
  • 都道府県においては、炎対策基本法の趣旨に基づき、都道府県単位での炎対策を推進するための計画を策定する等、地域の実情に応じた炎対策を講じるための体制を構築し、管内市区町と連携した炎対策を推進することが望まれる。
    It is recommended that the prefectural governments develop systems for implementing measures against hepatitis that are consistent with regional conditions, and to promote these measures in cooperation with the relevant municipalities and special city wards, e.g., make a plan for promotion of measures for hepatitis by prefecture based on the principle of the Basic Act on Hepatitis Measures. - 厚生労働省
  • なお地域によって呼称は多様であり、大名主・割元・大煎・十・郷頭などとも呼ばれた。
    Besides 'O-joya,' this position's name varied by region under the names of: "Onanushi," "Warimoto (a village official)," "Kimoiri (a sponsor, middleman, and also a village official)," "To-mura (a manger or an official to control villages, ten villages or more as a group)", and "Gougashira."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 上天皇の時代、河内国のひと石川悪右衛門は妻の病気をなおすため、兄の蘆屋道満の占いによって、和泉国和泉郡の信太の森(現在の大阪府和泉市)に行き、野キツネの生きを得ようとする。
    In the reign of the Emperor Murakami, Akuemon ISHIKAWA in Kawachi Province, following the divination by his brother, Doman ASHIYA, to cure his ailing wife, goes to Shinoda forest of Izumi County in Izumi Province (present Izumi City, Osaka Prefecture) and tries to get a fresh liver of a wild fox.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 当時、父の実家である下川崎の宮永家は家運が衰退していたため、やむなく母八重子の生家である福光村肝煎役石崎喜兵衛方に母子ともに引き取られ、そこで養育された。
    At the time, his father's family, the Miyanaga family in Shimokawasaki-mura, was upon bad times, so he and his mother were taken in and cared for by her relative Kihei ISHISAKI, the Kimoiri-yaku (the headman of a village) in Fukumitsu-mura village, and he was raised there.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 元治元年(1864年)4月16日、土佐の山本頼蔵の『洛陽日記』に「当日石清(中岡慎太郎の変名、石川清之助の略)、薩ノ付十郎、中半二郎ニ逢テ問答ノヨシ。此両人ハ随分正義ノ趣ナリ」とある。
    On April 16, 1864, "Rakuyo Nikki (literally, Kyoto diary)" by Raizo YAMAMOTO of the Tosa domain recorded, 'I heard that today Ishisei (abbreviation of Seinosuke ISHIKAWA, an alias of Shintaro NAKAOKA) met and had a discussion with Juro KIMOTSUKI and Hanjiro NAKAMURA of Satsuma. Both of them were said to be quite righteous.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 他に、宮崎県高千穂町内の古墳、鹿児島県付町の国見山、鹿児島県南さつま市の野間岳、宮崎県宮崎市角町の高屋神社などもホオリの神陵という伝承がある。
    According to alternate traditions, the tumulus in Takachiho-cho, Miyazaki Prefecture, Mt. Kunimi in Kimotsuki-cho, Kagoshima Prefecture, Mt. Noma-dake in Minamisatsuma City, Kagoshima Prefecture, and Takaya-jinja Shrine in Murasumi-cho, Miyazaki City, Miyazaki Prefecture are also considered to be Hoori's tombs.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • こうした地侍たちは、安土桃山期の兵農分離(刀狩など)によって郷士や再度、百姓身分に戻り、庄屋・名主・煎・番頭などの指導者としての地位に就くことが多かった。
    In most cases, these Ji-zamurai returned to the position of farmers due to the separation policy of samurai and farmers such as the sword hunt during the Azuchi Momoyama period and took the leaders' position of the villages such as Shoya, Nanushi, Kimoiri, and Banto.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 文久3年(1863年)または元治元年(1864年)、有無之助は京都へ行くが、攘夷とは名ばかりの暴徒が多いことに絶望、それらを懲らす志を立て江戸からの知人であった田作郎を頼り、彼が煎を務める京都見廻組の寄宿人(幕臣ではない隊士)となる。
    Umunosuke went to Kyoto in either 1863 or 1864, but was devastated when he learned that there were violent groups, who excluded foreigners in name only, and became Kishukunin (the boarder) (the soldier who was not Bakushin) who took care of Kyoto Mimawarigumi in order to punish those people by asking for the help of Sakuro MURATA, who was an acquaintance of his from when they were in Edo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 則宗の養嗣子である浦上祐宗の跡を継いで浦上氏の当主になったと見られるものの、心の家督相続の経緯、時期については永正年間前半の祐宗、宗の動向を示す史料が少ない為、はっきりしない。
    The process of how and when Muramune succeeded to the family headship is not clear because there were few historical materials about the movement of Sukemune and Muramune in the beginning of the Eisho era, although Muramune is thought to become a head of the Uragami clan by succeeding Sukemune URAGAMI, an adopted heir of Norimune,  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
