
  • 沿いの道路
    a road along a riverside  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 沿いの氾濫原という地域
    an area along a river, called floodplain  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 河沿いに家が並んでいた
    Houses ranged along the canal. - Eゲイト英和辞典
  • その人たちがゆっくり、河沿いの道を歩く
    Those people slowly walk along the river bank.  - 京大-NICT 日英中基本文データ
  • 「おお、沿いをほんの一足だもの。」
    "O, it's only two steps up the quay."  - James Joyce『死者たち』
  • ボートを引っ張る動物によって使用された運または川沿いの路
    a path along a canal or river used by animals towing boats  - 日本語WordNet
  • 四条通沿いには原町通から続く商店街がある。
    Along Shijo-dori Street, there is a shopping street continuing from Kawaramachi-dori street.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 大運河沿いには,壮麗な教会や宮殿が数多くある。
    There are many magnificent churches and palaces along the Grand Canal.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • 子息の称した稲沢(埼玉県本庄市児玉町稲沢)はその内庄(埼玉県本庄市児玉町内)の中の地名で、内庄の中心から山沿いに沿って北へ移動したところにある。
    Inazawa (Inazawa, Kodamamachi, Honjo City, Saitama Prefecture), which his son used as the surname, was a place in Kawachi no sho manor (Kawachi, Kodamamachi, Honjo City, Saitama Prefecture) and it was located in a northerly direction along the mountain from the center of the manor.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 路線の多くは由良川沿いに敷設されていたが、建設資金の乏しさから川敷を線路用地に使っていた。
    While the line was constructed along the Yura River, its track was laid on the riverbed due to the shortage of construction funds.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • それらの対策には大規模な緑地の保全,沿いや斜面地の緑化,市街地の建物の屋上や壁面の緑化が含まれる。
    These measures include keeping large green areas, planting along rivers and hillsides, and making green spaces on rooftops and along the walls of urban buildings.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • 大永元年(1521年)には駿の今川氏配下の土方城主福島正成を主体とする今川勢が富士川沿いに西郡まで侵攻し甲府へ迫ると、甲府館北東の要害山城へ退き、今川勢を飯田原合戦(甲府市飯田町)、上条原合戦(甲斐市、旧中巨摩郡敷島町)で撃退する。
    In 1521, the force of the Imagawa clan lead by Masashige KUSHIMA, the lord of Hijikata-jo Castle which was governed by the Imagawa clan of Suruga Province, invaded in the western county alongside of the Fuji-gawa River and approached near Kofu, Nobutora backed off to the Yogaiyama-jo Castle in the north east of his residence in Kofu, and defeated the Imagawa at the Battle of Iidakawara (Iida-cho, Kofu City) and the Battle of Kamijokawara (Kai City, former Shikishima-machi, Nakakoma County).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 府道京都広原美山線の大悲山口バス停から東へ徒歩約30分、桂川の源流の1つである寺谷川沿いに峰定寺の仁王門が建つ。
    The Niomon gate of Bujo-ji Temple stands beside the Teratani-gawa River, a source of the Katsura-gawa River, approximately 30 minutes walk east of Daihizan-guchi bus stop on Kyoto Prefectural Route Kyoto- Hirogawara-Miyama Line.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 柏木彦右衛門・瀬左馬之助率いる三成からの援軍を得て同年8月22日、木曽川沿いの米野で老臣百々綱家・大番頭飯沼長資らの2500騎を先鋒とした。
    On September 29 of the same year, he positioned the spearhead with 2,500 horsemen including Tsunaie DODO, the main retainer and Nagasuke IINUMA, the captain of the great guards, along the Kiso-gawa River in Komeno after having a support army from Mitsunari which was led by Hikoemon KASHIWAGI and Hidariuma KAWASE.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 戦局が大きく動いたのは一刻後、淀川沿いに布陣していた池田恒興・池田元助・加藤光泰率いる手勢が、密かに円明寺川を渡して津田信春を奇襲。
    The tide of the battle changed significantly when the units under the direct command of Tsuneoki IKEDA, Motosuke IKEDA and Mitsuyasu KATO positioned along the Yodo-gawa River crossed the Enmyoji-gawa River unnoticed and made a surprise attack on Nobuharu TSUDA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 陸軍第16師団の設置に伴い、直違橋通(本町通(京都))沿いにも師団司令部などの軍の施設が位置することになり、師団街道と直違橋通を結ぶために琵琶湖疏水(鴨川運)と京阪電車を橋によって越える3つの東西の道路が陸軍によって敷設された。
    With the establishment of Dai Juroku Shidan (16th division) of the Imperial Japanese Army, military facilities were established along Sujikaibashi-dori Street (Honmachi-dori Street) and as a result three east-west roads were built by the Army to connect Shidan-kaido Road and Sujikaibashi-dori Street through bridges over the Biwako Sosui (channel) (Kamo-gawa Canal) and the Keihan Electric Railway,  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 京都府北部、福知山市の福知山駅から加佐郡大江町(京都府)(現在は福知山市の一部)の守駅(現在の北近畿タンゴ鉄道北近畿タンゴ鉄道宮福線大江駅(京都府)近傍)までを由良川沿いに結ぶ鉄道を運営していた。
    The company operated a railway line that ran along the Yura River from the Fukuchiyama Station located in Fukuchiyama City, the northern part of Kyoto Prefecture, to the Komori Station (near the Oe Station (Kyoto Prefecture) of Kitakinki Tango Railway Miyafuku Line operated by Kitakinki Tango Railway) located in Oe Town, Kasa County (Kyoto Prefecture) (a part of Fukuchiyama City at present).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 8月15日、堺(現在の堺市堺区栄橋町1丁の土居川沿い、当地に堺事件の碑とならんで「天誅組上陸地」の碑が建てられている)に到着した同志一行(以降、天誅組と記す)は翌16日払暁に高野街道を通って内国をめざし、大阪狭山市に入った。
    On September 27, the party arrived at Sakai (along the Doi-gawa River the monument, 'The Landing Place of Tenchu-gumi' stands side by side with the monument of Sakai Incident; the place is present-day 1-cho, Sakaebashi-cho, Sakai Ward, Sakai City) (hereafter the party of comrades is to be written as Tenchu-gumi); on the dawn of the following day (September 28) Tenchu-gumi passed through Koya-kaido Road and entered Sayama City of Osaka aiming at Kawachi Province.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
