
1 2 次へ>
  • から出してくれ。
    Get me out of here. - Tatoeba例文
  • から出してくれ。
    Get me out of here.  - Tanaka Corpus
  • 売れ残ると困るから品はたんと仕入れません
    We do not lay in a large stock of these goods for fear of having them left (unsold) on our hands.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 「他宗の祖師已に其れくの如し末弟の輩其の義知る可し。」
    The progenitors of other sects will end the same way, the meaning of which their disciples should know.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • --吾が児、の宝鏡を視まさむこと、当に吾を視るがごとくすべし。
    My child, treat the hokyo as you have treated me.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 当然関係方面から苦情が来たが、「天にも地にもれ1枚しかない」と言って押し通した。
    Of course, he received complaints from the people concerned, however he did not change it, insisting 'I have no other clothe even though looking for in heaven or in earth.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 詞書の冒頭が「朝恩なればかたじけなく悦事かぎりなし、よし家にかへりてかたりければ」云々と、前を受けての記述であるから、完本でないと知れる。
    Since Kotobagaki (captions) began with `朝恩なればかたじけなく悦事かぎりなし、此よし家にかへりてかたりければ', assumed to have been continued from the previous story, it is not an independent story.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1979年、奈良県奈良市瀬町の茶畑から太安万侶の墓が発見され、火葬された骨や真珠が納められた木櫃と共に墓誌が出土した。
    In 1979, O no Yasumaro's grave was found in a tea field in Konose-cho, Nara City, Nara Prefecture, and the epitaph was excavated together with a wooden container containing cremated bones and pearls.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 自分は疑われていないということで嬉しくなっていたものですから、椅子まで持ち出してきて処で疲れを癒して休んでいって下さいと申しました。
    In the enthusiasm of my confidence, I brought chairs into the room, and desired them here to rest from their fatigues,  - Edgar Allan Poe『暴露させる心臓』
  • 本来の名は釈契(しゃくかいし)であるが、常に袋を背負っていたことから布袋という俗称がつけられた。
    While Hotei's real name was Shakukaishi, he was called as Hotei (literally cloth bag) because he carried a large cloth bag on his back at all times.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 「我古道の学問に考徴すべきこと少なからず、然れどは容易く神の道を知らざる凡学の徒に示すべきものには非らず。」
    I have studied knowledge of Kodo for a long time, however this is not something to be shown to those who does not know god's way and only hold mediocre knowledge'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 等の電極からの電圧測定値は心臓の電気的活動の3次元写像及び2次元写像を生成すべく使用される。
    Voltage measurement values from those electrodes are used for generating a three-dimensional map and a two-dimensional map of electric activity of the heart. - 特許庁
  • ニニギは「この地は韓国(からくに)に向かい、笠沙(かささ)の岬まで真っ直ぐに道が通じていて、朝日のよく射す国、夕日のよく照る国である。それで、ここはとても良い土地である」(「地者向韓國有真之道通笠紗之御前又地者朝日之直刺國夕日之日照國也故地甚吉地也」『古事記』)と言って、そこに宮殿を建てて住むことにした。
    Ninigi said, 'This land faces Karakuni (Korea), and there is a direct path to Kasasa no Misaki, and this land receives lots of morning light and lots light from the setting sun, therefore, this is a very good land' (the "Kojiki"), and he built a palace and decided to live there.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 人生七十 力囲希咄 吾這寶剣 祖佛共殺 堤る我得具足の一太刀 今時ぞ天に抛
    Seventy years of life,Ha, ha! And what a fuss!With this treasured sword of mine,I kill both patriarchs and Buddha!I carried the sword, which I owned so long,The time has come at last,I throw the sword up to the sky.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 安本美典は題箋の撰号「是大委国上宮王私集非海彼本」中の文字(「是」、「非」など)の筆跡が本文のそれと一致しており、題箋と本文は同一人物によって記されたとして、後から太子親饌とする題箋を付けたとする説を否定している。
