
  • だが、妹の源明子が道長に嫁いだことで摂関家との関係を持ち、権大納言に昇ったのが59歳と昇進自体は決して順調とは言えなかったものの、道長との縁戚関係を利用して他の貴族・官人との仲介役を務め、道長のための政治資金調達などの役割を担った。
    However, with the marriage of his younger sister MINAMOTO no Akiko to Michinaga, he gained a kinship relation with the Sessho/Kanpaku (regent and chief adviser to the Emperor) family, and he took charge of raising political funds for Michinaga, working as an intermediary between Michinaga and other nobles and officials by making use of his kinship connection, although his promotion to Gon Dainagon took place when he was 59 years old - far from rapid advancement.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
