大日本根子彦太瓊尊(おおやまとねこひこふとにのみこと)・大倭根子日子賦斗邇命(『古事記』)。 He is also called Oyamatonekohiko futoni no mikoto, or Oyamatonekohikofutoni no mikoto (in Kojiki).
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大日本根子彦国牽尊(おおやまとねこひこくにくるのみこと)・大倭根子日子国玖琉命(古事記)。 He is also called Oyamatoneko hikokunikuruno mikoto or Oyamatoneko hikokunikuruno mikoto (in Kojiki).
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稚日本根子彦大日日尊(わかやまとねこひこおおびびのみこと)・若倭根子日子大毘々命(古事記)。 He is also called Wakayamatonekohiko obibino mikoto or Wakayamatonekohiko obibino mikoto (in Kojiki).
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於是、遣和珥臣祖難波根子武振熊而誅之。 Whereupon the emperor dispatched the founder of Wanibe no omi Naniwaneko Takefurukuma to vanquish the creature.
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山背根子 …… 古墳時代の伝説上の人。 Neko YAMASHIRO: A legendary figure who lived in the Kofun period (tumulus period).
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建振熊命(たけふるくまのみこと)、難波根子建振熊(なにわねこたけふるくま)は、古墳時代の人物。 Takefurukuma no mikoto (武振熊命) was a figure in the Kofun period (tumulus period), whose name was also written as 建振熊命(Takefurukuma no mikoto) and who was also called Naniwanekotakefurukuma (難波根子建振熊).
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和風諡号は白髪武広国押稚日本根子天皇(しらかのたけひろくにおしわかやまとねこのすめらみこと)、白髪大倭根子命(古事記)。 His Japanese-style posthumous name was Shiraka no Takehirokuni oshiwaka yamato neko no Sumeramikoto (emperor), and alternatively, Shiraga oyamato neko no Mikoto, according to "Kojiki" (literally, The Records of Ancient Matters).
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大日本根子彦太瓊天皇(おほやまとねこひこふとにのすめらみこと)孝霊天皇 Oyamatonekohikofutoni no Sumeramikoto, the Emperor Korei
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孝霊天皇-大日本根子彦太瓊天皇(おおやまとねこひこふとにのすめらみこと) Emperor Korei - Oyamatonekohikofutoni no Sumeramikoto
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孝元天皇-大日本根子彦国牽天皇(おおやまとねこひこくにくるのすめらみこと) Emperor Kogen - Oyamatonekohikokunikuru no Sumeramikoto
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三女加根子は三島弥太郎子爵に嫁ぎ、三島通陽を生む。 Kaneko, Takauta's third daughter, married Viscount Yataro MISHIMA and gave birth to Michiharu MISHIMA.
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大日本根子彦国牽天皇(おほやまとねこひこくにくるのすめらみこと)孝元天皇 Oyamatonekohikokunikuru no Sumeramikoto, the Emperor Kogen
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稚日本根子彦大日日天皇(わかやまとねこひこおほひひのすめらみこと)開化天皇 Wakayamatonekohikoobibi no Sumeramikoto, the Emperor Kaika
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白髪武広国押稚日本根子(しらかのたけひろくにおしわかやまとねこのすめらみこと)清寧天皇 Shiraka no takehirokunioshiwakayamatoneko no Sumeramikoto, the Emperor Seinei
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日本根子皇統弥照尊(やまとねこあまつひつぎいやでりのみこと)と和風諡号をおくられた。 The Emperor was posthumously given the Japanese name Yamatoneko amatsu hitsugiiyaderi.
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国風諡号は日本根子天推国高彦尊(やまとねこあめおしくにたかひこのみこと)。 The national posthumous title was Yamato neko ame oshikuni takahiko no mikoto.
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和風諡号は日本根子天高譲弥遠尊(やまとねこあめのたかゆずるいやとおのみこと)。 The Japanese-style posthumous name was Yamato neko ame no taka yuzuru iya to no mikoto.
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和風諡号は「日本根子天璽豊聡慧尊」(やまとねこあまつみしるしとよさとのみこと)。 His Japanese-style posthumous name is Yamato neko amatsu mishirushi toyosato no mikoto.