    Biten YASUMOTO denies the theory which states that the title piece of '太子親饌' was applied to the book later, because the handwriting of the letters such as '是' and '非' in the title '此是大委国上宮王私集非海彼本' are identical with those in the text, which means that the title piece and the text were written by the same person.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 詔書・勅書が太政官の正式な手続、宣旨が発給されるまで蔵人・上卿・弁官など複数の役人の間で伝言がなされたのに対し、綸旨はそれよりもさらに手続きが簡略され、蔵人が「綸言は以下の通り」(書出部分ならば「蒙綸旨云/被綸言云」・書止部分ならば「綸言如/天気如」という文言)と書いて自らの名義で発行した。
    Shosho (an imperial edict, decree) and chokusho (an official document issued by the Emperor) were issued by Dajokan (Grand Council of State) through official procedures after the imperial edict was informed to two or more government officials such as Kurodo, Shokei (court nobles who work at the Imperial Court as high rank post) and benkan (officials of the Dajokan), while rinji was issued by Kurodo through more simplified procedures, in the name of Kurodo as containing the phrase "The imperial edict is as follows" (the phrase "蒙綸旨云/被綸言云" (the following imperial edict is given) was stated at the front, and the phrase "綸言如此/天気如此" (the imperial edict is as stated above) was stated in the conclusion.).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • の生徒のことについて台湾総督府の砲兵部員になって台湾に行っていた長兄から書面が来て「今度幼年学校の新入生の中に小笠原善平という生徒がいる筈だから面倒を見てやってくれ。
    For this student, my oldest brother who was in Taiwan as an artillery member of the Taiwan Governor-General Office sent me a letter asking me 'to take care of the student called Zenpei OGASAWARA among the new students in the army cadet school this year.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • つまり、4月23日に「仰ト号シテ」連署北条時村を「夜討」した12人はそれぞれ有力御家人の屋敷などに預けられていたが、10日もたってから事僻事(虚偽)なりければ」と斬首された。
    In other words, each of the twelve persons who killed Tokimura Hojo, assistant to shikken, in a night, saying that "they had been ordered to do so," was held into custody in the residence of a powerful retainer of the shogun, but in ten days, all of them were decapitated "saying that the reason was false."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • それなのに、耳鳴りは止まず、もっと明確に聞き取れるようになって、それからやっと、の音は自分の耳の中で鳴っているのではないということがわかったのです。
    but it continued and gained definiteness - until, at length, I found that the noise was not within my ears.  - Edgar Allan Poe『暴露させる心臓』
  • 明治42年(1909年)『太陽』に掲載された「日本現代の史学及び史家」のなかで、歴史を経済の観点から見る新しい傾向に期待を寄せ、「の如き研究方法は即ち新しき目を以て過去を読むものにして、将来の史学はおそらくはの傾向に依りて新時期を作るに至らんか」と言っている。
    In an essay titled 'Historical Science and Historians in Modern Japan,' which was carried in "Taiyo" magazine in 1909, he said he was looking forward to seeing the new tendency that viewed history from the standpoint of economy and said: "Such a research method can take a fresh look at the past, and I assume that historical science in the future could open a new era with the help of this tendency."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • は真なる報告たり、多々の実例も亦た在りし故、学と賢を知る者は反駁すまい、蛇の目には磁的なる力あり、其の催眠に欺かれる者は自らの意思に依らずして吸い寄せられ、其の一噛みで無惨な死を遂げり。
