
  • 彼は始終東奔西走している
    He is constantly on the move.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 私は夢を叶えるために東奔西走する。
    I constantly strive to make my dreams come true.  - Weblio Email例文集
  • あの件についてしきりに東奔西走している
    He is stirring in the matter―bestirring himself in the matter.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 有力者間を東奔西走している
    He is moving actively among people of influence.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 今日は借金の工面で東奔西走した。
    I was on the go all day today looking for a loan. - Tatoeba例文
  • 今日は借金の工面で東奔西走した。
    I was on the go all day today looking for a loan.  - Tanaka Corpus
  • 町長は工場誘致のため東奔西走している.
    The mayor is busy going here and there visiting people, trying to persuade an industrial company to set up its plant in the town.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典
  • 正義貫徹のため、顕本法華宗義布教所を各地に開設し東奔西走す。
    In order to realize justice, he established propagation facilities of the Kenpon Hokke Sect at many places and was constantly on the move.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 篤胤逝去後に同郷の死後の門人矢野玄道が、大角の依頼により未完の古史伝を完成させたのも奇しき巡り合わせであり、古道普及の為に東奔西走しては門人の拡張や復古神道の教義普及に努め、父であり師でもある篤胤の遺教を普く宣布した。
    Whether it was the gods' plan or not, after Atsutane died, Kanetane (by that time he had changed his name to Daigaku) committed the continuation of Atsutane's "Koshi-den" (Annotation of Early History) to Harumichi YANO from Iyo Province, who had entered the school after Atsutane had died and eventually completed "Koshi-den"; besides that, Kanetane worked hard to popularize Kodo by increasing the number of students and teaching the doctrine of the classical Shinto, and succeeded in propagating the thoughts that his father-in-law and his teacher, Atsutane had left.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • スナイドル弾薬の調達を担当した陸軍省の西郷従道と原田一道は、大量の弾薬を調達すべく、海軍省から弾薬製造設備を借り受けたり、外国商人から空薬莢500万個の購入を計画したり、あるいは清国から弾薬を借り受けるなど、前線で戦う兵士達の火力を支える弾薬調達に東奔西走した。
    Tsugumichi SAIGO and Ichido HARADA of the Army Ministry, who were responsible for supplying Snider Ammunition, rushed about frantically busy supplying ammunition to support firepower of soldiers fighting in the front line by taking every possible measures like obtaining permission to use the facilities to produce ammunition from the Navy Ministry, planning to purchase 5 million empty cartridge cases from a foreign merchant, and borrowing ammunition from the Qing dynasty in order to supply a great deal of ammunition.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
