
  • 教導
    a public instructor  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 教導
    a school for non-commissioned officers  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • ゴルフ用教導
  • 教導職という職務
    an occupation in which one teaches or instructs  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 宣教使という,明治時代の教導機関
    in the Meiji period of Japan, an educational institution called the Shinto Education Bureau  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 宣教使という,明治時代の教導機関の職員
    in the Meiji period of Japan, an official of the Shinto Education Bureau  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 竹篦という,禅宗で学人の教導に用いる法具
    in the Zen sect of Buddhism, a tool to guide a student  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • そこで、天照大御神は八咫烏を送り教導となした。
    Then, Amaterasu Oomikami dispatched yatagarasu as an instructor.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 携帯端末、及び、携帯端末の多機能教導方法
  • 1月から陸軍教導団に入営し、同6月伍長。
    In January, he entered the army Kyododan (school for noncommissioned officers); and in June, he became corporal.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • -陸軍教導団工兵生徒申付、陸軍士官学校(日本)入学。
    He became an attendant for engineering students in the army education institution, and then entered the military academy.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 宣教使を廃し、教導職の制度を定めて宣教体制を確立。
    Senkyoshi abolished and kyodoshoku (evangelist) system formulated to establish a senkyo (missionary) framework.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 明治15年(1882年、官国幣社の神職が教導職を兼補することを廃止。
    1882 - dual role of kankoku heisha priests as kyodoshoku (evangelists) abolished.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 先頭で教導していた神成大尉は誰ともなく以下のように命令した。
    Captain Kannari, who led the troop, at large ordered as follows.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1人が法を聞いて,他を教導すれば,それが次々に広がっていつまでも尽きないという教え
    in Buddhism, the situation of a person who has reached spiritual enlightenment teaching others, so that the teachings are perpetually passed from teacher to student  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 翌年それに基づく「生徒教導方要項」を全国の女学校と高等女学校に配る。
    Guideline for educating pupils' prepared based on the policy was distributed to girls' schools and girls' high schools nationwide.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • -法然の後継者証空上人の教導により出家し、信生法師を名乗る。
    Because of the teachings of the High Priest Shoku, who was a successor of Honen, he became a priest and introduced himself Shinsho.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 天皇を「奉戴」することを命じた「三条ノ教則」を国民教導の中心とした。
    Sanjo no kyosoku,' which ordered 'respect' for the Emperor, was used as a basis of teaching of people.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 神官層は神職と教導職の完全分離と神祇官の再興運動(1896年参照)を起こした。
    Shinto priests campaigned to separate priests from evangelists completely and to restore the Jingikan (refer to year 1896).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 教導職の全国統括機関であった大教院は東京芝にある増上寺内に設置された。
    Daikyoin, the national organization to supervise kyodoshoku (evangelists), was established in Zojo-ji Temple located in Shiba, Tokyo Prefecture.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また講武所には、教導部隊ともいうべき一定の実戦力も期待された。
    The Kobu jo was expected to produce troops with power of execution, which can be said as a teaching and leading troop.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 佐藤特務曹長に隊の教導を任せた上で、進路を再び田代に変更した。
    He changed the course again to Tashiro, leaving the command of the troops to Sergeant Major Sato.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 具体的な国民教導に失敗した宣教使が廃止された後、神仏儒合同でおこなわれた教部省による国民教導では「三条ノ教則」が設定された。
