
  • 泣く泣く
    with tears  - 日本語WordNet
  • 泣く泣く
    tearfully  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 泣く泣く故郷を離れた
    I left my beloved home with sorrow  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 泣く泣く故郷を離れた
    I tore myself from my beloved home.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 泣く泣く葬式をすました
    We buried him with an aching heart.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 彼女は泣く泣く一人娘を手放した
    She parted with her only daughter in bitterness of heart.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 先週あたりも誘ってくれていたが、夜が遅いので、泣く泣く断った。
    I was invited last week as well, but it was late so I regretfully turned them down. - Tatoeba例文
  • 先週あたりも誘ってくれていたが、夜が遅いので、泣く泣く断った。
    I was invited last week as well, but it was late so I regretfully turned them down.  - Tanaka Corpus
  • そのため、とうてい逃れることはできまいと泣く泣く敦盛を討ち取った。
    Therefore, Naozane then tearfully killed Atsumori because Naozane thought that Atsumori would not be able to escape.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 乳母は通盛の鎧を亡骸に着せて、泣く泣く小宰相を海に沈めて葬った。
    The nanny invested her body with the armor of Michimori and sank it in the sea with tears.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 今晩の楽しい飲み会のお誘いをいただいたが、明日の会議はベストな状態で臨みたいので、泣く泣く断った。
    I got an invitation to a party tonight that I know would be a lot of fun but I have to be in my best form for tomorrow's meeting so I had to turn it down. - Tatoeba例文
  • 今晩の楽しい飲み会のお誘いをいただいたが、明日の会議はベストな状態で臨みたいので、泣く泣く断った。
    I got an invitation to a party tonight that I know would be a lot of fun but I have to be in my best form for tomorrow's meeting so I had to turn it down.  - Tanaka Corpus
  • 一人髭黒の可愛がっていた娘(真木柱)だけは父の帰りを待つと言い張ったが、別れの歌を邸の柱に残して泣く泣く連れられていった。
    The daughter (Makibashira), whom Higekuro loved, declared that she would wait for her father alone, but was taken away crying, and left a poem of farewell on the pillar in the residence.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 是非もないと弥十郎はカキツバタの葉を池に浮かべ「君は船、臣は水」と忠義を説きさもなくば自身が腹を切るとの覚悟に皐月は泣く泣く従う。
    Yajuro, being unable to refuse, explains to Satsuki what fidelity is, floating a leaf of Japanese iris on a pond and saying, 'a lord is a ship, a vassal is water,' and Satsuki, knowing that he is prepared to commit seppuku if she refuses, obeys him in tears.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 徳子は落魄した身を恥じらいながらも、泣く泣く法皇と対面して、「太政大臣清盛の娘と生まれ、国母となり、わたしの栄耀栄華は天上界にも及ぶまいと思っていましたが、やがて木曾義仲に攻められて都落ちし京を懐かしみ悲しみました。
    Although Tokuko ashamed her appearance after she fell on hard times, she met with the Cloistered Emperor in tears, and said, 'I was born as a daughter of the Grand Minister, TAIRA no Kiyomori, and once called the mother of the Emperor, I thought my days in glory would even reach heaven, but soon after Yoshinaka KISO's attack, I had to leave Kyoto and I was feeling sad missing Kyoto.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 承和7年(840年)に淳和上皇が危篤となり、兄の嵯峨天皇や仁明天皇に遠慮して「自分の遺骨を散骨して、この世に野心を残していないことを示して欲しい」と遺言すると、吉野は必死に押し留めようとしたが、間もなく上皇が崩御すると、吉野は泣く泣くその指示を実行したという。
    Reportedly, when the Retired Emperor Junna fell into critical condition in 840 and expressed his dying wish out of consideration for feeling of his elder brother, the Emperor Saga and the Emperor Ninmyo 'Please scatter my ashes to show that I leave no ambition in this world,' Yoshino desperately tried to stop him but, after the Retired Emperor died before long, he tearfully executed the instruction.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