    It is of veritabyll report, and attested of so many that there be nowe of wyse and learned none to gaynsaye it, that ye serpente hys eye hath a magnetick propertie that whosoe falleth into its svasion is drawn forwards in despyte of his wille, and perisheth miserabyll by ye creature hys byte.  - Ambrose Bierce『男と蛇』
  • 「死に従う道、前によからずということを知れり。今の行の葬儀に如何にせむ」と問うたので、野見宿禰が進み出て進言したとある。
    The Emperor posed the question as follows, 'I know that following the death of the dead is not good, but in the face of this funeral, what do you think I should do?'; Then NOMI no Sukune stepped forward to give him a wise advice.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 「マジナヒ、こは物実を構えて、それにまじこり肖しめむと、のろひてする術、但しノロヒは凶からしむ方にのみするをは吉凶ともにするなり」
    Majinai refers to the magic of pronouncing a curse on the original cause in order to bring down harmful results; Noroi (curse) is concerned with evil omen only whereas Majinai includes both good fortune and evil omen.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 雷撃隊が大口から撤退することになった時、辺見は祠の老松の傍らに立ち、覚えず涙を揮って「私学校の精兵をして、猶在らしめば、豈敗を取らんや」と嘆いたと言われる。
    It is said that, when the Raigeki-tai troop retreated from Oguchi, HENMI shed tears in spite of himself and deplored beside an old pine at a small shrine saying that 'If excellent soldiers from Shigakko still participated in this battle, we must not have been defeated like this.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • プレーヤは彼方方に設置してある街頭ディスプレイの中から自分が旅に出したスーパーマリオを探し出し、仮想世界と現実世界とを融合させたゲームを楽しむ。
    The player finds Super Mario set out on the journey by the player from the street displays installed in many places and enjoys the game for which the virtual world and the real world are merged. - 特許庁
  • ブームを停止保持した状態から下方に向けて揺動させる際に生じるピストンロッドの瞬間的な縮退とれに伴うブームのハンチング現象を防止する。
    To prevent instantaneous reduction in a piston rod generated when rocking a boom downward from a stopping-holding state and a hunting phenomenon of the boom caused by this instantaneous reduction. - 特許庁
  • さらに、三種の神器(八尺瓊勾玉、八咫鏡、天叢雲剣)と常世のオモイカネ、タヂカラオ、アメノイワトワケを副え、「この鏡を私(アマテラス)の御魂と思って、私を拝むように敬い祀りなさい。オモイカネは、祭祀を取り扱い神宮の政務を行いなさい」(「邇邇藝命者鏡者同我御魂欲祭者當如拜吾前尊崇而祭之次思金神者取持前事輔其為政」『古事記』)と言った。
    Furthermore, he was given the Three Sacred Items (Yasakani no magatama [comma-shaped jewel], Yata no Kagami [the eight-span mirror], Ame no Murakumo no Tsurugi [the sword Ame no Murakumo, literally "Heavenly Sword of Assembled Clouds"]) and Omoikane, Tajikarao and Amenoiwatowake from the eternal world to accompany him, and Amaterasu said, 'Think of this mirror as my spirit, enshrine it and worship me. Omoikane, you should be in charge of rituals and take care of the administration of the shrine' (the "Kojiki").  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 自ら年一百五十歳なりとて諸国を歴渉し、遍く周らざる靡(な)く、而しての寺精麗にして閻浮所(諸仏の国)にも無い也、極物・境界にも亦(ま)た未だ有らざると云えり。
    Mizukara toshi hyakugojussai nari tote shokoku wo rekishoshi, amaneku mawarazarunaku, shikashite kono tera seirei ni shite kakufusho (land of deities) nimo nainari, gokubutsu/kyokai nimo mata imada arazaru to ieri.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 一説曰素戔烏尊之子號曰五十猛命妹大屋姫命次抓津姫命凡三神亦能分布八十木種則奉渡於紀伊國及國所祭之神是也