    After the system of senkyoshi (Shinto missionaries), which had failed to teach the specifics to the people, was abolished, the 'sanjo no kyosoku' (Three Teachings) was established for the public's education, which was carried out by the Ministry of Religion and involved Shinto, Buddhism and Confucianism.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 教導職は半官半民の任命制であり、神官・神職、僧侶などの宗教家を始め、落語家や歌人、俳人なども教導職に任命された。
    The kyodoshoku was a semi-governmental appointive position, and not only members of religious groups such as Shinto priests and Buddhist monks but also Rakugo story tellers, Waka poets, Haiku poets, etc. were appointed to the position.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 乾燥設備或いは検測箱に取り付けられて被測定物の水分含有量を検査し、且つ教導性含水率設定機能を有する。
    This inspection meter inspects the moisture content of a measuring object by being installed in a dryer or an inspection box, and has an instructive moisture content setting function. - 特許庁
  • 一方、寺院の側からすれば、檀信徒に対して教導を実施する責務を負わされることとなり、仏教教団が幕府の統治体制の一翼を担うこととなった。
    Meanwhile, the system obliged the temple to give religious instructions to its believers, and had the Buddhist organizations play a role in the regime of the Edo shogunate.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかしながら、教導の方法や内容を巡って官員同士で深刻な意見対立があり、また神祇官の規模と能力も全国的に宣教を実施できる状態には無かった為に具体的な成果を挙げられなかった。
    However, serious confrontations existed among the officers in Jingikan concerning how to lead the people and what information should be given out, Jingikan was not large enough to conduct these missions nationwide, and therefore, no concrete results were realized.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この他に、明治8年(1875年)4月には西郷と大山県令との交渉で確保した荒蕪地に、桐野利秋が指導し、永山休二・平野正介らが監督する吉野開墾社(旧陸軍教導団生徒を収容)もつくられた。
    And the other is the Yoshino-Kaikonsha school (Kyu-Rikugun Kyododan Seito (students of former Imperial Army's school)), which Toshiaki KIRINO lead and Kyuji NAGAYAMA and Shosuke HIRANO supervised, and it was established in the wasteland that was secured by negotiation between Saigo and Kenrei OYAMA on April 1875.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 国民教化をより具体的に行う為、教導職の全国統括機関である大教院、各府県単位の統括を行なう中教院が設置され、全国に小教院が置かれた。
    In order to edify citizens more specifically, Daikyoin (Great Teaching Institute) as the national organization to supervise kyodoshoku and Chukyoin (Intermediate Teaching Institute) as the prefectural organization to supervise kyodoshoku were established, and Shokyoin (Small Teaching Institute) were set up in many places all over the country.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 更には神殿で行なわれる祭祀に教導職である僧侶の参列と拝礼を義務付けた為に仏教勢力の一部を激しく怒らせる結果となった(又、その反面に幟を掲げるなどして熱烈な祝福を示した僧侶もいた)。
    Furthermore, Kyobusho enforced attendance and religious services at rituals performed at the shrine on the Buddhist priests who were Kyodoshoku, which made part of Buddhist power furious (on the other hand, some Buddhist priests fervently celebrated them by setting up a flag).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 神成文吉大尉は、秋田県の出身で、陸軍教導団を経て陸軍歩兵二等軍曹に任官し、順次昇進して陸軍歩兵大尉となった人物である。
    Captain Bunkichi KANNARI, from Akita Prefecture, was assigned as a staff sergeant of the Army Infantry after having trained in Rikugun Kyododan (an academy established to train noncommissioned officers) and became Army Infantry Captain, being promoted sequentially.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 明治17年(1884年)、国家によって任命されていた教導職が廃止され、国家による統制を条件に宗派による内部自治が許容され、それに対応した本末制度の改革が行われた(明治17年8月11日太政官布達第19号)。
    In 1884, when the kyodoshoku (evangelist) which had been appointed by the state was terminated, each sect was allowed to have autonomy inside on the condition that they stayed under the control of the state, and reforms of the honmatsu seido were conducted according to this (August 11, 1884 Dajokanfutatsu (administrative order from Dajokan (Grand Council of state)) No.19).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 8代・幟仁親王(1812年-1886年)は、國學院大学の前身である皇典講究所や神道教導職の総裁に任ぜられ、明治天皇、和宮親子内親王の学問師範を務めた功績を以って大勲位菊花大綬章を賜った。
