
  • 染筆
    a fee for writing  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 近来、石川家の秘庫から出たもので、その奥書きに「同日未刻染筆申時終切定信」の自署があるので、定信の真跡と決定された。
    This was found recently from the secret vaults of the Ishikawa family, and was determined to be the original handwriting of Sadanobu because of his autograph of 'Sadanobu started writing this from one o'clock to three and finished from three to five on the same day' (同日未刻染筆申時終切定信) in the postscript.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 神額:沖側「厳島神社」、神社側「伊都岐島神社」(有栖川宮熾仁親王染筆
    Shingaku (a frame hung in front of the torii, carrying the name of the shrine): on the sea side: ’厳島神社' (Itsukushima Jinja Shrine) / on the shrine side: ’伊都岐島神社' (Itsukushima Jinja Shrine) (written by Prince Arisugawa Taruhito)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、実隆の文化人としての名声は地方にも広まり、各地から和歌・連歌の添削・合点や古典の書写、色紙・短冊の染筆を依頼されるようになった。
    His fame as a person of culture spread throughout the country, being asked to correct or put a rating mark beside waka poems and renga, transcribe the classics, and make calligraphy writings on shikishi and tanzaku.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、井月は「俳諧雅俗伝」という文章を明治8年に染筆しているが、これは甲州の俳人である早川漫々の残した文章の要諦を写したもので、井月が正風俳諧の影響を受けていることが伺える
    He inked writings, 'haikaigazoku-den' with brush in 1875, but this was the copy of important phrases written by Manman HAYAKAWA, who was a poet in Koshu Province, showing that Seigetsu was influenced by Shofu haikai (a concept of haiku completed by Basho MATSUO).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