    Susanoo had a son, Isotakeru and two daughters, Oyatsu-hime and Tsumatsu-hime. These three gods contributed to sowing seeds and growing trees all across the nation, and then they moved to Kii Province where they were enshrined.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 「余ハ篇ヲ読ミ、私ニ我邦現今ノアル神道熱心家ハ決シテ緘黙スベキ場合ニアラザルヲ思フ、若シ彼等ニシテ尚ホ緘黙セバ余ハ彼等ハ全ク閉口シタルモノト見做サザルベカラズ」と述べ、神道家を挑発する。
    He wrote, 'I read the article and believed that true Shintoists in our country must not be silent with this article, if they keep quiet over this issue, I shall assume that they must be overwhelmed.' and provoked the Shintoist.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 我輩がハイカラと云ふ言葉を書き始めた為めに、今日では大変に世間に行はれて居るが、のハイカラと云ふ言葉を書いたのは、全くのフルベツキ先生の話のピストルに対照させる為めで有ッた、即ち横浜毎日新聞に掲げたる当世人物評中に、「山縣有朋、鳥尾小弥太、谷干城などは保守主義の武断派、攘夷党の日本党、頑冥不霊なるチヨム髷党、ピストル党であるが、大隈重信、伊藤博文、西園寺公望等は進歩主義の文治派で、開国党の欧化党、胸襟闊達なるハイカラ党、ネクタイ党、コスメチツク党で有る」と書いたのが起因で、外のチヨム髷党、ピストル党、コスメチツク党、ネクタイ党などは少しも流行しなかッたが、唯のハイカラと云ふ一語だけが、馬鹿に大流行を来した、今日では最早や我輩が発明したと云ふ事を知らずに用ひて居る者も多く、一の重要なる日本語となッて仕舞ふたが、然るに実は我輩がのハイカ(p18/p19)ラと云ふことを書いた起因を申すと、全くの時のフルベッキ先生の話を胸中に蓄えて居て、それを五六年の後に至って新聞の上に現はした結果で有る。
    The word haikara I began to write has been used very often today in our society and the reason I wrote this word is to contrast it with a pistol in Verbeck's story, that is to say, I wrote in my Tosei Personal Criticism in the Yokohama Mainichi Shimbun that "Aritomo YAMAGATA, Koyata SHIMAO, Tateki TANI and so on belong to a conservative budanha (party of hawks), Nippon Party of Jyoiha (exclusionists sect), stubborn/unwise Party of hawks, Chiyomumage Party or Pistol Party, while Shigenobu OKUMA, Hirobumi ITO, Kinmochi SAIONJI and so on belong to a Liberal Party of doves, Oka (Westernization) Sect of Kaikoku (opening of Japan to western countries) party, free-spirited Haikara Party, Necktie Party or Cosmetic Party", which became the origin of the word haikara, and among them this word alone has become extremely popular, but today many people use it without knowing that I invented the word, which has become one important Japanese word, however, I originally wrote this word haikara (pp.18-19) in the newspaper five or six years after the interview with Mr.Verbeck.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 天明に日月神示が降り始めてから、まだ1年も経たない昭和20年のある日に(天明はこの頃は上記した東京、千駄ヶ谷の八幡神社で留守神主をしていた)、神前に座ると神霊の「天明、所をやめい」と言うお告げが有り、これはそれから3日間にわたって連日続いたという。
    One day in 1945, less than one year after Tenmei received Hitsuki Shinji for the first time (Tenmei was looking after Hachiman-jinja Shrine in Sendagaya, Tokyo, as a temporary Shinto priest as mentioned above), when he was sitting down in front of the altar, he heard the notice of the holy spirit 'Tenmei, leave here' everyday over a three-day period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 「我等の五字を受持すれば自然に彼の因果の功徳を譲り与え給う」と述べていることから、日蓮正宗などの冨士門流では三大秘法の本尊を受持することが末法に於ける唯一の戒律とされ、これを受持即持戒という。
    According to the description 'If we remember the teachings of honzon (principal image of Buddha) this five characters of 妙法蓮華経, we can natually receive pious act by Sakyamuni.', remembering the teachings of Sandaihiho, The Three Great Secret Dharmas is the only precept in Fujimon school such as Nichiren Sho Sect, which is said to Juji soku jikai.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これに対して黒岩重吾は『日本書紀』継体天皇廿五年での『百済本記』引用「百濟本記爲文其文云大歳辛亥三月軍進至于安羅營乞乇城是月高麗弑其王安又聞日本天皇及太子皇子倶崩薨由而言辛亥之歳當廿五年矣」天皇および太子、皇子が同時に死んだという記述等を根拠にそれぞれ実際には即位していない安閑・宣化は暗殺・軟禁されたとした。
