
  • 政務を見る
    to administer the affairs of state  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 政務を見る政務を取る、政務を司る
    to administer the affairs of state―conduct government business  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 在位中は後嵯峨上皇が院政が敷き、直接政務を見ることは無かった。
    During his reign he did not in fact control politics since the Retired Emperor Gosaga ruled the cloistered government.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 君主位譲位者が後継者の後見として実質的な政務を行うという政治体制は、恒久的な制度としては世界史的にきわめて稀であり、他にはヴェトナムの陳朝にその例を見る程度である。
    The political system where a person who abdicates the throne conducts virtual political affairs is extremely rare as a permanent system in world history, and basically the only similar case is that of the Tran Dynasty of Vietnam.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その一方で、近年では宇多天皇が醍醐天皇に譲位して法皇となった後に天皇の病気に伴って実質上の院政を行っていた事が明らかになった事や、円融天皇が退位後に息子の一条天皇が皇位を継ぐと政務を見ようとしたために外祖父である摂政藤原兼家と対立していたという説もあり、院政の嚆矢を後三条天皇よりも以前に見る説が有力となっている。
    On the other hand, the view that insei started before the reign of Emperor Gosanjo has become more prevalent in recent years, since it is increasingly apparent that Emperor Uda conducted virtual insei after he abdicated to Emperor Daigo to become Hoo (法皇) as the result of the new Emperor's illness, and based on the view that Emperor Enyu was opposed to Kaneie FUJIWARA, a regent and his maternal grandfather, since Enyu tried to participate in political affairs after his abdication and succession of the throne by his son, Emperor Ichijo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
