
  • 武庫川女子大学という私立大学
    a private university called Mukogawa Women's University  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 尊氏と直義が和睦すると師直・師泰らと共に出家するが、武庫川において師直・師泰ら一族と共に上杉氏に殺害された。
    Moroyo entered the priesthood with Moronao and Moroyasu when Takauji and Tadayoshi became reconciled to each other, but he and other family members including Moronao and Moroyasu were killed by the Uesugi clan at Mukogawa.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 宝塚以北の武庫川渓流沿いの旧線は廃線となったが(一部は遊歩道となっている)、それでもこの線は川との関係が深い。
    Although the old railway to the north of Takarazuka along the Muko-gawa River was discontinued (a part of the line is now used as a walking trail), the Fukuchiyama Line and Muko-gawa River still have close mutual ties.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また十三川(新淀川)・神崎川・武庫川には、イギリス人イングランドが設計しイギリスで製作されたトラス橋が架けられた。
    Also for the Jusogawa (Shinyodogawa), the Kanzakigawa and the Mukogawa, truss bridges were built, which were designed by England, an Englishman and fabricated in England.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 僧坊酒を継ぐように台頭してきたのが、室町時代中期から他所酒を生産し始めていた、摂津国猪名川上流の伊丹・池田・鴻池、武庫川上流の小浜・大鹿などの酒郷であった。
    The brewing districts such as Itami, Ikeda and Konoike on the upstream site of the Ina-gawa River in Settsu Province and Kohama and Oshika on the upstream site of the Muko-gawa River gained power in such a way that they had succeeded Soboshu.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ところが、師直は摂津から京への護送中、待ち受けていた上杉能憲によって武庫川畔(現兵庫県伊丹市)において、師泰ら一族とともに処刑される。
    However, Moronao was then executed with Moroyasu and their families by Yoshinori UESUGI, who ambushed them as they were being convoyed from Settsu to Kyo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 関東の武士団を手中にした能憲は西上し、尊氏が直義と和解し師直ら高氏一族と共に帰還する隙を狙い、調略を用いて師直を摂津国武庫川(兵庫県伊丹市)にて、一族ごと処刑した。
    After he got armed groups of Kanto region in his clutches he went to the West, and he exploited a gap while Takauji reconciled with Tadayoshi and returned with Ko clan including Moronao, he devised a stratagem and executed Moronao and a whole family in Mukogawa, Settsu Province (Itami City, Hyogo Prefecture).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • そして同年2月26日、直義の手で京都へ護送される途中、直義派の上杉能憲により、同国武庫川で師直や息子の高師世ら一族と共に殺された。
    On April 1, 1351, when he was taken to Kyoto by Tadayoshi, Moroyasu and his family, including Moronao and KO no Moroyo, a son of Moroyasu, were killed at Mukogawa, Settsu Province by Yoshinori UESUGI, a member of Tadayoshi group.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、以前の経緯より現存営業用車両の全てが、かつて存在した、阪神系の武庫川車両工業製造となっているが、部品などでは京阪電気鉄道から譲渡され、再利用しているものも多い。
    With the previous circumstances, all the existing cars for passenger service were produced by the previous Mukogawa-Sharyo (Hanshin group), while many of the components have been transferred from the Keihan Electric Railway and are reused.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 宝塚駅から古市駅までは武庫川と何度も交差しながら遡り、篠山口駅から谷川駅は加古川支流の篠山川の渓流沿いに下る。
    The railway lies upward along and crosses the Muko-gawa River at many points between Takarazuka Station and Furuichi Station, and it stretches downward along the Sasayama-gawa River, which is a stream of Kako-gawa River between Sasayamaguchi Station and Tanikawa Station.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 全線電化の少し前に、武庫川の渓谷沿いに走っていたため複線化が困難であった生瀬~道場間について、トンネルの連続する複線の新線を新規に建設して切り替えられた。
    Shortly before all the sections were electrified, the section between Namaze and Dojo, which was difficult to double-track because the railway lay along the Muko-gawa River gorge, was newly constructed as a double-track railway having successive tunnels.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 加えて、吹田~尼崎間の小運転を復活、1964年には甲子園口の配線改良(阪神武庫川線への貨物線跡地を有効活用)に伴い、小運転区間を延長、吹田~甲子園口間とした。
    In addition, short distance operations on the Suita-Amagasaki section was revived and the section was changed to the Suita-Koshienguchi section when the track arrangement of Koshienguchi was improved in 1964 (by using the freight line site of the Hanshin Mukogawa Line).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 高兄弟は摂津から京都への護送中に、待ち受けていた直義派の上杉能憲(師直に殺害された重能の養子)により、摂津の武庫川(兵庫県伊丹市)で一族とともに謀殺される。
    The Ko brothers were killed together with other family members by Yoshinori UESUGI (foster son of Shigeyoshi who was killed by Moronao) of the Tadayoshi group at Mukogawa River (Itami City, Hyogo Prefecture) in Settsu when they were on their way from Settsu to Kyoto under guard.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1995年1月17日に発生した阪神・淡路大震災では、京阪神緩行線は震源(朝霧駅沖の明石海峡)から武庫川(甲子園口~立花間)まで激甚被災地を貫いて走っていたことから、神戸市内を中心に強烈なダメージを受けた。
    The Keihanshin Local Line, running through the center of the urban site of Kobe City, suffered great damage from the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake on January 17, 1995, since it ran through the seriously hit area, from epicenter (in the Akashi Strait off the coast of Asaka Station) to Muko-gawa River (between Koshien Station and Tachibana Station).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1986年まで客車普通列車が走っていたり、生瀬~道場付近では武庫川の渓流の眺めを楽しめたりするなど、のどかなローカル路線の体であったが、同年の宝塚~新三田間の複線電化を機にそれらは姿を消し、沿線住宅開発の進展とJR東西線の開業などにより新型電車が行き交う通勤路線となっている。
    Up to 1986, the Fukuchiyama Line was a tranquil local line where passenger local trains ran and the scenery of a Muko-gawa River stream was enjoyed near Namaze and Dojo; however, these scenes disappeared as the line between Takarazuka Station and Shin-Sanda Station was double-tracked and electrified in 1986, and it was transformed into a commuter line on which new types of trains run, housing development is promoted along the line and the JR Tozai Line has been established.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