    Based on the statement in "Original records of Paekche" in section of "25 years of Emperor Keitai" in "Chronicles of Japan", saying "百濟本記爲文 其文云 大歳辛亥三月 軍進至于安羅 營乞?城 是月 高麗弑其王安 又聞 日本天皇及太子皇子 倶崩薨 由此而言 辛亥之歳 當廿五年矣"(Emperor in Japan and the prince passed away at the same time), Jugo KUROIWA believed that Ankan and Senka did not succeed to the throne and they were actually assassinated or under custody.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 前述の通り武田軍の士気は旺盛であったが、戦場の勝頼から後方の長坂光堅(釣閑斎)に宛てた書状には「度の戦を危ぶむ者もいる」という意の記述があり、武田家においても必ずしも楽観的でなかったと思われる節がある。
    As preciously mentioned, the morale of the Takeda forces was high, but Katsuyori wrote in his letter addressed to Mitsukata NAGASAKA (Chokansai) in the rearguard position "Some men fear the battle this time," indicating that the Takeda family was not necessarily optimistic.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • により、メーカは製品の出荷前に事前に多数のユーザの官能評価情報を収集することができ、製品開発や判定基準に生かすことで、市場に販売する際には、ユーザに好まれる音を発する製品を当初から提供することができる。
    Hereby, the maker can collect the sensory evaluation information of many users prior to shipping of the product, and can utilize it for product development or a determination standard, and thereby can provide from the beginning a product generating a sound to user's liking when selling the product on the market. - 特許庁
  • 桂は、「満州問題に対しては、我に於て露國の優越権を認め、之を機として朝鮮問題を根本的に解決すること」、「の目的を貫徹せんと欲せば、戦争をも辞せざる覚悟無かる可からず」という対露交渉方針について伊藤と山縣の同意を得た。
    Katsura received approval from Ito and Yamagata on the following policies to be negotiated with Russia "We will recognize the rights of Russia concerning the issue of Manchuria, and we would like to use this opportunity to decisively settle the issue of Korea," "If we want to achieve this, we must be prepared to go to war."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 「開皇二十年俀王姓阿毎字多利思北孤號阿輩雞彌遣使詣闕上令所司訪其風俗使者言俀王以天爲兄以日爲弟天未明時出聽政跏趺坐日出便停理務云委我弟高祖曰太無義理於是訓令改之」
    There came a king of Wa whose last name was Ame, azana (nickname) was Tarashihiko, and go (pseudonym) was Okimi in 600. He sent an envoy to the Imperial palace. The emperor asked the envoy about the culture of Wa through his servant. The envoy said that the king of Wa regarded the heaven as his elder brother and the sun as his younger brother. He got up before daybreak and attended to government affairs, sitting with his legs crossed on the floor. Once the sun came high, he stopped his work and told his younger brother to take over him. The emperor said that it totally lacked justice. The emperor tried to dissuade the king from doing this.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 其国ノ人物ハ都テ日本唐山等ノ人ヨリ壮大ニシテ筋骨モ強シ食量モ大概日本ノ二人ノ食ヲ朝鮮ノ一人ニ充ベシ然レドモ其心機アクマデ遅鈍ニシテ不働也故ニ太閤ノ征伐ニヨク負タリ (『三国通覧図説』版本6丁)
    The people in that country are all bigger and stronger than Japanese and Chinese, and a Korean usually eats twice as much food as a Japanese; but they are slow and do not work hard, so that they were defeated twice by Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI ('Sangoku tsuran zusetsu' [An Illustrated General Survey of Three Countries], woodblock print, page 6)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また『日本書紀』では、『百済本記』(「百濟本記爲文其文云大歳辛亥三月軍進至于安羅營乞乇城是月高麗弑其王安又聞日本天皇及太子皇子倶崩薨由而言辛亥之歳當廿五年矣」)を引用して、天皇及び太子、皇子が同時に死んだとの説を紹介しており、何らかの政変によって継体自身が殺害された可能性もある(「辛亥の変」説)。
