トルマリンの特性により首、肩の血行を良くして内耳への血流を促し、酸素や栄養を十分に補給して耳の感音系機能を正常化し、耳鳴りを伴う難聴を改善する。 A blood flow to an auris interna is accelerated by improving the blood circulation of the neck and the shoulder by the characteristics of the tourmaline, while functions of a sound sensing system of an ear are normalized by supplying oxygen and nutrition sufficiently, and thereby the hypacusis accompanied by the syrigmus is improved. - 特許庁
肥満、低BMR、高血糖、高血圧、高コレステロール血症、2型糖尿病、片頭痛、変形性関節炎および関節の変性/炎症、臨床的うつ病、更年期障害、老化症候群、循環症候群、毛細血管の変性、認識および記憶の機能の低下、難聴、性機能障害、などの障害/状態の治療及び管理のための医薬及びその方法の提供。 To provide medicines for the treatment and management of disorders/conditions such as obesity, low BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate), hyperglycaemia, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, type 2 diabetes mellitus, migraine, osteo-arthritis, joint degeneration/inflammation, clinical depression, menopausal syndrome, aging syndrome, circulation syndrome, capillary degeneration, reduced cognitive and memory functions, hearing loss and sexual dysfunction, and methods therefor. - 特許庁
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