
  • 歩兵銃
    a rifle  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 三八式歩兵銃という小
    a 0.38 inch calibre pistol  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 歩兵は連発を持っている
    The infantry are armed with repeating rifles.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • マスケットで武装した歩兵
    a foot soldier armed with a musket  - 日本語WordNet
  • 火打ち石式マスケットで武装した英国の歩兵
    a British infantryman armed with a light flintlock musket  - 日本語WordNet
  • さらに江戸幕府及び西南雄藩では独自にイギリス、フランスの教練書を翻訳し、器や戦術の進歩に対応した『英国歩兵練法』『佛蘭西歩兵操練書』等の教練書を作成した。
    The Edo shogunate and the southwest strong domains translated the English and the French military drill handbooks independently and published them as "Eikoku hohei renpo" (英国歩兵練法) (English-style training method for infantry) or "Furansu hohei sorensho" (French-style infantry training text), which responded to the progress of small arms and military strategy.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 攻略に当たっていた日本軍の歩兵第18連隊長佐藤正(陸軍草創期)大佐は弾を受け左足切断の重傷を負う。
    Colonel Tadashi Satoh, the commander of the 18th infantry regiment of the Japanese army (in the pioneer days of the Army) engaged in an assault and was shot in his left leg, suffering serious injury, resulting in an amputation.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 組合隊用の兵員は、歩兵隊とは異なり、平時は各旗本の屋敷に待機することとされていた。
    Unlike infantry, the solders of cooperative musket units had to stand by in the residence of each hatamoto in peacetime.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • さらに同年9月に組合隊についても、幕府の財政事情などから金納による歩兵隊へと変更された。
    Furthermore, in September of the same year, cooperative musket units were changed to infantry hired using the cash paid by hatamoto due to the financial circumstances of bakufu.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 従来の兵賦による歩兵隊のほか、旗本に禄高ごとに隊を整備させて、数家分を組み合わせて小隊や大隊級の隊を編成する組合隊の制度も施行された。
    Aside from existing infantry that was comprised of heifu, the system of corporative musket units was established, under which each hatamoto was obliged to consolidate a musket unit according to his rokudaka, and several musket units were combined to organize platoons or battalions.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 幕末になって江戸幕府及び諸藩は、火縄装備の「鉄砲組」を廃止し、洋式装備の「歩兵隊」や「隊」を作る必要に迫られたが、従来の足軽隊は既に整理され事実上消滅し、残りも最低定員で末端役人や治安警備担当に振り分けられていたため、新たに人員を募集し戦国時代の足軽隊に似た歩兵部隊を創設した。
    At the end of the Edo period, the Edo bakufu and the domains abolished the 'firearm units' which bore matchlock guns and there was a growing need to form western-style infantry units and musket units, but due to the fact that the preexisting ashigaru units had already been disbanded and had virtually disappeared, with those remaining serving as low-level officials and security police, new personnel was recruited and infantry units resembling the ashigaru units of the Sengoku period were created.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 幕末になって江戸幕府及び諸藩は、火縄装備の「鉄砲組」を廃止し、洋式装備の「歩兵隊」や「隊」を作る必要に迫られたが、従来の足軽身分のものだけでは不十分なケースが多々見られ、こうした場合、新たに人員を募集し戦国時代の足軽隊に似た歩兵部隊を創設することがあった。
    At the end of the Edo period, the Edo bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) and its domains were forced to eliminate their 'matchlock infantry' armed with matchlocks and to form a 'musket infantry' or 'musket unit' armed with Western style firearms, however, the number of ashigaru (common foot soldiers) was sometimes not enough to form these infantries or units and, in these cases, new members were recruited to create a musket infantry similar to the ashigaru troops in the Sengoku Period (Period of Warring States).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これは器の貫通・殺傷力向上や、後込め式小による火力の向上の結果として甲冑の意義が薄れ、歩兵は軽装となったがゆえに、かえって近接白兵戦の有効性が再認識されたためである。
    The context of the above was that the effectiveness of Kenjutsu in close combat was reconfirmed due to situations where armor lost its significance due to the improved killing power of guns and soldiers coming to fights lightly equipped.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 「鉄砲組」は「歩兵隊」または「隊」へと改組され、これまでの和流砲術家達も洋式砲術を学びなおす等により和流砲術は消滅していった。
    The musket troops' were reorganized into 'the infantry corps' and 'the musket corps;' the Japanese-style gunnery disappeared as the expert gunners of the Japanese-style gunnery restudied the Western-style gunney.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 鳥羽伏見の戦いでは、薩摩藩の小隊を指揮して幕府歩兵を集中射撃により敗走させ、宇都宮城攻防戦では城壁に突進して取り付くなど奮戦し、勝利の契機をつくった。
    In the Battle of Toba-Fushimi, he lead a small-sized musket unit and forced the foot soldiers of the bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) army to withdraw by the barrage of gunfire, and in the Siege of Utsunomiya-jo Castle, he created momentum to the victory, actively fighting by rushing to the castellated walls and clinging to it.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 鳥羽_(洛外)では総指揮官の竹中重固の不在や滝川具挙の逃亡などで混乱し、伏見では奉行所付近で佐久間信久や窪田鎮章ら幕将の率いる幕府歩兵隊、会津藩兵、土方歳三率いる新選組の兵が新政府軍の小火力に敗れた。
    In Toba (the suburbs of Kyoto), the absence of the supreme commander Shigekata TAKENAKA and the escape of Tomoaki TAKIGAWA threw the former Shogunate forces into disarray, and near the magistrate's office in Fushimi, the former Shogunate infantry led by the commanding officers, Nobuhisa SAKUMA and Shigeaki KUBOTA, the soldiers of the Aizu domain, and the Shinsengumi led by Toshizo HIJIKATA, were defeated by the firepower of the rifles in the new government's forces.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 台湾出兵時に西郷従道が装備したガトリング砲も九州へ送られるなど、徴兵で構成された政府軍は精強な薩摩士族相手に戦うために、相当な意気込みを見せたが、一番肝心な歩兵銃の弾薬調達でトラブルが発生していた。
    The government army, which consisted of conscripts, was so enthusiastic about fighting against the powerful band of warrior class in Satsuma that it even sent the Gatling gun that had been equipped by Tsugumichi SAIGO for the Taiwan expedition to Kyushu but had a trouble in the essential matter of supplying ammunition for infantry rifle.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この時期、九州では依然として激戦が続いており、更に1,800万発の調達が必要と見積もられていたこともあって、大量の弾薬在庫が残されていたツンナールを九州に送る案が検討され、実際に和歌山(旧紀州藩)の臨時召集部隊は藩兵時代から使い慣れたツンナール装備のまま九州へ派遣されたほか、大阪鎮台の医歩兵など後方部隊もツンナールを装備して派遣されていた。
    As fierce battles were still fought in Kyushu in this period, the Army Ministry estimated further 18 million rounds of ammunition would be needed and examined a plan of sending Zundnadel guns to Kyushu because it had a great deal of stockpiles of ammunition for the gun; in fact, an emergency call-up troop in Wakayama (former Kishu Domain) was dispatched to Kyushu armed with Zundnadel gun, which they had used when they served for the domain, and a rear unit including medical soldiers in Osaka Garrison were also armed with Zundnadel guns and dispatched.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