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開化天皇-稚日本根子彦大日日天皇(わかやまとねこひこおおびびのすめらみこと) Emperor Kaika - Wakayamatonekohikoobibi no Sumeramikoto
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高野天皇・高野姫天皇・倭根子天皇(やまとねこのすめらみこと)とも呼ばれたこともある。 She was also called Takanuno Sumeramikoto, Takano-himeno Sumeramikoto, and Yamatoneko no Sumeramikoto.
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そこで崇神は、神の娘大田田根子を大神神社の神主にすると、平和になったという。 Therefore, Sujin made Omononushi no kami's daughter, Taneko OTA, to be a shinto priest, and the country became peaceful.
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大倭根子日子賦斗邇命(おほやまとねこひこふとこのみこと)、黒田の庵戸宮(いほとのみや)に坐してまして、天の下治(し)らしめしき(奈良県磯城郡)。 Oyamatonekohikofutoni no mikoto settled in the palace of Iodo at Kuroda, and governed the country (Shiki-gun, Nara Prefecture).
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大倭根子日子國玖琉命(おほやまとねこひこくにくるのもこと)、軽の境原宮に坐してまして、天の下治(し)らしめしき(奈良県高市郡)。 Oyamatonekohikokunikuru no mikoto settled in the palace of Sakaihara at Karu, and governed the country (Takaichi-gun, Nara Prefecture).
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若倭根子日子大毘毘命(わかやまとねこひこおほびびのみこと)、春日の伊邪河宮(いざかはのみや)に坐してまして、天の下治(し)らしめしき(奈良市)。 Wakayamatonekohikoobibi no mikoto settled at Izakawa palace of Kasuga, and governed the country (Nara City).
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白髪大倭根子命(しらにのおほやまとねこのみこと)、伊波禮(いはれ)の甕栗宮(みかくりのみや)に坐してまして、天の下治らしめしき(奈良県磯城郡)。 Shiragaoyamatoneko no mikoto settled in the Mikakuri palace at Iware, and governed the country (Shiki-gun, Nara Prefecture).
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社伝によれば、崇神天皇の時代、勅命により太田田根子の孫の大賀茂都美命が創建した。 According to the shrine's biography, Okamotsubime, the grandchild of Otataneko founded Kamotsuba-jinja Shrine by an Imperial order during the reign of the Emperor Sujin.
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が、貞明皇后に仕える竹屋津根子皇太后宮女官長、香淳皇后に仕える竹屋志計子女官長は姉妹であった。 However, Tsuneko TAKEYA, a chief lady of the court for the Empress Dowager who had served the Empress Teimei, and Sigeko TAKEYA, a chief lady of the court who had served for the Empress Kojun were sisters.
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和風諡号は「日本根子天津御代豊國成姫天皇」(やまとねこあまつみよ(みしろ)とよくになりひめのすめらみこと)である。 Her Japanese-style posthumous name was Yamato neko amatsu miyo (mishiro) toyokuni narihime no sumeramikoto (the term sumeramikoto means an emperor).
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和風諱号は日本根子高瑞浄足姫天皇(やまとねこたまみずきよたらしひめのすめらみこと)である。 Her Japanese-style posthumous name is Yamato neko tamamizu kiyotarashi hime no sumeramikoto (the term sumeramikoto refers to emperor).
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同年11月13日(旧暦)、大田田根子を大物主神を祀る祭主に、長尾市を大国魂神を祀る祭主にした。 On December 11, B.C. 92, Taneko OTA became the chief priest enshrining Omononushi-no-mikoto, and Nagaochi became the chief priest enshrining Okunitamano-kami.
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吉備氏らの祖の稚武彦命(孝霊天皇の皇子)の女で、櫛角別王(くしつのわけのみこ)・大碓命(おおうすのみこと)・ヤマトタケル・倭根子命(やまとねこ)・神櫛王(かむくしのみこ)らの母親とされる。 It is described that she was a daughter of Wakatakehiko no Mikoto (prince of Emperor Korei), the founder of Kibi and other clans, and the mother of Kushitsunowake no Miko, Oousu no Mikoto, Yamato Takeru no Mikoto, Yamatoneko no Mikoto, and Kamukushi no Miko.
