
  • 施物をする
    to give alms―give in charity  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 化主という街で施物を乞う禅僧
    a Zen priest who asks for alms in the street, called 'keshu'  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 仏教において,施者と受者と施物
    in Buddhism, the donor, the donation, and the recipient of the donation  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 寺院において,納所という,施物や金銭などの出納事務を行う部門
    an administration department in a temple, called a temple office  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 寺院で,納所という,施物や金銭などの出納事務を行う職務を司る僧侶
    a priest who takes charge of the administrative duties of a temple  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 10月(大斎の行事にちなんで、点心、寺家の諸役、僧位僧官の名称、布施物、点心用の食品・菓子・茶具・汁・菜などの食品食物)、
    October: Refreshments, miscellaneous taxes in temples, names of soi and sokan (ranks and positions of Buddhist priest), offerings, food served as refreshments such as sweets, tea utensils, soups and side dishes for the occasion of taisai (grand festival) events.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 屋外の評価対象物や判定実施物から離れた地点から撮影した画像であって照明条件が一定に保たれていない画像であっても腐食度の判定を精度良く行うことを可能にする。
    To precisely determine the degree of corrosion, even in an image photographed from a point separated, from an outdoor evaluation target or determined matter and which has not been not kept constant under illumination conditions. - 特許庁
  • 出願人が,意匠の実施物とともに,写真的又は他の図面的表現物を提出し,その意匠の写真的又は他の図面的表現物では本法に基づく保護を得ようとする当該特徴を明瞭かつ十分に開示できないと述べる場合は,特許庁は,写真的又は他の図面的表現物に代えて,意匠の実施物を[3](2)にしたがって表現物と認めることができる。このような場合は手数料表にしたがって追加手数料を納付する。
    Where the applicant demonstrates, by submitting a photographic or other graphic representation of a design together with an embodiment of the design, that a photographic or other graphic representation of the design is not capable of disclosing clearly and fully those features for which protection under this Law is sought, the Patent Office may accept the embodiment of the design as the representation in accordance with subsection (3), item 2, in place of the photographic or other graphic representation. In such case, an additional fee shall be paid according to the schedule of fees.  - 特許庁
