
  • 断罪的な命令
    a condemnatory decree  - 日本語WordNet
  • 初めて断罪された人
    someone convicted for the first time  - 日本語WordNet
  • 断罪という刑
    a type of execution called decapitation  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 断罪は動機のいかんによる
    Conviction depends on (the nature of) the motive.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 彼らにその政党を断罪する資格や権利はない。
    They don't have the qualifications or the right to convict that political party.  - Weblio Email例文集
  • 法廷は彼に殺人の断罪を下した.
    The court convicted him of murder [found him guilty of murder].  - 研究社 新和英中辞典
  • 法律は嫌疑のみをもって断罪せず
    The law does not conclude the prisoner to be guilty―condemn the prisoner―on mere suspicion.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 事実かくの如くなるをもって断罪するのは早計だ
    In view of these facts, it is premature to conclude him guilty.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • トムさんは断罪されて、死刑判決を受けました。
    Tom was convicted and sentenced to death. - Tatoeba例文
  • 彼らがその政党を断罪する資格や権利は存在しない。
    They don't have the qualifications or the right to convict that political party.  - Weblio Email例文集
  • 彼らがその政党を断罪する資格や権利を有しない。
    They don't have the qualifications or the right to convict that political party.  - Weblio Email例文集
  • 彼らがその政党を断罪できる資格や権利を有しない。
    They don't have the qualifications or the right to convict that political party.  - Weblio Email例文集
  • 仏陀が「断罪すべし」と命ずると、大自在天とその妃(ウマー)を踏み殺し絶命させたのだった。
    Buddha ordered that 'he should be condemned to death,' so that Fudo Myoo stamped Daijizaiten and his wife (Uma) to death.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これが景時に伝わり、これを頼家への誹謗であると讒言し断罪を求めた。
    When Kagetoki heard this, he gave a slanderous account of Tomomitsu to Yoshiie taking this as an insult to Yoriie and asked to condemn Tomomitsu.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 天和(日本)1年(1681年)越後騒動により断罪された松平綱国を預かる。
    In 1681, he looked after Tsunakuni MATSUDAIRA who was convicted of the Echigo sodo (in-house strife in Echigo Province).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • そこで「神社事」・「国分寺事」・「庸調事」・「禁制事」・「断罪贖銅事」などのように事例ごとに類聚して90篇(現存82篇)にまとめられた。
    Therefore, the regulations were organized in 90 parts (82 are existing) by grouping them into cases including 'Jinshagoto,' 'Kokubunjigoto,' 'Yochogoto,' 'kinseigoto,' and 'Danzaishokudogoto.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 秀家は西軍の副大将として石田三成、大谷吉継らとともに家康断罪の檄文を発し、西軍の主力となる。
    As a vice general of the Western Camp, Hideie, together with Mitsunari ISHIDA and Yoshitsugu OTANI, issued orders to behead Ieyasu and then became the main force of the Western Camp.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし、詫び証文を書いたことが水口藩主の耳に達せば、事と次第によれば公用方の断罪も逃れられなくなる。
    If the signed apology were to become known to the lord of the Minakuchi domain, Koyokata would be doomed to be convicted according to the circumstances.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 9月22日、朝廷は伴善男らを応天門の放火の犯人であると断罪して死罪、罪一等を許されて流罪と決した。
    On September 22, the court found TOMO no Yoshio and others guilty of the arson of the Otenmon gate, and their punishment was banishment, rather than the death penalty or that of a first degree crime.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 裁判を経て刈田行為者の権利が認められれば、刈田行為は刈田狼藉として断罪されることはなかった。
    When the ownership claimed by a person who committed the karita was found to be correct and acceptable in court proceedings, his karita act did not constitute karita-rozeki and the person was not convicted.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 業倫の勘申により、伊勢と熊野が同体であるか否かが問題となり、断罪以上に重要な問題として関心を集めた。
    When Gyorin's kanmon was submitted, a question concerning whether or not Ise and Kumano were identical was raised and it attracted attention as the more important problem than punishment.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 新井は荻原を「有史以来の奸物」「極悪人」と断罪し、荻原を罷免すべきという上申書を提出すること三度におよんだ。