    "Nihonshoki" quotes the lines from "Original records of Paekche" ('the article in the Original records of Paekche says that King Anjang of Goguryeo encountered rebellion from his subjects and was murdered in 531. Around the same time, Japanese Emperor, Crown Prince and Prince were killed altogether by their subjects.') to introduce a theory that the Emperor, Crown Prince and Prince died at the same time, which hints the possibility that Keitai was actually killed in a political turmoil ('Xinhai Incident' theory).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 福岡は後年「この時平民までも議会に与らしめる御つもりであったか」と問われ、「それは後から考えればそうも解釈されるが、御恥ずかしい話ですが当時私はまだその考えはなかったです」「広くとは人々の意見を広く集めて会議するというのではなく府藩県にわたりて広く何処にも会議を興すという義です」と答えた。
    Fukuoka was asked in later years 'Were you also going to get common people engaged in this assemblies at that time?' and he answered 'It can be interpreted so in retrospect, but I'm ashamed to say, I was not thinking about that at that time' 'Widely didn't mean holding assemblies by gathering people's opinions widely, but holding assemblies widely through all prefectures.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 後世では、東国における武門の習いは義家が整備したといわれ、その名声は武門の棟梁としての血脈としての評価を一層高めることとなったというのは、主に南北朝時代の末に、義家の子孫である足利幕府の正統性をうたう為に書かれた『源威集』にある「諸家輩、源家将軍ヲ代々仁王ト奉仰ハ故也」からの派生。
    Later generations claimed that the Way of the Bushi in Eastern Japan was established by Yoshiie, and that the increased reputation from a blood connection to the chief of the bushi was derived from a phrase in the "Geni-shu," written to legitimize the Ashikaga shogunate created by the descendants of Yoshiie during the end of the Nanboku (Northern and Southern Court) period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 半山の『当世人物評』は洒脱で辛口な文章と、次々と繰り出される新語・造語でテンポ良く読ませるスタイルをとっており、他にもチヨム髷党、ピストル党、コスメチツク党、ネクタイ党等々の語が新作されたが、本人曰くこれらは「少しも流行しなかッたが、唯のハイカラと云ふ一語だけが、馬鹿に大流行を来した」(石川、1912)という。
    Hanzan's "Tosei Jinbutsu Hyo" was made up of unconventional and outpoken expresions and had a style easy to read fast and with full of new and coined words, and he said that he created other new words such as "Chiyomumage Party", "Pistol Party", "Cosmetic Party","Necktie Party" and so on, but he said that "these words did not become popular only with an exception of haikara, which became extraordinarily popular" (ISHIKAWA,1912).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 故に金銀を第一として穀を心とせざるは甚だ危き心掛なり、其故に三四ヶ国の饑饉なれば、有年の国のより饑饉の国へ廻し遣はす米穀も有べきなれども、もし、二三十ヶ国も一統に饑饉せば廻し遣はす米穀も有べからず。その時に至て、金銀を煎じて飲むとも命は助る間敷なり」
    It is dangerous to respect gold and silver and abhor rice like this because if three or four Provinces are in famine, Provinces with rice to spare can help them, but, if twenty or thirty Provinces are simultaneously in famine, there will not be enough rice to spare. In such a time, it is not possible for people to survive by drinking decocted gold and silver.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 『高麗史』によると1272年に、高麗の王世子の諶(しん、後の忠烈王)が、元(王朝)のクビライ皇帝に「惟んみるに、日本は未だに聖化を蒙らず。故に詔使を発し、軍容を継耀かし、戦艦兵糧まさに、須いる所あらん、もし事を以って臣に委ねなば、勉めて心力を尽くして 小しく王師を助くるに庶幾(ちか)からん」と具申したとある。