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大碓皇子(おおうすのみこ)・ヤマトタケル(日本武尊)の母とされるが、この他に稚倭根子皇子(わかやまとねこ)の母とする説も注している。 She was said to be the mother of Oousu no Mikoto and Yamato Takeru no Mikoto, but a note pointed out that she was also said to be the mother of Wakayamatoneko no Miko.
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伝説では大和三輪で、紀元前91年(崇神天皇7年)、大物主命の五世の孫である、大田田根子命が大神神社の大神主に任ぜられた。 According to the legend, in 91 B.C. (the seventh year in Emperor Sujin's reign) Otatane no mikoto, who was the fifth descendant of Omononushi no mikoto, was appointed the great Shinto priest of Omiwa-jinja Shrine.
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和風諡号は2つあり、『続日本紀』の707年(慶雲4年11月12日)に「倭根子豊祖父天皇」と、『続日本紀』797年(延暦16年)に諡された「天之眞宗豊祖父天皇」(あめのまむねとよおほぢのすめらみこと)がある。 He had two Japanese-style posthumous names: 'Yamato neko toyo oji no sumeramikoto' (the term 'yamato' means Japan and 'sumeramikoto' an emperor) appearing in an entry from "Shoku Nihongi" (Chronicles of Japan Continued) dated the year 707 and 'Ama mo mamune toyo oji no sumeramikoto' in an entry from the "Shoku Nihongi" dated the year 797.
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同年8月7日(旧暦)、臣下の夢の中に大物主神が現れ、「大田田根子命を大物主神を祀る祭主とし、市磯長尾市(いちしのながおち)を倭大国魂神を祀る祭主とすれば、天下は平らぐ」と言った。 On September 8, B.C. 92, Omononushi-no-mikoto appeared in the dream of a subject and said 'if Otataneko-no-mikoto is assigned as the chief priest enshrining Omononushi-no-mikoto, and Ichishi no nagaochi as the chief priest enshrining Yamatonookuni tamanokami, the world will be at peace.'
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大和国葛城(現奈良県御所市)を本拠地とする賀茂君、後の賀茂朝臣(かものあそみ)は大物主の子の大田田根子の孫の大鴨積を始祖とする。 KAMO no kimi, later known as KAMO no asomi and based in Katsuragi in Yamato Province (present-day Gose City, Nara Prefecture), were reputedly descended from Okamotsumi, the grandson of Taneko OTA who was himself a child of omono nushi (an ancient Japanese god).
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運転を開始すると圧縮室(2)の圧力はチャンバー内圧力よりも高くなるので可動シュラウドは羽根子午面に垂直に反羽根側に押圧され羽根は可動シュラウドと接触しない。 When the operation is started, since the pressure of the compression chamber 2 becomes higher than the chamber internal pressure, the movable shroud is pressed to the anti-blade side vertically to the blade meridional surface, and the blade thus never makes contact with the movable shroud. - 特許庁
『先代旧事本紀』では「三世孫天日方奇日方命亦名阿田都久志尼命此命娶日向賀牟度美良姬生一男一女兒健飯勝命妹渟中底姬命此命片鹽浮穴宮天皇安寧片鹽浮穴宮或本坐輕地曲峽宮立為皇后誕生四兒即大日本根子彥耜友天懿德次常津命次磯城津彥命次手研彥奇友背命也」とあり渟中底姬命といい、天日方奇日方命の娘。 In "Sendai Kujihongi" (Ancient Japanese History), she is described as a daughter of Amehikatakushihikata no mikoto, called Nunasokohime no mikoto, as the following phrase describes:三世孫 天日方奇日方命 亦名 阿田都久志尼命 此命娶日向賀牟度美良姬 生一男一女 兒 健飯勝命 妹 渟中底姬命 此命 片鹽浮穴宮天皇 安寧 片鹽浮穴宮 或本坐輕地曲峽宮 立為皇后 誕生四兒 即 大日本根子彥耜友天 懿德 次 常津命 次 磯城津彥命 次 手研彥奇友背命也 (意味不明のため訳出不能).