    Arai determined Ogiwara was "the slyest person in history" and "a devil" and submitted reports three times insisting on the dismissal of Ogiwara to his superior.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 続いて勘申の根拠となる律令格式の本文を引用する(これは断獄律断罪引律令格式条によって規定されている)。
    Next, the body text of Laws of codes and ethics (conduct) upon which kanmon is based is cited (this is stipulated in Laws of codes and ethics (conduct) concerning conviction of 断獄律).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 娘は身重でもあり、困り果てた教盛は成経とともに清盛の元へ参り、寛大な処置を願ったが、清盛は対面すら許さず成経の断罪を命じた。
    At the time, because Norimori's daughter was pregnant, Norimori and Naritsune petitioned Kiyomori for mercy; Kiyomori, however, would not even grant them an audience, and sentenced Naritsune to death by beheading.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかしそれでも断罪され死罪(律令法)とされたが、善男がかつて自分を抜擢してくれた仁明天皇のために毎年法要を行っていたという忠節に免じて罪一等を許されて流罪と決した。
    He was eventually sentenced to death (according to the Ritsuryo code) despite his denial, but the death penalty was replaced by deportation because of his loyalty to the late Emperor Ninmyo; he kept holding an annual memorial service for the late Emperor to return the favor of the Emperor who first recognized him.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 越境してきた密偵はたとえ幕府関係者であろうと厳しく断罪し、情報の漏洩防止に努め、密貿易によって外貨を蓄え続け、幕府に勝る軍事力を獲得した。
    Any spies entering its territory were severely punished, even if they were related to Bakufu, and thereby the clan endeavored to avoid the leakage of information, continued to accumulate foreign currency through secret trade with overseas countries, and acquired military power exceeding that of Bakufu.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この折伏教典は創価学会独自のもので現在は刊行されていないが、そこには日蓮宗、天台宗、真言宗、禅宗、念仏宗、キリスト教などありとあらゆる宗教哲学に対して徹底的に批判・断罪した内容であった。
    This Shakubuku Scripture is an original one of Soka Gakkai and is not publicly available at present, but its contents are thorough criticism and condemnations of all kinds of religious philosophies including Nichirenshu sect, Tendaishu sect, Shingonshu sect, Zen sect, Nenbutsushu sect, and Christianity, etc.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、嵯峨朝になると、種継の子で平城天皇の内侍司として権勢を握った藤原薬子とその兄藤原仲成が反乱を企てて断罪された薬子の変の発生に加え、嵯峨天皇・橘嘉智子の信頼を受けた北家の冬嗣の台頭も背景にある。
    Furthermore, the Kusuko Incident, a failed rebellion by FUJIWARA no Nakanari and his sister Kusuko who was a daughter of Tanetsugu and held power as naishi no tsukasa (a female palace attendant) for Emperor Heizei, as well as the rise of FUJIWARA no Fuyutsugu from Fujiwara Hokke who won trust of Emperor Saga and TACHIBANA no Kachiko, also led to the decline of Shikike.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この意味で、検証はそれぞれの立場と主張の枠を超えて進められた、国家政策の点検作業であり、本事業の担い手は決して一つの立場に限定されるものではなく、その役割は決して、過去の断罪だけにとどまるものではない。
    In this sense, the verification was process of reviewing a national policy, which was carried out regardless of the positions and opinions of the parties involved; those who carried out the Task were by no means limited to one certain position, and its role goes far beyond the condemnation of the past. - 厚生労働省
  • それは長徳2年(996年)春3月4日、兄弟藤原伊周・藤原隆家の断罪を間近に控えて内裏を退出した中宮定子の二条北宮行啓に、本宮大夫平惟仲以外の上卿が「悉く障りを申し不参」の中で、俊賢は敢えて扈従したことに見出されよう。
    His loyalty can be seen in the event as follows; when Chugu (Empress) Teishi, who had escaped from Dairi (the Inner Palace) just before the execution of brothers FUJIWARA no Korechika and FUJIWARA no Takaie in the spring, on March 30, 996, all the Shokei (the top court officials in charge) other than TAIRA no Korenaka, who had the title of Hongu no daibu (chief of the office of the Imperial Palace), said 'it is better not to go along with her for fear of giving offense,' while Toshikata purposefully acted as a squire.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
