
  • 肉体を折檻する
    to spank someone  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 人を折檻する, 罰する; 人を非難する.
    give a person stick  - 研究社 新英和中辞典
  • 行儀が悪いので子供を折檻する.
    discipline a child for bad behavior  - 研究社 新英和中辞典
  • 彼は少年を折檻する問題について話し始めた。
    He began to speak on the subject of chastising boys.  - James Joyce『遭遇』
  • しかし、佐久間信盛には19ヶ条の折檻状をだし、それを要約するとただ有無を言わさず追放したのでは無く、隠棲するか命を懸けて手柄を立てるかを選ばせている。
    However, he sent a letter of chastisement of nineteen articles to Nobumori SAKUMA, which, in its essence, forced him to choose retiring or achieving a feat for his life, so that it did not request an exile with no mercy.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • どちらにせよ、折檻状は命を惜しんで隠棲するか命を懸けて功績を挙げ挽回するかという道を選ばせており、少なくとも追放されたのは信盛自身が選択したことで信長自身が問答無用で追放したのではないことを考慮する必要がある(ちなみに前田利家は功績を挙げて挽回したくちである)。
    Anyway, the letter let Nobumori choose to either go into seclusion for the remainder of his life or regain his honor by making achievements at the risk of his life, and so the banishment was his choice and it should be taken into account that Nobunaga did not banish him without any choices (Toshiie MAEDA regained his honor by making an achievement).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 作家・樋口晴彦は著書『信長の家臣団―「天下布武」を支えた武将34人の記録』の中で、信盛が追放された理由は、畿内・美濃を織田家の直轄地とする信長の天下統一構想において双方に領地を持つ信盛の存在が邪魔になったためで、19ヶ条の折檻状は無条件で領地を取り上げるための言いがかりであったとしている。
    The novelist Haruhiko HIGUCHI writes in his book "Nobunaga no kashin-dan--'Tenka-fubu' wo sasaeta busho 34 nin no kiroku" (The Vassals of Nobunaga--A Record of 34 Commanders Who Supported 'Tenka-fubu' [a slogan that means that the samurai governs the whole world]) that the reason that Nobumori was banished was that Nobumori, who held territory in both Kinai and Mino, was an obstacle to Nobunaga, who owned Kinai and Mino as the directly controlled land of the Oda family and also had an idea of unifying the whole country, and HIGUCHI also claims that the letter of chastisement consisting of 19 articles was Nobunaga's false accusation written in order to confiscate Nobumori's territory with no conditions.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
