
  • という,二十八宿の一つである星座の名
    a constellation that was one of the names of twenty-eight solar stages along the zodiac called {'Bo'}  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 帰ってきた文五兵衛・現八らは八夫婦と大八の死を悲しむが、宿に居合わせた丶大の呪法により大八は息を吹き返す。
    Bungobe and Genpachi came back and grieved for the loss of Fusahachi and his wife as well as of Daihachi, but Chu-dai, who happened to stay at that hatago, brought Daihachi back to life with his juho (magic).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • が、頼朝の乳母であった後妻の寒河尼が元服前の朝光を伴って10月に総で再起した頼朝の宿所を訪ねている。
    However, Masamitsu's wife SAMUKAWA no Ama, who had once been a Menoto of Yoritomo, visited Yoritomo's lodging with her son Tomomitsu who had not yet reached the manhood, when Yoritomo raised an army again in Boso in October of the same year.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 大江匡や大江広元、菅原道真、毛利元就は野見宿禰の子孫ということになる。
    It turns out that OE no Masafusa (an aristocrat/scholar of the late Heian period), Oe no Hiromoto (a vassal of Kamakura shogunate), SUGAWARA no Michizane (an aristocrat/scholar of the early Heian period) and Motonari MORI (a warlord in the Warring States period) are all descendants of NOMI no Sukune.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 翌年、伏姫に懐妊のしるしがあらわれ、山中で出会った仙童から八が玉梓の呪詛を負っていたこと、読経の功徳によりその怨念は解消されたものの、八の気を受けて種子を宿したことが告げられる。
    The next year Princess Fuse showed signs of pregnancy, and a child hermit whom she encountered in the mountain told her that Yatsufusa had been cursed by Tamazusa, that Tamazusa's curse had been cleared up by the merit of the sutras but that Princess got pregnant with Yatsufusa's ki (essence, phenomenon).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この日、片瀬(藤沢市)の宿を御発ちになったので、先女等や御輿、公卿、随兵等が行列をなしてこれを迎え、相州御亭に入御される。
    After Prince Munetaka left the hotel in Katase (Fujisawa City), a procession of court ladies, palanquins, court nobles, attendant warriors and others welcomed the Prince to enter the residence of the shogun in Sagami Province.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 慶雲4年(707年)6月15日に文武天皇が死ぬと、10月3日に正五位上土師宿祢馬手が、下毛古麻呂(下毛野古麻呂)、民比良夫、石上豊庭、藤原前とともに造山陵使に任じられた。
    When Emperor Monmu died on June 15th, 707, HAJI no Sukune Umate who was promoted to Shogoinojo (Senior Fifth Rank, Upper Grade) on October 3rd, was appointed as the Imperial envoy to Tusukuriyama no Misasagi along with SHIMOTSUKENU no Komaro, TAMI no Hirao, and ISONOKAMI no Toyoniwa.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 彼がこれらの事を話していると,ある女が群衆の中から声を上げて,彼に言った,「あなたを宿した胎と,あなたに乳を飲ませた乳とは幸いです!」
    It came to pass, as he said these things, a certain woman out of the multitude lifted up her voice, and said to him, “Blessed is the womb that bore you, and the breasts which nursed you!”  - 電網聖書『ルカによる福音書 11:27』
  • 承元3年(1209年)12月、宿所を相対する御家人橘公業と妻女を巡った争論から合戦へと発展しかけ、征夷大将軍源実朝の命によって駆け付けた北条時の仲介により事を収めるという騒ぎがあった。
    In the twelfth month of 1209, an incident occurred in which he had a dispute with TACHIBANA no Kiminari, a gokenin (shogunal retainer) who was staying at an lodging directly opposite his own, over his wife; this dispute threatened to escalate into a duel, but the issue was resolved with the help of a mediator, Tokifusa HOJO who was sent by order of the Seii taishogun (literally, the "great general who subdues the barbarians") MINAMOTO no Sanetomo. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 入浴料と電気代は宿泊料金に含まれているが、それ以外の布団貸し出し料(布団持込の場合は不要)、冬季ならコタツ、ストーブなどの暖器具貸し出し料、炊事用にコンロ利用のためのガス代を徴収される。
    The following are charged for when staying at jisui-ryokan: the room charge including bathing and electricity; rented futon (no charge if users bring in their own futon); rented heaters such as kotatsu (a small table with an electric heater underneath and covered by a quilt) or oil space heaters in winters; and gas for cooking.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 癌(特に、乳、結腸、肺、前立腺、腎臓、膵臓、脳、骨、卵巣、精巣、又はリンパ系器官の癌)、自己免疫疾患、移植片拒絶反応、移植片対宿主病、ウイルス感染症(HIVを含む)、又は寄生体感染症の新規かつ効果的な治療方法の提供。
    To provide a novel and effective therapeutic method for cancers (particularly, cancers of mammary, colon, lungs, prostate, kidneys, pancreas, brain, bone, ovaries, testicles or lymph system organs), autoimmune diseases, transplant rejection, graft-versus-host diseases, viral infections (including HIV) or parasite infestations. - 特許庁
