)→素月房恵顗(5)→寿観房任空(6)→示観房範空(7)→観房運空(8)→然定玄(9)→佛立恵照国師(任等凞)(10)→良秀尋(11)→聖深阿縁(12)→海等珍(13)→秀良玉(14)→威照良真(15)→称譽秀馨(16)→極譽理聖(17)→栄譽永真(18)→西譽雲栖(19)→弘譽伝心(20)→性譽法山(21)→道残源立(22)→看譽源良(23)→縁譽休岸(24)→長譽源然(25)→琴譽盛林(26)→了的(27)→潮呑(28)→忍譽源授(29)→眼譽呑屋(30)→誓譽厳真(31)→檀譽順応(32)→広譽順長(33)→叶譽酋村(34)→通譽◎林(35)→薫譽寂仙(36)→重譽写悦(37)→到譽順教(38)→香譽春沢(39)→鑑譽万竜(40)→法譽智俊(41)→晃譽念潮(42)→到譽潮音(43)→謙譽霊忠(44)→神譽感霊(45)→覚譽霊長(46)→逾譽俊海(47)→禀譽(48)→浄譽原澄(49)→明譽顕海(50)→祐譽天従(51)→宣譽巨道(52)→貫譽学善(53)→住譽密善(54)→在譽祐倫(55)→黒谷定円〘寥譽〙(56)→獅子吼観定〘梁譽〙(57)→佐藤説門〘開譽〙(58)→獅子吼観定〘梁譽〙(59)→秋浦定玄〘静譽〙(60)→吉水賢融〘仏譽〙(61)→大鹿愍成〘深譽〙(62)→郁芳随円〘相譽〙(63)→望月信亨〘昱譽〙(64)→芳井教岸〘道譽〙(65)→川端信之〘源譽〙(66)→渡辺教善〘闡譽〙(67)→千葉良導〘妙譽〙(68)→福井周道〘鑑譽〙(69)→澤崎梁寿〘定譽〙(70)→藤原弘道〘法譽〙(71)→稲岡覚順〘等譽〙(72)→坪井俊映〘仁譽〙(73)→高橋弘次〘満譽〙(74)
    Honenbo Genku (1)->Seikanbo Genchi (first period of 2)->Horenbo Shinku (latter period of 2)->Shoshinbo Tanku (3)->Gudobo Keito (4)->Sogetsubo Eke (5)->Suganbo Jinku (6)->Jikanbo Hanku (7)->Gaganbo Unku (8)->Sozen Jogen (9)->Butsuryu Eisho Kokushi (Sonin Nadohiro) (10)->Yoshihide Sojin (11)->Seimi Aen (12)->Sokai Rachin(13)->Soshu Ryogyoku (14)->Iteri Ryoshin (15)->Shoyo Shukei (16)->Gokuyo Risei (17)->Eiyo Eishin (18)->Saiyo Unsei (19)->Koyo Denshin (20)->Seiyo Hozan (21)->Dozan Genryu (22)->Kanyo Genryo (23)->Enyo Kyugan (24)->Choyo Genzen (25)->Kinyo Seirin (26)->Ryoteki (27)->Chodon (28)->Ninyo Genju (29)->Ganyo Donya (30)->Seiyo Ganshin (31)->Danyo Juno (32)->Koyo Juncho (33)->Kyoyo Shuson (34)->Tsuyo Chorin (35)->Kunyo Jakusen (36)->Juyo Shaetsu (37)->Toyo Junkyo (38)->Koyo Shuntaku (39)->Kanyo Manryu (40)->Hoyo Chishun (41)->Koyo Nencho (42)->Toyo Choon (43)->Kenyo Reishi (44)->Shinyo Kanrei (45)->Kakuyo Reicho (46)->Yuyo Shunkai (47)->Rinyo (48)->Joyo Gencho (49)->Meiyo Kenkai (50)->Yuyo Tenju (51)->Senyo Kyodo (52)->Kanyo Gakuzen (53)->Juyo Myozen (54)->Zaiyo Yurin (55)->Kurotani Joen [Ryoyo] (56)->Shishiku Kanjo [Ryoyo] (57)->Sato Zeimon [Kaiyo] (58)->Shishiku Kanjo [Ryoyo] (59)->Shuho Jogen [Seiyo] (60)->Kissui Kenyu [Butsuyo] (61)->Oka Binjo [Shinyo] (62)->Ikuho Zuien [Soyo] (63)->Mochizuki Shinko [Ikuyo] (64)->Hoi Kyogan [Doyo] (65)->Kawabata Nobuyuki [Genho] (66)->Watanabe Kyozen [Senyo] (67)->Chiba Ryodo [Myoyo] (68)->Fukui Shudo [Kanyo] (69)->Sawazaki Ryoju [Joyo] (70)->Fujiwara Hiromichi [Hoyo] (71)->Inaoka Kakujun [Toyo] (72)->Tsuboi Shunei [Jinyo] (73)->Takahashi Koji [Manyo] (74)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 堕落した界の現状を恥じる赤裸々な内容が壮絶な同経文は、「皆相代わって悉く懺悔す、更にまたその報いを受けしめざれ」という贖罪の決意を明らかにした末文も相まって、現在も真言宗各派において宗教家の自覚を促し自戒する経文として広く唱えられる。