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11月、大田田根子(大物主神の子とも子孫ともいう)を大物主神を祭る神主とし(これは現在の大神神社に相当し、三輪山を御神体としている)、市磯長尾市(いちしのながおち)を倭大国魂神を祭る神主としたところ、疫病は終息し、五穀豊穣となる。 In the eleventh month, the plague ended and an abundant harvest ensued when Taneko OTA (believed to be a child or descendant of Omononushi) was appointed as the priest to perform religious rituals for Omononushi (at present-day Omiwa Shrine, which worships Mt. Miwa as its sacred deity) and Ichishi no Nagaochi as the priest for a Shinto god named Yamato no Okunitama no Kami.
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『書紀』によれば、母は五十河媛(いかわひめ)で、同母弟に稲背入彦皇子(いなせいりひこのみこ)がいたとするが、『古事記』では、母を播磨稲日大郎姫(播磨稲日大郎姫)とし、兄に櫛角別王・大碓命・ヤマトタケル(日本武尊)・倭根子命がいたとする。 According to the "Nihonshoki," his mother was Ikawahime, and his younger maternal half-brother was Inaseirihiko no miko, however, according to the "Kojiki," his mother was Princess Harima no Inabi no Oiratsume, and his older brothers were Kushitsunowake no miko, Ousu no mikoto, Yamato Takeru no mikoto, Yamatoneko no mikoto.
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また、法の名称そのものではなく、何か名前が出てこない法の形容部分である「かけまくもかしこき近江の大津の宮にあめのしたしらしめし大倭根子天皇の天地とともに長く日月とともに遠く改めるまじき常の典と立てたまひ敷きたまへる」というような長い形容の中から、現代の学者が一部を抜き出して使う語が「不改常典」である。 The word 'Fukai-no-Joten/ Fukaijoten' is not the name of the code itself, but the word extracted by present scholars from a part of a long adjective phrase qualifying a certain code whose name is not mentioned, as follows: '[the code] that His majesty Oyamatoneko no Sumera Mikoto (referring to an emperor), who resides in the highly respectable and noble Omi-no-Otsu-no-Miya Palace, established as the irreversible and eternal code, which should not be modified as long as the universe exists and as eternal as the sun and the moon shed light.'
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和風諡号は2つあり、『続日本紀』の大宝3年(703年)12月17日の火葬の際の「大倭根子天之廣野日女尊」(おほやまとねこあめのひろのひめのみこと)と、『日本書紀』の養老4年(720年)に代々の天皇とともに諡された「高天原廣野姫天皇」(たかまのはらひろのひめのすめらみこと)がある。 She had two Japanese-style posthumous names: One was 'Oyamatoneko Ame no Hironohime no Mikoto,' which was used to refer to her in the description given in the "Shoku-Nihongi" (Chronicle of Japan Continued) of her cremation on January 31, 704; the other is 'Takamanohara Hiro no Hime no Sumeramikoto,' which was referred to in the "Nihonshoki" (Chronicles of Japan) as the name given to her in 720, a time when other emperors also received that kind of name.
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22代清寧天皇のシラカタケヒロクニオシワカヤマトネコ(白髪武広国押稚日本根子、『日本書紀』に因る)のように明らかな和風諡号も見られるが、これはむしろ清寧天皇が後に皇統の列に加えられた架空の天皇である可能性を物語っている(ただし、清寧天皇の和風諡号は実名を基にした物であるため、実在した可能性が高い、とする説もある)。 An obviously Japanese-style posthumous name can be seen as in Shiraka no takehirokunioshiwakayamatoneko no Sumeramikoto of the twenty-second Emperor Seinei (according to "Nihonshoki") but this rather suggests a possibility that Emperor Seinei is a fictional Emperor who was later included in the imperial line (however, there is a theory which proposes that there is a high possibility that Emperor Seinei actually existed because his Japanese-style posthumous name is based on a real name).
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