
  • かんじ搦め足を縛っていくというのではなくて。
    It should not be suffocated by tight restrictions.  - 金融庁
  • 搦め手の宇治市で尊氏軍が勝利し、宮方は撤退し、京を巡る合戦に突入する。
    Takauji's army won in Uji City located at the rear and the court's side withdrew, then it plunged into the battle over Kyoto.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 義貞は三島で軍を集結させると軍を二方面に分け、自らは搦め手軍を率いて箱根峠に進み、大軍は実弟脇屋義助を大将に足柄峠へ進軍させる。
    Yoshisada gathered his army in Mishima and split them into two directions, then he led the rear force and headed for Hakone-toge Pass, meanwhile, his younger brother, Yoshisuke WAKIYA led the front force and headed for Ashigara-toge Pass.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 生のまま又は焼いたものに醤油・砂糖・片栗粉で作った甘辛いタレを搦めたみたらし団子(御洗串団子)や小豆・枝豆などのつぶ餡や漉し餡を付けて食べる。
    Raw or roasted kushi-dango with sweet-and-salty sauce clinging to it, made from soybean sauce, sugar, and starch powder, is called mitarashi-dango (Mitarai's skewered dumplings) and raw or roasted kushi-dango is also eaten with sweet bean paste with bean skins or with filtered sweet bean paste, made from red beans or green soybeans, clinging to it.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
