毛利援軍は1兵も来援しなかったが兵糧は補給し続けていた。 Although not even a single soldier of reinforcement troops of the Mori clan came, provisions had been supplied.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
この敗戦後に山内上杉顕定は越後上杉氏の来援を得て反撃に出る。 After the defeat, Akisada, with support from the Echigo-Uesugi clan, launched a counterattack.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
翌3日、横山党の来援を得た和田勢は若宮大路へ押し出し、幕府軍と激戦した。 The next day, on May 3, army of Wada got assistance of Yokoyama Party and took way into Wakamiya-oji Street, and fought fiercely with the army of bakufu.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
文禄2年(1593年)になると、朝鮮に明軍が本格的に来援し攻勢に出る。 In 1593, Ming gave its full support to Korea and went on the offensive.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
16日、紀州勢が来援し、五城の城兵と合わせて八千の兵力となり、岸和田を衝こうとした。 On the 28th, the Kishu army arrived to help and tried to attack the Kishiwada army with 8,000 soldiers combined with the five castles' soldiers.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
しかし、味方の来援よりも先にその所在が敵の知ることとなり寡兵のまま最後の決戦の時を迎えることとなった。 However, his whereabouts became known to the enemy before reinforcements arrived, and he went into his final battle with leading an army vastly outnumbered by the enemy army.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
同年、天皇に無断で来援した尊氏と合流して東海道を東へ攻勢に転じ、反乱軍から鎌倉を奪還する。 In the same year, he joined forces with Takauji who had come to assist him without the emperor's permission and the two of them launched an eastward offensive in Tokaido to retake Kamakura from the rebellion forces.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
吹負は一時危うくなったが、徳麻呂らの防戦と、三輪高市麻呂・置始菟の部隊の来援で鯨を退けることができた。 Although Fukei's army was forced into a corner for a while, supporting soldiers such as Tokomaro guarded them very well and the support armies led by MIWA no Takechimaro and by OKISOME no Usagi arrived to fight back, and at last Kujira's army retreated.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
最も頼みとしていた朝倉氏は、小谷城への来援に現れるも自軍の事情で越前本国へ退却してしまう。 Although the Asakura clan, on which the Azai clan was relying as the last resort, once sent auxiliary forces to the Odani-jo Castle, pulled them back to its home base, Echizen Province, due to its own strategic reasons.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
1375年(天授(日本)元年/永和(日本)元年)、水島においては会戦に備えて勢力結集をはかり、九州三人衆と呼ばれる大友親世、少弐冬資、薩摩の島津氏久らの来援を呼びかける。 In 1375 he tried to gather more force in Mizushima to prepare a battle and asked Kyushu sanninshu (three major power of the Kyushu region) including Chikayo OTOMO, Fuyusuke SHONI, Ujihisa SHIMAZU in Satsuma, to help him.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
というのも、トロイア軍が集まって戦線を作っているときに、レーソス王が来援する前からトロイアに味方して戦ってきたトラーキアの大将をアガメムノーンが殺したのだ。 for when the Trojans had rallied and formed in line, Agamemnon slew a Thracian chief who had come to fight for Troy before King Rhesus came.
- Andrew Lang『トロイア物語:都市の略奪者ユリシーズ』
永禄12年(1569年)の本圀寺襲撃(本圀寺の変)において、三好長逸は兵三千を率いて摂津国池田方面から来援する織田方の池田勝正、細川幽斎、三好義継らの軍勢を桂川で迎撃したが激戦の末に敗北し(桂川の戦い)、これにより三好三人衆の勢力は本国阿波国まで後退してしまう。 In the Honkoku-ji no Hen (Conspiracy of Honkoku-ji Temple) in 1569, Nagayasu MIYOSHI ambushed Katsumasa IKEDA, Yusai HOSOKAWA and Yoshitugu MIYOSHI's force of 3,000 soldiers coming from Ikeda, Settsu Province to support the Oda side near the Katsura-gawa River; however, he lost the battle after fierce fighting (the Battle of Katsura-gawa), reducing the Miyoshi sanninshu's sphere of influence up to the home country, Awa Province.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
原題:”Tales of Troy: Ulysses, the sacker of cities by Andrew Lang”
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