
  • 旱魃の雨は嬉しい
    Rain is welcome after a drought.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • -旱魃・飢饉が起こる。
    Drought and famine took place.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 旱魃で百姓が雨乞いする
    Owing to the drought, the peasants offer up prayers for rain.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 旱魃後の雨はありがたい
    Rain is welcome―grateful―after a drought.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 旱魃で水論が起こった
    The drought has given rise to quarrels over the water.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 旱魃について断水になった
    The water was stopped owing to the drought.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 旱魃につき断水す
    The water-supply is cut off on account of the drought.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 旱魃は食糧不足を招いた。
    The drought led to an insufficiency of food. - Tatoeba例文
  • 旱魃は食糧不足を招いた。
    The drought led to an insufficiency of food.  - Tanaka Corpus
  • 旱魃が収穫に深刻な被害をもたらした。
    The drought did severe damage to the harvest. - Tatoeba例文
  • 旱魃が交尾期と重なったとジム・ハフスドットは言う。
    He says the drought has coincided with mating season. - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文
  • この旱魃で多くの人々が雨乞いをしている。
    A lot of people are praying for rain because of this drought. - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文
  • 昨年の旱魃と政府の減反政策により供給が減少した。
    Supplies were reduced by last summer's drought and Government acreage-reduction programs. - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文
  • そのほかにも、天平時代は例年旱魃・飢饉が続きであった。
    In addition, there were continuous droughts and famine every year during the Tenpyo period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 息災法(そくさいほう)…災害のないことを祈るもので、旱魃、強風、洪水、地震、火事をはじめ、個人的な苦難、煩悩も対象。
    The prayer for safety and good health: to pray to circumvent various calamities including drought, wind storms, floods, earthquakes, and fires; personal sufferings and the overcoming of earthly desires are also included in the prayer.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 治暦2年(1066年)権僧正となり、この年の旱魃に際して僧侶20人を率いて雨乞いの修法を行った。
    In 1066, he became gon no sojo (the highest-ranking priest next to a sojo) and performed a ritual for rain along with 20 priests on behalf of relief from that year's drought.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 高知県では、明和3年(1776年)の大旱魃の年に岡内村(現・香美市)の次郎吉という男が、峯ノ川にて牛鬼を目撃したという。
    In Kochi Prefecture, it is said that a man named Jirokichi in Okanouchi Village (present-day Kami City) saw Ushioni in 1776, when a severe drought struck.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 旱魃の年には岳郷によって「嶽の神様幟がお好き、幟持てこい、雨降らせ」と唱和して雨乞いの登山が行われた。
    In a year of drought, the people in the mountain community climbed up the mountain prayed for rain by chanting "The god of the mountain likes flags. Let's bring flags to the god to ask for rain."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 長禄3年は全国的な旱魃に加えて、関東地方の享徳の乱、畿内の台風などによって西日本を中心に飢饉が発生、
    In 1459, a nation-wide drought, the Kyotoku war in the Kanto region, and a typhoon that struck the Kinai area triggered a famine in Japan that mainly affected the western part of the country.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 砂漠化や乾燥化の多くは、旱魃などによる軽度の水不足によって植物が枯死することから始まる。
    Desertification and advancing the dry state of land mostly starts when plants are blighted due to a slight shortage of water, for example, caused by dry weather.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • アフリカの角における旱魃と飢饉により引き起こされた大規模で悲惨な事態について悲嘆を共有。
    We are saddened by the scale of human tragedy caused by the drought and famine in the Horn of Africa.  - 財務省
  • 温暖化による異常気象による旱魃、水害等の被害に対し、特に降雨を促すための雲を発生させる。
    To provide a cumulonimbus generation system generating rain-bearing cloud to prevent damage caused by dry weather or flood due to abnormal climate resulting from global warming. - 特許庁
  • 阿波国の阿波郡・美馬郡は、常に旱魃に悩まされていたが、古嗣は池と用水を築造する潅漑事業を成し遂げ、その仁政と能力の高さから広く名声を得た。
    Awa County and Mima County both in Awa Province were always troubled by drought, so he carried out an irrigation project which consisted of digging ponds and irrigation channels, which gained him fame for his benevolent rule and capable governing.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 同じ年の夏は旱魃となり、その際、三論を講じて僧正に任じられたというが、一説によれば孝徳天皇のときに僧正に任じられたともいう。
    One view states that he became the highest ranked monk by preaching the Three Shastras when people suffered from drought in the summer of that year, whereas others believe it was Emperor Kotoku who offered him the position.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 翌年にも大雨による水害と旱魃が交互に訪れ、更に虫害と疫病も加わって飢饉が全国で拡大、畠山氏の家督争い、斯波氏の長禄合戦などによって、両氏の領国では更に事態が深刻化した。
