
  • 昭和4年(1929年)、船越義珍が師範を務めていた慶義塾大学唐手研究会が般若心経の「空(仏教)」の概念から唐手を空手に改めると発表し、昭和9年(1934年)には大日本武徳会において、空手という名称が正式に認された。
    In 1929, a karate club at Keio University, where Gichin FUNAKOSHI taught as a grand master, announced that the Chinese spelling of karate would be changed to '空手' based on the philosophy of 'ku (空) (tentative self, ephemeral life)' espoused by Hannya Shingyo (Heart Sutra), and this spelling was authorized by the Dai Nippon Butoku Kai in 1934.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これを受け、対日投資会議(議長:内閣総理大臣)の下部機関である対日投資会議専門部会(部会長:島田晴雄慶大学教授・内閣府特命顧問)を同年10月に再開、対日投資促進策のあり方について検討を行い、2003年3月に報告書、及び①行政手続の見直し、②事業環境の整備、③雇用・生活環境の整備、④地方と国の体制整備、⑤内外への情報発信等5つの重点分野・74項目の施策からなる報告書別表を「対日投資促進プログラム」としてとりまとめ、対日投資会議にて報告・了された(第3-1-15表)。
    In response, the Japan Investment Council Expert Committee (Chair: Haruo Shimada, Professor of Keio University, Special Advisor to the Cabinet Office), which is under the auspices of the Japan Investment Council (Chair: Prime Minister), was resumed in October 2002. The Expert Committee deliberated on the ideal vision of measures to promote FDI into Japan. In March 2003,the committee compiled the Program for the Promotion of Foreign Direct Investment into Japan, which consisted of a report and an appendix to the report consisting of 74 concrete measures under five priority categories: (i) review of administrative procedures; (ii) improvement of the business environment; (iii)creation of favorable employment and living environments; (iv) improvement of local and national structures and systems; and (v) dissemination of information within Japan and abroad. The program was presented to and approved by the Japan Investment Council (Fig.3.1.15). - 経済産業省
