
  • -「天明屋尚と暁斎展」河鍋暁斎記念美術館(埼玉)
    Tenmyouya Hisashi to Kyosai ten (Exhibition of Hisashi TENMYOUYA and Kyosai) ' at Kawanabe Kyosai Memorial Museum (Saitama)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 河鍋暁斎とは、ともに歌川国芳に師事した兄弟弟子。
    He studied under Kuniyoshi UTAGAWA, and Kyosai KAWANABE was one of his fellow pupils.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、河鍋暁斎のような狩野派の画家から浮世絵を描くものも登場する。
    Also, some artists of the Kano school, including Kyosai KAWANABE, started drawing Ukiyoe.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 有名な妖怪を描いた絵師に歌川国芳、月岡芳年、河鍋暁斎、葛飾北斎などがいる。
    Famous painters who drew yokai include Kuniyoshi UTAGAWA, Yoshitoshi TSUKIOKA, Kyosai KAWANABE and Hokusai KATSUSHIKA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 「画聖」雪舟、「画狂」葛飾北斎、「画鬼」河鍋暁斎に続くべく、自ら「画強」と名乗る。
    With the intention of following 'Gasei (painting saint)' Sesshu, 'Gakyo (painting lunatic)' Hokusai KATSUSHIKA, and 'Gaki (painting demon)' Kyosai KAWANABE, he called himself 'Gakyo (painting strength).'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 仮名垣魯文が風刺した漫画(河鍋暁斎筆)を「歌舞伎新報」に掲載させて批判し問題となった。
    The cartoon (drawn by Kyosai KAWANABE), which criticized the play, was published by Robun KANAGAKI in `Kabuki Shinpo' (Kabuki Newspaper), and caused controversy.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 国芳には多くの門弟がおり、「最後の浮世絵師」と呼ばれた月岡芳年や、幕末から明治前期に活躍した異色の画家・河鍋暁斎も国芳に弟子入りしたことがあった。
    Kuniyoshi had many disciples, including Yoshitoshi TSUKIOKA who was called 'The last Ukiyo-e painter', and Kyosai KAWANABE, a unique painter who was active from the end of Edo Period through to the early Meiji Period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、五幕目の死神は、歴代菊五郎のお家芸というべき怪談物を意識したもので、幼少のころ見た祖父の三代目菊五郎の死神を再現しようと、河鍋暁斎、大蘇芳年ら画家らの意見をもとに作り上げた。
    Further, the Shinigami (The Death-God) in Act Five was intended for Kaidanmono (a ghost [horror] story) which may be said as specialty of succesive Kikugoro, and Kikugoro V tried to reproduce Shinigami that he had seen his grandfather, Kikugoro III perform when he was a child, and he produced it on the basis of opinions from artists such as Kyosai KAWANABE and Yoshitoshi TAISO.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