    This sutra, with fierce content of naked facts with shame of the situation of corrupt world of priests, combined with the last sentence that clearly stipulates his determination of atonement 'I make every confession in lieu of everyone, and also will suffer for it,' has been wide spread as a awareness-raising and self-reproaching sutra among various sects of Shingon even now  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • このことが小團次の気に入り、以降新七と小團次の名コンビによる『蔦紅葉宇都谷峠』(文弥殺し)、『三人吉三廓初買』(三人吉三)、『勧善懲悪覗機関』(村井長庵)、『鼠小紋東君新形』(鼠小)、『小袖曾薊色縫』(十六夜清心)、『八幡祭小望月賑』(縮屋新助)などの名作が作られてゆくことになる。
    These modification gained the favor of Kodanji and later they became a good combination to produce some other famous plays: "Tsutamomiji Utsunoya-toge" (also known as "Bunya goroshi" [Killing of Bunya]), "Sannin Kichisa kuruwa no hatsugai" (also known as "Sannin Kichisa" [Three Men Named Kichisa]), "Kanzen choaku nozoki karakuri" (also known as "Choan MURAI"), "Nezumi komon haruno shingata" (also known as "Nezumi kozo"), "Kosode soga azami no ironui" (also known as "Izayoi Seishin"), "Hachiman matsuri yomiya no nigiwai" (also known as "Chizimiya Shinsuke") and so on.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • もっとも、かつては神功皇后の三韓征伐が史実と考えられていたこと、鎌倉時代の『曾物語』(妙本寺本)においても日本の西の果てを「鬼界・高麗・硫黄嶋」と記されており、島国に住む日本人(外国と接する機会のある侶や商人などの例外を除く)における長年にわたる対外意識の希薄さが背景にあったと考えられている。
    This is because of such a background that the conquest of three Korean countries by Jinguu Empress was believed as a truth and that Japanese who lived in an island country (except priests or merchants who had a chance to meet foreigners) were less conscious on abroad for a long time, as "Soga monogatari" (Myohonji-bon) written in Kamakura Period described western Japan as 'Kikai, Korea and Io-island'.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • やがて寅吉少年を幽冥から啓導されている、岩間山の山人・杉山正なる異人に興味を抱き信仰を重ねていく間に、道家の玄学思想に魅せられて、が国に伝来する古道の思想と道家玄学の思想を折衷した神仙道の教義をうち立て、弟子達にこの秘教密儀的な秘儀を伝授することとなる。
    He also became interested in an unworldly man from Mt. Iwama called Sojo (meaning "highest-ranking monk") Sugiyama, who had enlightened Torakichi from the other world, and grew to believe in such a mysterious existence; having become fascinated with the Gengaku of Taoism, he then formed a new theory of Shinsendo by fusing Japanese Kodo and Chinese Gengaku and began inducting his students into the theory as some kind of esoteric ceremony.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
