
  • 旧社名吉野宮。
    Its former name of the shrine was Yoshino no miya.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • (注1)「社名」とは、近代社格制度下における神社名
    Note 1: 'Former Shrine Name' is the name by which the shrine was known under the integrated system of shrine ranks.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 式内社(名神大社)で、社格は郷社。
    It was listed in the Register of Deities of the Engishiki and was ranked as a Gosha under the old shrine classification system.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 式内社(名神大社)で、社格は郷社。
    It is a shikinaisha (Shinto shrine listed in the Engishiki) (Myojin Taisha) and a gosha (regional shrine) in the old shrine ranking system.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 式内社(名神大社)で、社格は官幣大社。
    It is listed in the Register of Deities of the Engishiki (as a Myojin Taisha) and was ranked as a Kanpei Taisha (large-scale state shrine) under the old shrine classification system.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 式内社(名神大社)で、社格は府社。
    It is listed in the Engishiki Jinmyocho (register of Shrines and kami in the book of regulations of the Engi era) and was classified as a fusha shrine (prefectural shrine) under the old shrine ranking system.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 式内社(名神大社)で、社格は郷社。
    It is a Shikinaisha (one of the shrines listed in the Register of Deities) and Myojin Taisha (a shrine dedicated to a famed deity), which was ranked as a Gosha (Rural District Shrine) in the Meiji Period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 当初の社名クレジット表記は大映マークにかぶさるように旧社名が縦表記でズームしながらクレジットされた。
    Initially the company name shown in the opening credits had the names of the former companies listed vertically and overlapping the Daiei logo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 式内社(名神大社)、二十二社の一社で、社格は官幣中社。
    The Register of Deities of the Engishiki classifies it as a Shikinaisha (Myojin Taisha), it is one of the Twenty-Two Shrines, and it was ranked as a Kanpei Chusha under the old system of shrine classifications.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 式内社(名神大)、二十二社の一社で、社格は官幣大社。
    It was listed in the Register of Deities of the Engishiki and was one of the Twenty-Two Shrines and was ranked as a Kanpei Taisha (large-scale state shrine) under the old shrine classification system.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 式内社(名神大社)、二十二社の一社で、社格は官幣大社。
    It is classified as a Shikinaisha (Myojin Taisha) listed in the Engishiki and one of the Nijuni-sha Shrines, and its former shrine classification was Kanpei-taisha (large-scale state shrine).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 式内社(名神大社)で、社格は県社。
    The shrine is a Shikinai-sha (Myojin Taisha, shrine listed in Engishiki ["Engishiki" is an ancient book for lows and regulation compiled during the Engi Period, in which shrine listing procedures are included]), designated as a prefectural shrine in the old shrine ranking.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その他の神社では、京都にならった八坂神社のほか、祭神の名前から素盞嗚神社、かつての社名から祇園神社、また地名を冠したものや牛頭天王を祀る以前の旧社名などに改称した。
    Following Kyoto, other shrines changed their names to Yasaka-jinja Shrine, to Susano-jinja Shrine from the name of the enshrined deity, to Gion-jinja Shrine from the previous shrine name, to names prefixed with geographic names, or to old shrine names used before enshrining Gozu Tenno.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 式内社(名神大社)、丹後国一宮で、社格は国幣中社(現、神社本庁の別表神社)。
    It is Shikinai-sha (shrine listed in Engishiki (an ancient book for codes and procedures on national rites and prayers)) (Myojin Taisha (shrines that enshrine gods known as Myojin)), the supreme shrine of Tango Province, and formerly ranked as a Kokuhei-chusha (middle-sized national shrine) (presently classified as a Beppyo-jinja (special independent shrine) by the Association of Shinto Shrines).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 式内社(名神大)、二十二社の上七社の一社で、社格は官幣大社。
    The shrine is Shikinai-sha (Myojin Taisha) (shrine listed in Engishiki (an ancient book for codes and procedures on national rites and prayers) laws), one of the upper seven of the Twenty-Two Shrines, and was classified as a Kanpei Taisha (the first rank of government supported shrines) under the former shrine ranking system  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • なお、プリンスホテルの社名は、ホテルの建物が皇族の手放した土地に立地していることに由来している。
    The name "Prince Hotel" was derived from a place on some land that used to belong to the Imperial Family.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • なお、名古屋市に本社を置く家電量販店の「エイデン」は旧社名の「栄電社」が由来であり叡山電鉄とは全く関係はない。
    Incidentally, an electronics retail store 'EIDEN Co., Ltd.' (whose head office is in Nagoya City) is originated from the former company name 'Eidensha,' but it has nothing to do with the Eizan Electric Railway.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 改名後、株式会社KAINOSHO(旧社名:ケイブレイン株式会社)代表取締役、著書「インナーブランディング」。
