
  • 戦時経済に重要な物資
    goods and resources necessary to a war-time economy  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 経済警察という,戦時中の警察組織
    a measure taken war time in which the police force take charge of the economic situation  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 戦時共産主義という,ソビエトがロシア革命直後に行った経済政策
    an economic policy by which the Soviet carried out the Russian Revolution, called wartime communism  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 戦時は陸軍大尉で、戦後は賀陽政治経済研究所長となる。
    He was an Army Captain when the War ended, and he became the manager of Kayanomiya political and economic Institute.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 戦時体制の強化に伴い、日本精神史(文学部)、東亜経済政策原論(経済学部)、航空学・燃料化学(工学部)などの国策に沿った講座が設けられ、太平洋戦争の開戦後、学生を軍隊風に編成する目的で「京都帝国大学報国隊」が結成される。
    As the war regime got strengthened, some programs complying with the national policy were set up, such as History of Japanese Spirit (in the Faculty of Letters), Principles of East Asian Economics Policies (in the Faculty of Economics), and Aeronautics & Fuel Chemistry (in the Faculty of Engineering), and after the Pacific War began, "Loyal Patriots' Corps of Kyoto Imperial University" was formed for organizing students in the military style.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 5月5日には、支那事変のためとして、国家総動員法や電力国家管理法を成立させ、経済戦時体制を導入し、日本の国家社会主義化が開始された。
    On May 5, with the enactment of the National Mobilization Act and the Government Control of Power Act and the introduction of wartime economics, Japan entered a period of national socialization.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 明治以後の急速な経済発展や、第二次世界大戦時の空襲などによって、沿道が急速に変貌した東海道沿線と異なり、中山道沿線では、江戸時代以前の街道や宿場町が比較的良く保存されて来た。
    Unlike areas along Tokai-do Road that went through a rapid transfiguration due to various factors such as the post-Meiji fast economic growth and air raids during World War II, the pre-Edo period highways and post-station towns have relatively been well preserved in areas along Nakasen-do Road.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