    According to "Koraishi," in 1272, Crown Prince Sim of Goryeo (later King Chungnyeol) gave his opinion to Emperor Kublai of the Yuan Dynasty, "I think that Japan has not yet leant the virtues of the Emperor. Therefore, an imperial order should be issued to use the army, warships and provisions for this purpose. If you commission your vassals to do it, we will do our best to support the imperial army."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 憲法学者・行政法学者であった美濃部達吉は、「法律上の意義に於ての殖民地」を「国家の統治区域の一部にして内地と原則として国法を異にし」たものと定義し、「朝鮮、台湾、樺太、関東州及南洋群島がの意義において植民地なることは疑いを容れず」と述べている(『憲法撮要』)。
    Tatsukichi MINOBE, a scholar of constitutional law and administrative law, defined 'colonies in the legal aspect'as 'a part of the national territories where different state laws were adopted' and stated, 'it was positive that Korea, Taiwan, Sakhalin, the Kwantung Leased Territory and the South Sea Islands were considered as colonies based on the above definition' ("Abstract of the Constitution").  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これに対して、12月22日(1868年1月16日)に朝廷は「徳川内府宇内之形勢ヲ察シ政権ヲ奉帰候ニ付キ、朝廷ニ於テ万機御裁決候ニ付テハ、博ク天下之公儀ヲトリ偏党ノ私ナキヲ以テ衆心ト休威ヲ同フシ、徳川祖先ノ制度美事良法ハ其侭被差置、御変更無之之候間、列藩聖意ヲ体シ、心付候儀ハ不憚忌諱極言高論シテ救縄補正ニ力ヲ尽シ、上勤王ノ実効ヲ顕シ下民人ノ心ヲ失ナハス、皇国ヲシテ一地球中ニ冠超セシムル様淬励可致旨御沙汰候事」という告諭を出した。
    In response, the Imperial Court issued a statement that '徳川内府宇内之形勢ヲ察シ政権ヲ奉帰候ニ付キ、朝廷ニ於テ万機御裁決候ニ付テハ、博ク天下之公儀ヲトリ偏党ノ私ナキヲ以テ衆心ト休威ヲ同フシ、徳川祖先ノ制度美事良法ハ其侭被差置、御変更無之之候間、列藩此聖意ヲ体シ、心付候儀ハ不憚忌諱極言高論シテ救縄補正ニ力ヲ尽シ、上勤王ノ実効ヲ顕シ下民人ノ心ヲ失ナハス、皇国ヲシテ一地球中ニ冠超セシムル様淬励可致旨御沙汰候事' on January 16, 1868.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • なお、『日本書紀』に引く「百済本記」(「百濟本記爲文其文云大歳辛亥三月軍進至于安羅營乞乇城是月高麗弑其王安又聞日本天皇及太子皇子倶崩薨由而言辛亥之歳當廿五年矣」)によれば、531年頃に天皇と太子・皇子が共に薨去したという所伝があるといい、継体天皇の死後、安閑天皇・宣化天皇の朝廷と欽明天皇の朝廷が並立していたとか、2朝間に内乱があったと見る説もある(「辛亥の変」説)。
    According to the 'Kudarahonki' (Original records of Paekche) quoted by "Nihonshoki" (Chronicles of Japan), a legend has it that Emperor Keitai and Prince died together around 531, and another theory has it that after the death of Emperor Keitai, two Imperial Courts existed at the same time, one was reigned by Emperor Ankan and Emperor Senka, the other was reigned by Emperor Kinmei, and they had a domestic conflict ('Shingai Coup' theory).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 生涯苦心致され候中にも、古史伝は最初文化の末頃より草稿取り掛かり、文政の始め頃に、成文一二巻程は、ざっと稿本成り候ところ、段々見識博くあいなり、殊に故鈴屋大人の御遺教をも相伺れ候て、いよいよ以って、世界悉く我が皇大神達の御鎔造(ツクリカタメ)なされたる事を感得致され候に付、古史伝は先ず差し置き、赤縣州を始め、印度及び西洋の古伝をも悉く皆探索網羅して、其の上にて、充分に古史の註解をと存し込まれ候て、文政の半ば頃より、専ら外国の学に困苦致され、凡そ廿余年も歳月を過ごされ候て、赤縣太古傳を初め、即ち今れある丈の著述は出来候へ共、中々もって先人の心底に叶ひ候事にはれ無く候へ共、大抵は見当も付き候に依っては、私を始め門人の中の所存にも、段々時節後れ、先人も老年に成られ候に付き、先ず先ず外国の所は大抵にして差し置かれ、古史伝の清撰をしきりて、相願い催促致し候て、天保10年頃より、漸々と其の方にも趣かれ候所、言語規則の書之無きに付き、余儀なく五十音義の撰にかかり、凡そ一ヵ年ほど打ち過ぎられ候所、旧幕府の命に依って秋田へ放逐、尤も同所は本国の事、親族共も少なからず、第一旧君侯より厚く恩遇も之有りて会計の辛苦は薄らぎ候へ共、著述致す可き遑なく、処両三年心配致され候内に病を発し入幽致され候次第にて残念至極にて御座候。