    The eighth successor, Prince Takahito (1812-1886), was ordered to become the president of Koten Kokyu sho (the former Kokugakuin University) and Shinto Kyodo shoku; after teaching Emperor Meiji and Princess Kazuno miya Chikako in various studies, he was given the Grand Cordon of the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum in recognition of his achievements as a teacher.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1867年(明治元年)に大教宣布が発布され、1876年(明治9年)に神道事務局に生徒寮を設置して神職の養成に力を注いだ明治新政府であったが、政教分離・信教の自由論が世の中に広まり、教導職制が廃止された。
    Following Taikyo-senpu (propagation of the Great Teaching of Shinto) in 1867, the newly established Meiji Government was enthusiastic about the training of Shinto priests, establishing a dormitory for the trainees under the Shinto Jimukyoku (the Secretariat of Shinto), but the Kyodoshoku-sei (a system of national enlightenment on Shinto through government-assigned preceptors) had to be discontinued as the voices calling for the separation of religion and politics and the freedom of religion prevailed.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 神祇官内に設置された宣教使の神道と儒教を基本とした国民教導が失敗したことを受け、当時最大の宗教勢力であった仏教、特に浄土真宗の要請によって神・儒・仏の合同布教体制が敷かれた。
    After the failure of Shintoism instructed by the Shinto Missionary division set up inside of the department of Jingikan (officers of the institution for dedicating to religious ceremony) and the edification based on the ideas of Confucianism, Buddhism, the largest religious group of the days, and particularly its Jodo Shinshu Sect (the True Pure Land Sect of Buddhism) requested the government to jointly propagate three religions in Japan, including Shintoism, Confucianism and Buddhism.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この他、神職には含まれない職員や、神職見習いである「出仕」や主典、典仕、伶人、神宮などでは事務職員としての参事、主事、録事、主事補や宗教職員として教導司、教学司、技術職員としての技監、技師、その他の職員としての嘱託、警備職員としての衛士、守衛などの職員を置いている神社もある。
    Moreover, some shrines employ non-shinshoku personnel in a variety of categories, for example apprentices to shinshoku, including "Shusshi," Shuten, Tenji, and Reijin (gagaku performers), or administrative workers like Sanji, shuji (deputy secretaries), rokuji (clerks) and shujiho (assistant deputy secretaries), or religious employees like kyodoshi and kyogakushi, or workers in engineering such as executive advisory engineers or regular engineers, and finally miscellaneous employees like temporary workers, or security staff working as guards or gate guards.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • キリスト教の(半ば黙認という形での)禁制解除、社寺に於ける女人結界の解除など近代宗教政策を実施する一方で、神祇官が為し得なかった国民教化を実現する為に教導職制度を設け、大教院による国民教化・大教宣布運動を行った。
    While implementing modernistic religious policies including the cancellation of a ban on Christianity (in reality a tacit permission) and the prohibition against woman entering a sacred area at temples and shrines, Kyobusho also established a system called the kyodoshoku (evangelist) system, and propagated national edification and the Imperial Edict (of 1870) for Establishment of Shinto under Daikyoin (Great Teaching Institute) in order to realize the edification and enlightenment of citizens after the failure of the Jingikan department.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 政府は当初、伝統宗教の権威と地盤を以ってキリスト教防御と維新後の新体制を国民に教導する考えであったが、近代国家の樹立の為には政教分離と信教の自由を国家の基本方針として盛り込むことは避けられず、また西洋諸国との外交関係に於いてキリスト教の禁制解除は不可欠となった。
    At first, the Meiji government intended to keep citizens away from the influence of Christianity and to educate them on the new systems made by the new government renewed after the Meiji Restoration with authority and foundations of the Japanese traditional religion; however, the separation of religion and politics and the freedom of religion were essential policies in order to establish a modernized nation, and the cancellation of a ban on Christianity was indispensable to maintain the diplomatic relationships with Western countries.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
