民謡 Minyo (a traditional folk song)
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いなかの民謡 a rustic ditty
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民謡等の舞踊 Buyo for Minyo, etc.
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地方の民謡 in Japan, folk songs originating outside the major capitals
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おけさ節という民謡 a folksong called {'Okesa-bushi'}
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稗搗節という民謡 Japanese folk song called a {"barnyard-grass pounding song"}
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磯節という民謡 A folk song named
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悲しいポルトガルの民謡 a sad Portuguese folksong
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秋田おばこという民謡 a Japanese folk song called 'Akitaobako'
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稲を刈りながら歌う民謡 a folksong that is sung while reaping rice
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祝いの席で歌われる民謡 a folk song sung at a celebration
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大津絵節という民謡 a Japanese folk song of the Edo and Meiji eras of Japan, called 'Ohtue-bushi'
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小切子歌という民謡 a Japanese folk song called {'kokiriko'}
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田植えの時に歌う民謡 a song sung during rice-planting
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大漁節という民謡 a fishermen's folk song called 'tairyo-bushi'
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長持ち歌という民謡 a Japanese folk song called "the Chest-Carrying Song"
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追分節という民謡 a folk song called a {horse driver's song}
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全国各地の民謡に多い。 It is often seen in Minyo (folk songs) of all areas in Japan.
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津軽民謡の伴奏に使用。 It is used to play accompaniment to Tsugaru Minyo (a traditional folk song).
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民謡、土着歌謡、地元の音楽 Folk songs, native vocals and native music - 特許庁
ここで挙げる楽曲は民謡(歌謡民謡を含む)に限定する。 The songs exemplified below aren't limited to folk songs but also include pop tunes.
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日本民謡に興味はありましたか? Are you interested in Japanese folk music?
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それは日本の古い民謡との共通性を持つ。 That has some similarities to old Japanese folk songs.
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それは日本の古い民謡との共通性を持っている。 That has some similarities to old Japanese folk songs.
- Weblio Email例文集
それは日本の古い民謡と共通性を持っている。 That has some similarities to old Japanese folk songs.
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彼らは伝統的な民謡を歌っています。 They are singing traditional folk songs.
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彼らは伝統的な民謡を歌って楽しみます。 They enjoy singing traditional folk songs.
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彼は最も偉大なアメリカの民謡歌手の1人だ。 He is one of the greatest American folksingers.
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ウクライナにはたくさん民謡があるんですね。 There are lots of Ukrainian folk songs. - 時事英語例文集
好きなウクライナ民謡を教えてください。 What is your favorite Ukrainian folk song? - 時事英語例文集
ウクライナ民謡はどんな感じですか? What is Ukrainian folk music like? - 時事英語例文集
民謡の通常の(弱強格の詩)メーター the usual (iambic) meter of a ballad
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民謡で,叙事的な長い詞章をもつ歌 a type of Japanese folk song that has a long epic narration
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民謡などで囃す時に発する語 in Japanese folk songs, a word spoken to keep time
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(民謡や里謡などのメロディーを)楽譜に書きとる to write down a musical note
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大正以後に新たに作られた民謡 a type of folk song, called "modern folk song"
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おもに4句形式からなる日本民謡の曲種 usually consisting of four lines, a type of Japanese folk song
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民謡などのはやしことばとして発する語の一つ in a Japanese folk song, a word used to keep the rhythm
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民謡で,本唄に入る前の唄の部分 a Japanese folk song presented as an introduction to another song
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民謡などで掛け声を掛ける時に発する語 a shout given in a Japanese folk song
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カンツォーネという,イタリアの民謡風歌曲 a song in the style of Italian folk song, called canzone
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歌沢節という,江戸時代に流行した民謡 a kind of popular Japanese ballad {of the Edo period,} called 'utazawa'
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炭坑節(たんこうぶし福岡県民謡) Tanko Bushi (A Folk Tune of a Coal Mine): A folk song in Fukuoka Prefecture
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多くの民謡の伴奏に尺八が使用される。 The shakuhachi is often used to accompany performances of folk songs.
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都々逸、小唄、三味線、尺八、民謡 Dodoitsu (type of Japanese song), Kouta (a ballad sung to shamisen accompaniment), Shamisen (a three-stringed Japanese banjo), Shakuhachi bamboo flute, and Minyo (a traditional folk song)
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朝鮮民謡の主題による変奏曲 Variations with a theme of Korean Folk Song
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全国各地の民謡にこの形式が多い。 Many folk songs around the country adopt this structure.
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