    Our teacher dedicated his life to the study requiring great pains; as to "Koshi-den", at the end of the Bunka era (1804-1818), he began to write the draft, and by the early Bunsei era (1818-1830), about 12 volumes had been completed; however, by that time, he had also gradually gained an insight into the study and understood the teachings of the master of Suzunoya (Norinaga MOTOORI), then he realized that this world was the product of our great gods of Japan, so he decided to suspend "Koshi-den" temporarily, and first explore and read through all the past annotations of the histories of our country as well as those of India and Europe to use new knowledge to his advantage in writing "Koshi-den"; therefore, since the middle of the Bunsei era, he intensly studied foreign literature and culture mainly, and during a period of over 20 years, he completed almost all his works, which he left for us, including "Sekiken Taiko-den" (Japanese Early History); although he was never satisfied with his works, his students, of course, including myself, with a feeling of gratitude, thought that our master had succeeded in completing most his researches and studies, and were concerned about the delay in completing "Koshi-den" and because of our master's age, we repeatedly begged him to restart the writing, then thankfully at about the 10th year of the Tenpo era (1839), he restarted; however, he was requested to write on linguistic methods so he began to write "Goju Ongi" (Pronunciation and Meaning of 50 Kana) and suspended "Koshi-den" again; after a year, he was banished to Akita Province by order of the former bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), fortunately since Akita was his hometown and there were many relatives of his, besides the former load treated him very kindly, they relieved him off poor living, although under those conditions, he had no time to finish the remaining works; he was always concerned about those unfinished works, and after only a few years, he became sick and regrettably died.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 玉川堂五代目田村綱造の『楽水紙製造起源及び沿革』によると、「和製唐紙の原料及び労力の多きに比し、支邦製唐紙の安価なると、西洋紙の使途ますます多きに圧され、この製唐紙業の永く継続し得べからざるより、ここに明治初年大いに意匠工夫を凝らしし結果、この楽水紙といふ紙を製することを案出し、今は玉川も名のみにて、鳥が鳴く東の京の北の端なる水鳥の巣鴨の村に一つの製紙場を構え、日々この紙を漉くことをもて専業とするに至れり。もっともの紙は全く余が考案せしものにはあらず、その源は先代(田村佐吉)に萌し、余がこれを大成せしものなれば、先代号を楽水といへるより、これをそのまま取りて楽水紙と名ずける。」とある。
    According to the "the origin and the history of rakusui-shi production" written by Kozo TAMURA, the fifth head of the Tamagawa-do Store, 'While domestic Chinese paper production requires a large amount of materials and labor, Chinese paper made in China is cheaper. In addition, the usage of Western paper is increasing more and more, which can interfere with continuing this domestic Chinese paper production over a long period. Thus, this "rakusui-shi" paper was invented as a result of tremendous trials of designs and ideas during the first year of the Meiji period (1868). Now, "Tamagawa" is only valid as a store name, and a paper mill has been operated in Sugamo village, named after a waterfowl, which is located in the north end of Tokyo where birds sing. We have produced this paper every day as our principal occupation. This paper, however, was not completely invented by myself. The original idea was hit upon by the previous head (Sakichi TAMURA) and I completed it. Because his pseudonym was "Rakusui," I named this paper as "rakusui-shi" after him.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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