
  • 大内輝弘は大友宗麟の捨て駒として利用されたともいえる。
    Thus, it could be said that Teruhiro OUCHI was sacrificed by Sorin OTOMO.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし、大友宗麟にとって輝弘は所詮毛利氏の後方撹乱用の捨て駒に過ぎなかった。
    However, from the viewpoint of Sorin OTOMO, Teruhiro was nothing more than a sacrificed piece for a backward attack on the Mori clan after all.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 有利なポジションを得るために、プレーヤーが重要でない捨てる、ゲームの初期のチェスの一手
    a chess move early in the game in which the player sacrifices minor pieces in order to obtain an advantageous position  - 日本語WordNet
  • 24歳の時、金峨は家業の藩医を捨てて儒学者を志し、当初込に仮住まいし聴講者を集めて講義をした。
    At the age of 24, Kinga abandoned his family profession of doctor of the Kasama Domain so as to become a Confucianist, and he first temporarily lived in Komagome where he gathered auditors and lectured in front of them.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 大陸との交易で武器をそろえてひそかに九州から遠征、大江山に砦を築き投石器で平安京を攻撃したが実際は黒幕の安倍晴明に使い捨てとして利用されていた。
    He obtained the necessary weapons through trading with the continent, led his army from Kyushu to Honshu, built a fortress at Mt. Oe and attacked Heian-kyo with catapults, but in reality he was just being used as a pawn by the behind-the-scenes manipulator, Seimei ABE.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • もっとも、信長の鹿介ら尼子遺臣団に対する措置は最初から冷酷と言っていいほどで、その事績をたどるとほぼ捨て駒として使われていることが窺われる。
    It can practically be said that Nobunaga's actions toward Shikanosuke and other members of the Amago Remnant Corps were ruthless from the beginning; looking back over the results of Nobunaga's deeds, it may be inferred that they were sacrificed like a piece in a game of chess.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • このように後白河には悪評以外に評価が無く、悪評が後を絶たないが、これは、後白河が自らの院政によって武家勢力との共存を図り、結果として次から次にあたかも手捨てていくかのごとく武士を利用していった事が大きな要因といえる。
    Because of this, Goshirakawa only had a continuing bad reputation until now, because he used Samurai one after another as if they were disposable, just like throwing a Japanese chess piece away when it is not needed while playing the game, while he tried to coexist with other Samurai forces by ruling his cloister government.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 正妻の築山殿、嫡男の松平信康の誅殺命令にあるように、織田と徳川は後世に美化されたような「同盟」という対等の関係でなく、徳川は織田にとって、使い捨てに過ぎず、東方平定のためには、早々に完全に弱体化させるか滅ぼされるべき存在に過ぎなかった。
    As seen in the case of the order to kill Tsukiyama-dono, who was Ieyasu's legitimate wife, and Nobuyasu MATSUDAIRA, who was Ieyasu's first son, Oda and Tokugawa were not in a relationship of equality like 'allied countries' as often been idealized later, and, for Oda, Tokugawa was a mere throwaway player and, in order to pacify the eastern countries, it should be completely weakened or overthrown as soon as possible.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