    After changing his name, he has become the president of KAINOSHO (former Keiburein) and the author of a book, 'Inner Branding.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 明治時代、陸軍火薬庫の建設のため社地全体が官有地として召し上げられ、当社は御旅所であった岡田村内の現在地に遷座し、その際に社名称の許波多神社に改称した。
    During the Meiji period, the entire shrine was commandeered by the state to serve as a gunpowder magazine; during which time the deities were transferred to the their current location in what was the building in which the sacred palanquin was stored in the former village of Okada and this was also the time when the shrine was renamed to its previous name of Kohata-jinja Shrine.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 社名に「京都」を冠する路線バス事業者の京阪京都交通(・京都交通(亀岡))、京都交通(舞鶴)、京都バスとは、人材・資本の関係が一切ない。
    The private local bus operators Keihan Kyoto Kotsu (formerly Kyoto Kotsu (Kameoka Station), Kyoto Kotsu (Maizuru) and Kyoto Bus have no capital or personnel relationship with Kyoto Municipal Transportation Bureau.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • そのため、健在なのは大和と駅前に移転し親会社名を冠につけたイトーヨーカドー丸大のみ(本店はディスカウント業態「ザ・プライス丸大」となったが閉店)となっている。
    After all, only Nagaoka Daiwa and Ito-Yokado Marudai, which relocated to the front of the station and adopted the new name that is capped with the parent company's name, are still alive at present (Marudai's old store became a discount store called 'The Price Marudai' but eventually closed).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ちなみに調査の内容は、1鎮座地、2社名、3祭神、4由緒(社家の家系を含む)、5勧請の年月、6例祭日、7社殿の建坪、8境内地の面積(境内地を含む)、9社領、10氏子戸数、11管轄庁からの距離、の11項目であった。
    Incidentally, the following eleven items were to be covered by the survey; 1. location of enshrinement, 2. name of shrine, 3. enshrined deity, 4. shrine's history (including the Shinto priest's family line), 5. when the deity was called for (year/month), 6. date of the regular festival, 7. shrine's building area, 8. shrine's precincts (including the former precincts), 9. land belonging to shrine, 10. number of parishioner households, 11. distance from the government office responsible.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 同日付けで鉄道・不動産等の事業は会社分割によって阪急電鉄分割準備(株)(休眠子会社の株式会社アクトシステムズ=1989年12月7日設立を2004年3月29日付で社名変更)に承継させた上で同社を阪急電鉄に改称、阪急電鉄を阪急ホールディングスに改称。
    On the same date, the company was split off and the businesses such as railway and real estate were succeeded by Hankyu Dentetsu Bunkatsu Junbi KK (= a now-defunct subsidiary called KK Act Systems, which was founded on December 7, 1989, and changed the name on March 29, 2004), after which the corporate name of Hankyu Dentetsu Bunkatsu Junbi KK was changed to Hankyu Corporation and the former Hankyu Railway to Hankyu Holdings, respectively.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ただし現在でも、一部のコンピュータシステム等の問題(字体を使用できない、システム変更に費用がかかる)から「五条」としか表記出来ないもの(例:銀行・郵便の貯金部門)や、固有名詞であるもの(例:「五条」を冠した会社名、駅名である「五条駅」)など、僅かながらも「五条」の表記が残っている。
    However, even now, there are still a few descriptions of '五条' in the cases where only '五条' can be described (examples: banks and the savings department of post offices); this is because of problems related to how computers handle old Chinese characters, and the costs for modifying the system; for proper nouns like a company name that includes '五条,' or station names like '五条 Station' this is still an issue.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • やがて映画製作に進出した太泉映画(おおいずみえいが)と1938年設立の東横映画(とうよこえいが)(東急東横線の沿線開発を目的に、東京の渋谷や横浜市で映画館を経営していたが、戦後大映(映画)より京都第2撮影所(新興キネマ京都撮影所)を賃借して映画製作に進出。)を吸収合併、社名を東映と改めて出発した。
    Later it merged with Oizumi Films, which had achieved success in the film production industry, and Toyoko Film Company (founded in 1938) which had run movie theaters in Shibuya, Tokyo and Yokohama City in order to develop the areas along the Tokyu Toyoko line, but after World War Two it rented the former Shinko Cinema Kyoto Studio from Daiei Motion Picture Company to start film production and changed its name to Toei.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 一方、社名やその他の語を付けて区別することもあり、群馬県の上信電鉄では国名の「上野(こうずけ)」を冠した場合に上野(台東区)や上野市の「上野(うえの)」と混同する恐れがあるため上州富岡駅のように「上州」を冠しているが、国鉄及び東日本旅客鉄道では前述の例に倣って「上野」と「上州」のいずれも用いず群馬藤岡駅のように現在の県名を冠する駅名を付けている。
    On the other hand, there were cases in which station names were distinguished through means of adding company names or some other words; in the case of Joshu Dentetsu in Gunma, 'Joshu' is added to Tomioka Station and the station name is made to 'Joshu Tomioka Station'; the reason for this naming lied in that if the provincial name of 'Kozuke' is added, there is a possibility of being confused with 'Ueno' (Taito-ward in Tokyo) or 'Ueno' of Ueno City; Japanese National Railways and East Japan Railway Company used neither 'Kozuke' nor 'Joshu,' following the examples cited above and made a new station name by adding the current prefecture name Gunma.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