    The following year, a seemingly endless cycle of rain-induced floods and droughts that was followed by insect damage and plague led to a nation-wide famine; a succession battle within the HATAKEYAMA clan and the battle of Choroku that the SHIBA clan fought made the situation in their respective territories even worse.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ほとんど全ての守護請において、旱魃や洪水などを名目的な理由として年貢未進が毎年のように行われ、請所である荘園・公領は実質的な守護領となっていった。
    Under almost every Shugouke, there were non-payments of nengu every year on the pretext of droughts or floods, and shoen and koryo managed under ukedokoro virtually turned into Shugoryo (guardian's territory).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし第7代藩主・小出英タケの頃から飢饉や旱魃、洪水などの天災によって藩財政の窮乏化が表面化し、天明7年(1787年)には凶作と米価高騰などから百姓一揆が発生する。
    However, from around the time that Hidetake KOIDE became the seventh lord, the domain was assailed by a series of disasters including famine, drought, and flooding, weakening the finances of the administration, and, in 1787, a bad harvest and jump in rice price caused a peasant's revolt.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 2001年、ラテンアメリカ・カリブ地域は、中米旱魃、9月11日事件による観光客激減、コーヒー価格の暴落、アルゼンティン危機等、苦難に見舞われてきました。
    In 2001 a series of adverse external shocks had a negative impact on Latin America and the Caribbean: a serious drought in Central America, declines in tourism due to the events of September 11, a sharp drop in coffee prices, and the Argentine crisis.  - 財務省
  • 異常気象により異常乾燥山火事や旱魃や集中豪雨が増大魚類激減中、発電所や自動車や小型船舶等からのCO2排気を0にし大気中のCO2を回収して魚類増殖が必要。
    To increase fishes by making CO2 emissions from power plants, automobiles, and small ships zero and collecting CO2 in the atmosphere while fishes are decreasing due to increase of abnormally dry forest fire, drought and local sever rain by abnormal weather. - 特許庁
  • 異常気象により異常乾燥山火事や旱魃や集中豪雨が増大魚類激減中、発電所や自動車や船舶等からのCO2排気を0にし大気中のCO2を回収して魚類増殖が必要。
    To grow fishes by eliminating the discharge of CO2 from power stations, automobiles, and ships and recovering CO2 from the atmosphere since abnormal drying, forest fires, droughts, and concentrated downpours are increased due to abnormal weather, thereby fishes are violently decreasing in quantity. - 特許庁
  • 特にアフリカでは、旱魃、洪水、水資源不足、疫病、海面上昇等、現に直面している課題や問題の深刻さが国や地域によって大きく異なるため、各国のカントリー・オーナーシップを尊重した国別に異なる支援を行っていく必要があります。
    The seriousness with which Africa currently faces with the climate-related challenges and problems, such as drought, flood, scarcity of water resources, epidemics, and rise in the sea level, differs widely from country to country and regionally. We therefore need to provide country-specific and tailor-made assistance, paying due respect to the country's ownership.  - 財務省
  • 異常気象により異常乾燥山火事や旱魃や集中豪雨が増大魚類激減中、中大型船舶からのCO2排気を0にした自然現象高速化で魚類や海草類等人類の食糧大増殖が必要。
    To solve the following problems: since by abnormal weather, abnormal dryness, a forest fire, drought and concentrated heavy rain are increased and fishes are dramatically reduced, it is necessary to remarkably increase human foods such as fishes and seaweed by achieving speeding up of a natural phenomenon with CO2 emissions from a medium or large ship reduced to zero. - 特許庁
  • その後も再三にわたって大洪水や大旱魃、大飢饉などが発生して藩は大被害を受け、第3代藩主・九鬼隆直の時代には藩財政が破綻し、藩札発行や倹約令制定、家臣団の給米減封などを中心とした財政改革が試みられたが、その後も大洪水などによる天災や百姓一揆までもが発生し、藩政はすっかり衰退してしまった。
    Thereafter, the domain was repeatedly assailed by flooding, droughts, and famine, and its finances collapsed in the era of Takanao KUKI, the third lord of the domain, who pursued reforms as the issue of a domain currency, reduction in spending on weapons, and a reduction in the amount of rice distributed to vassals, but this was followed by more flooding and even a peasant's revolt, and the administration was severely weakened.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • グラデーション層は高い保水力と微生物の繁殖を増進させるため、大気の温度が高温の時、土壌の湿気が蒸発し、ヒートアイランド現象を減らすことができ、雨が降っている時は、保水且つ貯水して、旱魃時に使用することができるとともに、地表に水害が発生する確率を減らすことができる。
    The ecological gradation layer can enhance a water retaining capacity of the soil and reproductive power of the soil microorganisms and thereby: alleviating a heat-island phenomenon by allowing water in the soil to evaporate when an atmosphere temperature is high; and preserving water in anticipation of drought as well as reducing a risk of an occurrence of flood damage above the ground by retaining and storing water during a rainfall. - 特許庁
