
  • だが、管領細川政元はこれに強く反対し、間もなく義尚自身も病死したために本願寺討伐の件は中止されて幕府から要求されていた加賀門徒の破門も有耶無耶とされた。
    However, since Shogunal Deputy Masamoto HOSOKAWA objected to it and also Yoshihisa died from a disease, subjugation Hongan-ji Temple was canceled, and the excommunication of the Kaga-monto (Kaga-sect) was left up in the air.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この相論は摂政一条兼遐や京都所司代板倉重宗らによって審議されたが、途中で壬生孝亮による売官問題が発覚、孝亮は解官・追放となったために有耶無耶に終わり、問題は先送りとされた。
    Those including the regent Akiyoshi ICHIJO and the shogun's deputy for Kyoto, Shigemune ITAKURA examined the dispute, but the examination ended leaving the dispute unsettled when an illegal official rank selling of Takasuke MIBU was discovered and Takasuke was dismissed and expelled from the court.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1467年(文正2年)延暦寺から「仏敵」とされ京都を追われた父・蓮如がやむなく延暦寺に屈した時に蓮如の隠居と長男順如の廃嫡、そして当時光養丸と呼ばれていた実如への家督継承が強要されるが、本願寺の勢力回復とともに有耶無耶となり、元のように順如が法嗣とされた。
    In 1467 his father Rennyo was declared 'an enemy of Buddhism' by Enryaku-ji Temple and driven away from Kyoto; during the period Rennyo was depressed by Enryaku-ji Temple's persecution, he was forced to live in retirement, to disinherit his eldest sun Junnyo, and to transfer the family headship to Jitsunyo, who at that time was known as Mitsutanemaru (光養丸), but Rennyo regained his influence following the resurgence in Hongan-ji Temple's own power, which left the inheritance question up in the air, until eventually things went back to the way they had been, with Junnyo reinstalled as his successor.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
